Merge duplicate patient data

After you register a patient or they register themselves, you may want to check for duplicate accounts. For example, if patients add themselves twice and many fields look similar (same name, email address, and birthday), the system registers it as a possible duplicate.


The system can also check for duplicate patient when you upload a file with account details on multiple patients. For more information on checking for duplicates during bulk upload, see Upload data on patients, groups, locations, or users in bulk.
You can review the duplicate data side-by-side and determine if you want to keep it, delete the duplicate, or merge the accounts into one.
To review duplicate patient data in the system:
  1. Select the Administration tab.
  2. Select Possible Duplicate Registrants to open the Duplicate Registrants page. You see a list of duplicate patient accounts listed (if any).


    If necessary, enter a first name, last name, or both in the Search field to locate an account.
  3. Select the arrow next to the name of the account you want to review. You see the target patient details with a list of one or more accounts that look like duplicates.
  4. From the Please select a source patient to compare section, select the arrow next to the name of the duplicate account that you want to compare with the target account.
  5. Scroll down the page to view the matched areas of the account. For example, you see the same phone number and email address. You also see areas where the information differs.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • If the accounts are not duplicates, select Patients are Different. When prompted, select OK for the system to no longer see the accounts as duplicates. You completed the procedure.
    • If the account looks like a true duplicate, select the correct information in the different listed areas. For example, if you see two dates of birth, select the correct one. Then select Next.
  7. Review the Merge From Source Patient and Into Target Patient information. For example, you can compare the relationships, upcoming appointments, procedures, and past and canceled appointments.
  8. Select Next. When ready, select Merge Patients. Then select OK to confirm that you want to merge the data into one account. The system returns to the Duplicate Registrants page and you see a "Patient successfully merged" message at the top of the page.


    If you want to reverse the merge of the accounts, select the Patient Merge History tab. You can select the account you want to separate from the Merged list by selecting the arrow next to the account name and selecting Unmerge. Select OK to confirm that you want the accounts separated. Unmerged accounts appear listed in the Unmerged section of the Patient Merge History tab.
If the system found more than one duplicate for an account, repeat steps 2-8 to continue merging the duplicate information into one account.