Patient Administration 24.1.6 (August 28, 2024)

The following solution changes are available with this release.

Solution Change Description and UI Impact Reference Materials Validation Guidelines Implementation and Maintenance Impact

Filtering options for patient-level insurance policies are now available.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that you can view filtering options for patient-level insurance policies.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The Encounter Number value in the appointment summary now is displayed correctly.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the Encounter Number value in the appointment summary now displays the financial ID rather than the encounter ID.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you add a new policy in the Encounter workflow, the policy is now correctly allocated to the encounter.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Manage Financial Responsibility at the Encounter Level Verify that when you add a new policy in the Encounter workflow, the policy is now correctly allocated to the encounter.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Users can no longer open encounters in organizations to which they should not have access.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that you cannot open encounters in organizations to which you do not have access.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The portal enrollment email template now is displayed correctly.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the portal enrollment email template is displayed correctly, and does not address the patient multiple times.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When the system checks for overlapping blocks, the resultant message now is displayed correctly.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that when the system checks for overlapping blocks, the resultant message now is displayed correctly.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


Appointment cancellation reasons and resource block creation reasons now are correctly displayed.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that when you cancel an appointment or create a resource block, you can successfully select reasons for these actions.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The date and time format for appointments is now consistent across all notifications.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the date and time format on appointment notifications is consistent.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you reschedule an appointment, the updated time now is correctly displayed only on the most recent event in the log.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that updated appointment times now are only displayed on the most recent scheduling event.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


An exception is no longer generated when you search for an insurer during the financial clearance workflow.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Manage Eligibility in Oracle Health Patient Administration Verify that an exception is no longer generated when you search for an insurer during the financial clearance workflow.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The system now functions correctly when you search appointment types.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that no performance issues are present when you search appointment types.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you perform a No Show or Undo No Show action, the related reasons and comments now are retained.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that comments and reason values are retained when you perform No Show or Undo No Show actions.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


You now can no longer check in an appointment without an associated encounter.

UI Impact: Workflow (Automatic)

Check In an Appointment in Oracle Health Patient Administration Verify that you cannot check in an appointment without an associated encounter.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


When you schedule an appointment and no appointment results are found, the screen reader now reads the result correctly.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the screen reader correctly reads the No Results Found message when you attempt to schedule an appointment and no results are found.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


In the self-registration workflow, the mobile phone number value is no longer required.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the mobile phone number value is no longer required in the self-registration workflow.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.


The Feedback tool in the UI is now updated to read Support Request.

UI Impact: Visual Only

None Verify that the Feedback tool now is updated to read Support Request.

No implementation impact.

No maintenance impact.