Get a list of medication requests



Retrieves a list of medication requests that meet supplied query parameters.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:


Query Parameters
  • The date and time that should fall within the dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.boundsPeriod when the medication should be given to the patient.
    • Must be provided with a ge prefix to imply the date range for the medications search.
    • The time component is optional.
    Example: -timing-boundsPeriod=ge2014-05-19T20:54:02.000Z
  • The maximum number of results to include on a page.
    Example: _count=50
  • The logical resource ID associated with the resource.
    • This parameter is required if the patient parameter is not used.
    • Must not be provided with any other parameters, except with the _revinclude parameter as indicated below.
    Example: _id=1234
  • The date and time range within which the most recent clinically relevant update was made to the medication.
    • For a single _lastUpdated occurence:
      • Must be provided with a le or ge prefix to imply the date range for the medications search.
      • Example: _lastUpdated=ge2014-05-19T20:54:02.000Z
    • For two _lastUpdated occurences:
      • Must be provided with the le and ge prefixes to search for medications within the given upper and lower timestamps, respectively.
      • Example: _lastUpdated=ge2014-05-19T20:54:02.000Z&_lastUpdated=le2014-05-20T12:00:00.000Z
    • The time component is required.
    Example: _lastUpdated=ge2014-05-19T20:54:02.000Z
  • The Provenance resource entries to be returned as part of the bundle.
    • May be provided once with the Provenance:target value. Example: _revinclude=Provenance:target.
    • May be provided with the _id or patient parameter. Example: _id=74771957,4732066&_revinclude=Provenance:target.
    • When _revinclude is provided in a request to the closed endpoint, the OAuth2 token must include the scope corresponding with the authorization type, such as user/, patient/, or system/
    Example: _revinclude=Provenance:target
  • Whether the medication is an authorization or a medication reported by a patient.
    Example: intent=order,plan
  • The specific patient to return medication requests for. This parameter is required if the _id parameter is not used.
  • The status of the medication. May be a list separated by commas.
    Example: status=active,completed
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example search by patient.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'Bundle',
    'id': 'b630105a-2ec0-4877-8f8c-3b26b53cacd9',
    'type': 'searchset',
    'link': [
        'relation': 'self',
        'url': ''
    'entry': [
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': {
          'resourceType': 'MedicationRequest',
          'id': '313757847',
          'meta': {
            'versionId': '3',
            'lastUpdated': '2020-07-21T01:00:49.000Z'
          'text': {
            'status': 'generated',
            'div': '<div xmlns=\"\"><p><b>Medication Request</b></p><p><b>Status</b>: Active</p><p><b>Intent</b>: Order</p><p><b>Medication</b>: lisinopril-hydroCHLOROthiazide(lisinopril-hydroCHLOROthiazide 10 mg-12.5 mg oral tablet)</p><p><b>Dosage Instructions</b>: 1 tab, Oral, Daily</p><p><b>Patient</b>: PETERS, TIM A</p><p><b>Authored On</b>: Nov 21, 2020  8:59 P.M. UTC</p></div>'
          'extension': [
              'valueCoding': {
                'system': '',
                'code': 'ELECTRONIC',
                'display': 'Electronic'
              'url': ''
              'valueCoding': {
                'system': '',
                'code': 'ELECTRONIC',
                'display': 'Electronic'
              'url': ''
              'valueCodeableConcept': {
                'text': 'Does not need pharmacy verification'
              'url': ''
          'status': 'active',
          'intent': 'order',
          'category': [
              'coding': [
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'inpatient',
                  'display': 'Inpatient',
                  'userSelected': false
          'reportedBoolean': false,
          'medicationCodeableConcept': {
            'coding': [
                'system': '',
                'code': '830261',
                'display': 'Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Vaccine 0.04 MG/ML Injectable Suspension',
                'userSelected': false
                'system': '',
                'code': '19953289',
                'display': 'hepatitis B adult vaccine dialysis 40 mcg/mL intramuscular suspension',
                'userSelected': true
            'text': 'hepatitis B adult vaccine (hepatitis B adult vaccine dialysis 40 mcg/mL intramuscular suspension)'
          'subject': {
            'reference': 'Patient/12724066',
            'display': 'SMART, NANCY'
          'encounter': {
            'reference': 'Encounter/97953477'
          'authoredOn': '2020-07-06T15:37:13.000-05:00',
          'requester': {
            'reference': 'Practitioner/2',
            'display': 'CERNER, CERNER CERNER'
          'courseOfTherapyType': {
            'coding': [
                'system': '',
                'code': '2337',
                'display': 'Physician Stop',
                'userSelected': true
                'system': '',
                'code': 'acute',
                'display': 'Short course (acute) therapy',
                'userSelected': false
            'text': 'Physician Stop'
          'dosageInstruction': [
              'extension': [
                  'valueString': '40 mcg = 1 mL, IM, Once, First Dose: 12/07/16 16:00:00 CST',
                  'url': ''
              'text': '40 mcg = 1 mL, IM, Once',
              'patientInstruction': '1 Milliliters Intramuscular (in a muscle) once. Refills: 0.',
              'timing': {
                'repeat': {
                  'boundsPeriod': {
                    'start': '2020-07-06T16:00:00.000-05:00',
                    'end': '2020-07-06T16:00:00.000-05:00'
                'code': {
                  'coding': [
                      'system': '',
                      'code': '696531',
                      'display': 'Once',
                      'userSelected': true
                  'text': 'Once'
              'route': {
                'coding': [
                    'system': '',
                    'code': '318167',
                    'display': 'IM',
                    'userSelected': true
                    'system': '',
                    'code': '78421000',
                    'display': 'Intramuscular route (qualifier value)',
                    'userSelected': false
                'text': 'IM'
              'doseAndRate': [
                  'doseQuantity': {
                    'value': 1.0,
                    'unit': 'mL',
                    'system': '',
                    'code': 'mL'
          'dispenseRequest': {
            'extension': [
                'valueBoolean': false,
                'url': ''
            'validityPeriod': {
              'start': '2020-07-06T15:37:13.000-05:00'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.

