Hide or show locations to book appointments

If you need to restrict the number of appointments patients can book at a location, you can hide the location from Patient Portal users when you create or edit a location. Administrators and check-in agents can still see the location, but Patient Portal users cannot access it for appointments.

A system administrator or location administrator performs this task.
To reduce the appointment capacity:
  1. Select the Locations from the Home tab.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to add a location, select Add Location from the top-right of the tab. This opens the Add Location page. (Required fields show a red upper-left corner.)
    • If you want to edit a location, select the name of the location you need to edit from the lists of locations (alphabetically listed). This opens the schedule for the location. (If necessary, you can search for the location by entering the location name or address in the Search field.) Then select Edit Location from the top-right of the page to open the locations details page.
  3. Do one of the following at the Consumer Visible option:
    • Select Yes to make the location visible to Patient Portal users. Once visible, patients can book appointments there. The Locations tab also lists the location with a CONSUMER VISIBLE label for administrators and staff workers to see that patients can see this location.
    • Select No to hide the location from patients. If you hide the location, Patient Portal users cannot see the location as a place to book an appointment.
  4. Make any other necessary changes.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • If you added a location, select Add Location. You see a "Location added" message in the banner. The Location tab now shows details on the location you just added with the current calendar.
    • If you made changes to a location, select Apply Changes to return to the location schedule page.