System configuration

Before you start using Oracle Health Immunization Management, administrators meet with their Oracle Customer Success manager to configure the system based on their requirements. These decisions impact what the users see in the application and what patients see when they register or view their profile.

For example, administrators can choose the name they want shown in the product banner, enable self-registration for patients, and include the ability to send surveys. If you want to make any changes after your Customer Success manager implements your requests, you must contact your Oracle Customer Success manager and request new changes.

Each system requires the following field information for your organization:
  • Name
  • Country code
  • Country
  • Time zone
  • Welcome message (seen by patients when they begin the self-registration process, if allowed)
  • Point of contact

For more details on what you can configure through your Oracle Customer Success manager, see the following table.

Table 1-3 Field Configurations through Oracle Customer Success

Oracle Health Immunization Management Configurable Fields or Features Description with option to Configure, Activate, or Deactivate
Custom Names/Application Name Application name displayed in banner (custom).
Custom Names/Rename Appointments References to "Appointments" displayed throughout the application (customize).
Custom Names/Rename Procedures Name of the medical procedure displayed when a healthcare worker processes a patient (customize). For example, a medical procedure may use the name of the vaccine.
Self Registration Patients can use options to register for their own appointments (activate or deactivate).
Upload Data/Upload Users and Groups/Upload Patients Administrators can upload data (such as locations), users and groups, and patient data in bulk (activate or deactivate).
Survey System can send survey to patients on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to gather health updates after vaccination (activate or deactivate).
Patient Profile Attributes/Gender Patient registration form includes a drop-down field for gender (customize, activate, or deactivate).
Patient Profile Attributes/Ethnicity Patient registration form includes a drop-down field for ethnicity (customize, activate, or deactivate).
Patient Profile Attributes/Biological Sex Patient registration form includes a drop-down field for biological sex (customize, activate, or deactivate).
Patient Profile Attributes/Race Patient registration form includes a drop-down field for race (customize, activate, or deactivate).
Patient Profile Attributes/Middle Name Patient registration form includes a field for middle name (activate or deactivate).
Groups Administrators can create or manage groups (activate or deactivate). For example, you may add a group that belongs to a group type of School or Vaccination Cohort. A school group belongs to a particular school, such as a college. A vaccination cohort group consists of people with something in common. For example, the group consists of adults 16-49 years old, front line healthcare workers, or people at a correctional center.
Cohort Patient registration form includes a drop-down field to select their group, if groups allowed (customize, activate, deactivate). For example, an administrator may create a cohort called Vaccination Cohort for healthcare workers.
Procedure Self Reporting Patients can update past procedures in their profile (activate or deactivate).
Contact Methods/Contact via SMS Patients see a field to enter their cell phone number when they register to use SMS (text message) as the preferred contact method (activate or deactivate).


If your organization uses Oracle Healthcare Notifications Cloud Service with a subscription for a specific number of SMS notification messages, you can track your subscription usage through a report in Oracle Analytics. For more information, see the Oracle Health Immunization Management Analytics Guide.
Contact Methods/Contact via Email Patients sees a field to enter their email address when they register as the preferred contact method (activate or deactivate).
Contact Methods/Contact via Phone Patients sees a field to enter their phone number when they register as the preferred contact method (activate or deactivate).
Contact Methods/No Contact Method Patients see a field to select "no contact method" (activate or deactivate).
Appointments/Walk-In Appointments Users can schedule walk-in appointments for patients (activate or deactivate).


If you deactivate this feature, you must rely on patient self-registration. Ensure that you activated Self Registration (if not done already).
Appointments/Appointment Scheduling Users (or patients) can schedule appointments after selecting an active location (activate or deactivate).
Manufacturer Administrator sees a field to specify the vaccine or test manufacturer (activate or deactivate). Check-in agents also see this field, if available.
Manufacturer Products Administrator sees a field to associate vaccine or test product with the manufacturer with the ability to build a list (activate or deactivate). Check-in agents also see this field with a drop-down menu, if available.


This guides includes details on main tasks using the default settings. Your version of Oracle Health Immunization Management may not include some of the options or use different names, depending on what you deactivated or changed.