Fixed in this release

The following table includes the 14.0 fix for Oracle Health Immunization Management and Oracle Health Immunization Management Patient Portal.

Table 1-2 Fixed 14.0 issue

Number Category Description
HCOHMS-4510 Procedure details For procedures where you need to select Unable to Administer, Oracle Health Immunization Management now requires you to enter a reason in the Reason for not administering section. If necessary, you can add notes in the Notes section, but they are not required.
HCOHMS-7074 REST API The GET method for the /v1/registrants endpoint now contains an external_id parameter. This parameter enforces a uniqueness constraint when you query on registrant data.
HCOHMS-7098 REST API When you create a new registrant using the POST method for the /v1/registrants endpoint, if you provide an invalid parameter value for document_type, the system now returns an HTTP 500 internal server error.
HCOHMS-7104 REST API The GET method for the /v1/lookups endpoint now returns an active flag for each individual code in a list of values.