Oracle Health Immunization Management users

Oracle Health Immunization Management gets used by a variety of users. And, their role in the system determines what options they can access. For example, administrators can access all the options in the system, but check-in agents see a limited number of options.

You can assign the roles in the way that works for your organization. For example, if you have a large administrative team, you can assign each role to different people. Or, if you have a small and specialized core team responsible for everything, you can add everyone as system administrators. Then, they can access all the options in the system.

See the following table for details on the different users in Oracle Health Immunization Management. For details on permissions for each role, see Roles and permissions.

Type of user Description
Administrator (system or location)

Works at a lab or testing location and performs administrative tasks, such as adding the locations that offer medical processes, adding users, and creating schedules for each location. System administrators can make updates to the entire system and work with the Oracle Customer Success manager to configure the system. Location administrators manage locations and their schedules.

Check-in agent

Checks in patients when they arrive for their appointments. These users verify the identity of the patient before they see a healthcare worker. They may also provide the patient with a specimen label.

Help Desk agent

Helps patients register for appointments and answer questions about their appointments.

Healthcare worker

Meets with the patient to administer the vaccine or test and process the medical record. They may also function as part of the check-in staff.


Registers themselves in the system for a medical appointment (if allowed). You do not assign a role to a patient. Once registered, patients manage limited data in Oracle Health Immunization Management. However, if your system sends the health check survey, patients can register for a health check survey after receiving a vaccination to send health updates to Oracle Health Immunization Management.