Manage inventory details

Administrators can add details on the manufacturer, product, and lot number before patients arrive for appointments to ensure the accuracy of vaccine details that healthcare workers record. For example, after setting up these details, healthcare workers see the Lot Number, Lot Expiration Date, and Dose ML fields automatically populate.

A system administrator or location administrator performs this task.
To set up the inventory details:
  1. Select the Administration from the Home tab.
  2. Select Inventory Management to open the Inventory Management page. The left panel shows current manufacturers, product categories, primary diseases, and active or inactive status (if any entered). You can select the check boxes to search for what you want to review.


    You can also select View Manufacturers from the right to see the current list in the system. From there, you can select View Products to see the current products.
  3. To add a manufacturer, select Add Manufacturer to open the Manufacturer page. Enter the name in the Manufacturer Name field. Then enter the MVX code in the MVX field and select Create. The system returns to the Inventory Management page and you see a "Manufacturer Processed" message at the top of the tab.


    See the following steps if you need to add the product and lot number. Otherwise, you completed the procedure.
  4. To add a product, select Add Product to open the Product Details page. Enter at least the required information in the Product Details, Dosage, and Disease Coverage fields. For example, you can select the Administered Route you want to use for the product in the Administered Route drop-down menu. This shows the recommended route you want used when healthcare workers administer this product. Select Create. The system returns to the Inventory Management page and you see a "Product Processed" message at the top of the tab. See the following step if you need to add the lot number. Otherwise, you completed the procedure.
  5. To add the lot number, select Add Lot Number to open the Add lot details page. Enter the name in the Product Name field. All the remaining fields populate (if you chose an existing manufacturer and product). Enter the lot number (up to 15 alphanumeric characters), use the calendar icon to enter the expiration date, and select Add Lot. You see a "Lot added successfully" message at the top of the page.


    The system checks for valid lot numbers. You must enter a valid one or you cannot save your inventory details.
  6. If you need to add another lot number for another product, select Add Lot again and repeat step 5. Otherwise, select Next. You see the lot details with all the information on the manufacturer and product. Select Active to activate the product.
  7. Select Done.