
Patient Portal now supports the removal of authorized representative connections. Authorized representatives are now unable to review test results or vital signs for any patients whose age is below the configured age.

Solution Change Description and UI Impact Reference Materials Validation Guidelines Implementation and Maintenance Impact
Confidentiality - Allow Users to Request Authorized Representative Removal (HLG2-2074)

Patient Portal supports requests for removal of an authorized representative made by patients.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic): Patient Portal users can use the secure messaging feature to send their provider a request to remove connection to an authorized representative.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Sending and Receiving Messages topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Verify that authorized representatives who have been removed from a patient's account connections can no longer view that patient's account.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Confidentiality - Health Record Data Blocking - Configuration (HLG2-2703)

Test results and vital signs are not displayed to authorized representatives (also called proxy users) when a patient's age is over the configured sensitivity age.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic): The Test Results and Vital Signs sections of the health record are restricted, and a message indicating the information is protected is displayed, when the patient's age is below the configured age and the user is not the patient.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Oracle Health Patient Portal Administrative Console User Guide

Viewing, Downloading, and Sending a Health Record in Your Patient Portal

Verify that test results and vital signs are not displayed to an authorized representative for a patient when the appropriate configurations and age qualifiers are applicable.

Implementation Impact (Low): This feature is automatically available to all users but can be optionally turned off. See the Reference Materials for more information.

Maintenance Impact (Low): Optionally, you can use the Oracle Health Patient Portal Administrative Console to configure confidentiality for your organization's preferences and local laws. By default, the age at which minors reach protected status is 13, and the age of emancipation is 18. See the Reference Materials for more information.