Patient Administration 24.1.5 (August 21, 2024)

The following solution changes are available with this release.

Solution Change Description and UI Impact Reference Materials Validation Guidelines Implementation and Maintenance Impact

During self-check-in, the correct link is now sent to patients.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the correct self-check-in link is sent to patients.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


During self-registration, the correct link is now sent to patients.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

None Verify that the correct self-registration link is sent to patients.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


During self-registration, you now can select Self as the policy holder.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Appointment Check In Verify that you can select Self as the policy holder during self-registration.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you edit a patient, the driver's license is now cleared.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the driver's license is cleared when you edit a patient.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You now can schedule an appointment when portal enrollment is enabled.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Appointment Schedule Verify that you can schedule an appointment when portal enrollment is enabled.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You now can successfully send a portal enrollment email.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Appointment Schedule Verify that you can send a portal enrollment email.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


An error is no longer displayed when you select View Details in the Portal Enrollment section.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that you can select View Details in the Portal Enrollment section.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you self-register, the SMS template is now displayed correctly.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the SMS template is displayed correctly after you self-register.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you attempt to schedule an appointment, and no time slots are available, an internal error is no longer generated.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that you can complete the scheduling process when no time slots are available.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


An error is no longer displayed if you perform an appointment specialty search.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that you can perform an appointment specialty search.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


An error is no longer displayed on the patient forms page while checking in a minor.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that no errors are displayed on the patient forms page when you check in a minor.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You can now remove an additional provider after adding them.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that if you add an additional provider in error, you can remove them.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The encounter ID now can be used to retrieve insurance allocation information.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Financial Responsibility at the Encounter Level Verify that you can successfully complete the workflows in the Reference Materials.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


In the duplicate check drawer, the email address is now displayed in the correct field.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the email address is correctly displayed in the duplicate check drawer.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


In a recurring monthly block, the last instance is now correctly displayed as Last.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the last instance in a recurring monthly block is displayed correctly.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You can now successfully update resource blocks.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Block Management Verify that you can successfully update resource blocks.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you patch a reason code, the display value is no longer required.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Block Management Verify that when you patch a reason code, the display value is no longer required.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You now can successfully cancel future or past appointments.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Appointment Cancellation Verify that you can successfully cancel appointments for future and past dates.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The default organization no longer is displayed across a logical domain.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that default organizations are only displayed where expected.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The appropriate provider templates now are displayed in the Calendar view.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the expected provider templates now are displayed in the Calendar view.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you schedule an appointment for an existing patient that is within three days of the current date, the patient intake notification now is correctly sent to the patient.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that notifications are correctly sent to patients when you schedule an appointment within three days of the current date.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Providers now are available as expected on the Provider list when you schedule an appointment.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that providers are now displayed correctly when you schedule an appointment.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You now can successfully update a resource block.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Block Management Verify that you can successfully complete the workflows in the Reference Materials.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You now can schedule an appointment without a value for appointment reason.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Appointment Schedule Verify that you can successfully complete the workflows in the Reference Materials.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Unsupported slots in resource schedules now are filtered out.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that only supported slots in resource schedules are displayed.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


HIPAA auditing for listing appointments now functions correctly.

No UI impact.

None No validation testing is provided because the solution change contains updates not visible to users. As part of your regression testing, ensure that your system is working as expected.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The correct data now is hidden based on appointment restriction settings.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that appointment information is correctly hidden when restrictions are applied.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


A box now is displayed for appointment reasons and comments.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that boxes are now displayed for appointment reasons and comments.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The OK to SMS button now is consistently displayed in the UI.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the OK to SMS button is now correctly displayed.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The Patient Home Address - Make Default Mailing Address option is no longer displayed in the Edit Patient workflow.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that this option is no longer displayed in the Edit Patient workflow.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The Calendar view now is correctly displayed.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the Calendar view now is correctly displayed.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


In the manual scheduling workflow, an error message no longer is displayed when you select the Calendar view.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that you can successfully select the Calendar view while manually scheduling an appointment.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You can no longer enter a future date on the MSP Questionnaire.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that you can no longer enter future dates in the MSPQ.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


For reschedule and cancel actions, the date and time of the rescheduled or canceled appointment now are correctly displayed.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that dates and times of rescheduled or canceled appointments now are correctly displayed.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The registration date and time values are now updated to reflect the check-in workflow.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that registration date and time values now are correctly updated after you check in a patient.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you add a Social Security number when editing a patient, the value now is displayed consistently and as expected.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that Social Security number values are consistently displayed after you edit a patient.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you reschedule or cancel an appointment, the available reasons now are correctly displayed on the associated lists.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that cancel or reschedule reasons are correctly listed on the associated lists.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you add a policy in an encounter-related workflow, the policy is now allocated to the active encounter.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that new policies are automatically allocated to the active encounter.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


In Patient Tracker, encounter comments now are associated with the correct patient.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that encounter comments now are correctly displayed.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Encounter details are now correctly displayed on the Visit Information page.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that encounter details are now correctly displayed on the Visit Information page.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You now can successfully schedule an appointment.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Appointment Schedule Verify that you can successfully complete the workflows in the Reference Materials.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you view all appointments from the patient profile, the tooltip wording for the appointment state is now displayed correctly.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that tooltip wording for the appointment state is now displayed correctly in the patient profile.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When the system performs a duplicate check using a combination of values not including Social Security number (for example, date of birth and phone number) and you select Access Profile on the duplicate person, the system now correctly opens the patient profile.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the patient profile opens when you select Access Profile on a duplicate person.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you select the Inquiry Details link, the system now functions as expected.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the Inquiry Details link now functions successfully.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The Check Eligibility button now functions as expected.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the Check Eligibility button now functions as expected.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You now can allocate encounter-level details after you run eligibility at the patient level.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Eligibility Management Verify that you can successfully complete the workflows in the Reference Materials.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The financial clearance service is no longer returning errors.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the financial clearance service now functions as expected.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Date of birth discrepancies are now displayed in the correct format.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that date of birth discrepancies now are displayed correctly.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Saved discrepancies now are correctly displayed in the response summary.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that saved discrepancies now are displayed correctly in the response summary.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Check-in notifications now are correctly displayed.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that check-in notifications now are correctly displayed.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When the system calls the location service, an error is no longer generated.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that when the system calls the location service, the system functions as expected.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Proper support for task 170003 now is provided.

No UI impact.

None No validation testing is provided because the solution change contains updates not visible to users. As part of your regression testing, ensure that your system is working as expected.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The registration service is no longer returning service errors.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the registration service no longer returns service errors.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


An error no longer occurs when a practitioner ID is validated.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that practitioner IDs now are validated successfully.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Appointment history now only lists events and actions specific to Oracle Health Patient Administration.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that events and actions in the appointment history now are displayed as expected and are specific to Oracle Health Patient Administration.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Duplicate keys in the scheduling service API no longer generate errors.

No UI impact.

None No validation testing is provided because the solution change contains updates not visible to users. As part of your regression testing, ensure that your system is working as expected.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


HIPAA auditing for adding and modifying encounters now functions correctly.

No UI impact.

None No validation testing is provided because the solution change contains updates not visible to users. As part of your regression testing, ensure that your system is working as expected.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you reschedule an appointment from a canceled appointment in Patient Tracker, the appointment is now successfully saved and scheduled.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Appointment Reschedule Verify that you can successfully complete the workflows in the Reference Materials.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Scheduling security related to cancel and reschedule actions now functions correctly.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that scheduling security settings are now correctly reflected in cancel and reschedule actions.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.