Foundation and Infrastructure

Patient Portal now supports configurations made from related configuration tools.

Solution Change Description and UI Impact Reference Materials Validation Guidelines Implementation and Maintenance Impact
Patient Portal Foundation: Millennium EHR Connection (HLG2-2162)

Patient Portal supports electronic health record (EHR) connections and configurations.

No UI impact.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Oracle Health Patient Portal Administrative Console User Guide

Verify that configurations and connections made to EHRs are displayed as expected in Patient Portal.

No implementation impact.

Maintenance Impact (Low): Optionally, you can configure Patient Portal to meet your organization's preferences. See the Reference Materials for more information.

Patient Portal Foundation: User Roles (HLG2-2163)

Patient Portal supports both authenticated and unauthenticated roles for patients. Users who are logged in are able to access the full authenticated Patient Portal experience. Additionally, users are able to access configured Limited-Authentication workflows without logging in.

No UI impact.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Oracle Health Patient Portal Administrative Console User Guide

Verify that authenticated users are able to view and access the full configurations for Patient Portal.

Verify that any patient is able to access a Limited-Authentication workflow.

No implementation impact.

Maintenance Impact (Low): Optionally, you can configure Patient Portal to meet your organization's preferences. See the Reference Materials for more information.