Download a Health Record

You can view and download all or parts of a health record to your device. The health record will be condensed and presented as a Continuity of Care Document (CCD). You can choose to download the CCD in PDF or XML format.

  • XML: Download as a machine readable CCD that can be uploaded to a health record system or given to doctors requesting this format. A CCD is a health record document standard used by U.S. healthcare organizations for sharing electronic health records. The XML format is typically used by physicians or specialists to share health record information between hospitals to give them a detailed understanding of current health and health history.
  • PDF: Download as a PDF file that you can save, print, or view on most computers and smartphones.
To download a health record:
  1. From the User (Switch Profile) menu, select Download Record.
  2. Select the file size:
    1. Entire Record: Send your entire record.
    2. Partial Record: Choose which visits (also called encounters) you want to download.
      • Select Date Range.
      • Select or enter the start date and end date.
      • Select Apply. The list of encounters is updated to a limited number based on the date range you selected.
    3. Select the check boxes next to each encounter you want to include.
  3. Select Download. If individual encounters were selected, an XML and PDF file are downloaded for each encounter. If the encounter record was selected, an XML and PDF file are downloaded for the entire record.