Roles and permissions

Your role determines what tasks you can perform in Oracle Health Immunization Management.

For more details on the permissions allowed for your role, see the following table. (See Oracle Health Immunization Management users for more details on the available roles.)


Oracle Health Immunization Management works with an application used by patients called Oracle Health Immunization Management Patient Portal. Patients can only use Oracle Health Immunization Management Patient Portal to register their account, schedule their own appointments, update their profile details, and complete surveys (if available). They cannot use the main Oracle Health Immunization Management application used by administrators, Help Desk agents, check-in agents, and healthcare workers. But, if patients change their profile details or appointments in Patient Portal, it impacts the data in Oracle Health Immunization Management.

Table 1-2 Roles and permissions

Role Register patients Make or change appointments Update patient data Check in patients Vaccinate or test patients Manage users for a location Manage schedules for a location Upload bulk data Manage registrant groups
Administrator (minimum two per organization) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Location administrator (minimum two per location) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Help Desk agent Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No
Check-in agent Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Healthcare worker No No No No Yes No No No No