x-with-_revinclude Response

Example search while using the _revinclude parameter.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    "resourceType": 'Bundle',
    "id": '960a7634-8981-437c-bb94-199c767ef1be',
    "type": 'searchset',
    "total": 1,
    "link": [
        "relation": 'self',
        "url": ''
    "entry": [
        "fullUrl": '',
        "resource": {
          "resourceType": 'MedicationRequest',
          "id": '16863377',
          "meta": {
            "versionId": '4',
            "lastUpdated": '2020-08-08T00:21:25.000Z'
          "text": {
            "status": 'generated',
            "div": '<div xmlns=""><p><b>Medication Request</b></p><p><b>Status</b>: Active</p><p><b>Intent</b>: Order</p><p><b>Medication</b>: DOPamine 400 mg [3 mcg/kg/min] + Premix Dextrose 5% in Water 500 mL</p><p><b>Dosage Instructions</b>: 17.55 mL/hr, IV</p><p><b>Patient</b>: ANDERSON, JOHN</p><p><b>Authored On</b>: May  4, 2016  5:25 A.M. CDT</p></div>'
          "contained": [
              "resourceType": 'Medication',
              "id": '21268149',
              "code": {
                "text": 'DOPamine 400 mg [3 mcg/kg/min] + Premix Dextrose 5% in Water 500 mL'
              "ingredient": [
                  "itemCodeableConcept": {
                    "coding": [
                        "system": '',
                        "code": '3628',
                        "display": 'Dopamine',
                        "userSelected": false
                        "system": '',
                        "code": '2756466',
                        "display": 'DOPamine',
                        "userSelected": true
                    "text": 'DOPamine'
                  "strength": {
                    "numerator": {
                      "value": 400,
                      "unit": 'mg',
                      "system": '',
                      "code": 'mg'
                    "denominator": {
                      "value": 500,
                      "unit": 'mL',
                      "system": '',
                      "code": 'mL'
                  "itemCodeableConcept": {
                    "coding": [
                        "system": '',
                        "code": '21268149',
                        "display": 'Premix Dextrose 5% in Water',
                        "userSelected": true
                    "text": 'Premix Dextrose 5% in Water'
                  "strength": {
                    "numerator": {
                      "value": 500,
                      "unit": 'mL',
                      "system": '',
                      "code": 'mL'
                    "denominator": {
                      "value": 500,
                      "unit": 'mL',
                      "system": '',
                      "code": 'mL'
          "extension": [
              "valueCoding": {
                "system": '',
                "code": 'ELECTRONIC',
                "display": 'Electronic'
              "url": ''
              "valueCoding": {
                "system": '',
                "code": 'ELECTRONIC',
                "display": 'Electronic'
              "url": ''
              "valueCodeableConcept": {
                "text": 'Needs pharmacy verification'
              "url": ''
          "status": 'active',
          "intent": 'order',
          "category": [
              "coding": [
                  "system": '',
                  "code": 'inpatient',
                  "display": 'Inpatient',
                  "userSelected": false
          "reportedBoolean": false,
          "medicationReference": {
            "reference": '#21268149',
            "display": 'DOPamine 400 mg [3 mcg/kg/min] + Premix Dextrose 5% in Water 500 mL'
          "subject": {
            "reference": 'Patient/1295925',
            "display": 'ANDERSON, JOHN'
          "encounter": {
            "reference": 'Encounter/2832456'
          "authoredOn": '2016-05-04T05:25:50.000-05:00',
          "requester": {
            "reference": 'Practitioner/2927954',
            "display": 'Arora, Mohit'
          "dosageInstruction": [
              "extension": [
                  "valueString": 'Total Volume (mL): 500, IV, 17.55 mL/hr, Start Date: 05/03/16 0:27:00 CDT',
                  "url": ''
              "text": '17.55 mL/hr, IV',
              "patientInstruction": '17.55 Milliliter/hour Intravenous. Refills: 0.',
              "timing": {
                "repeat": {
                  "boundsPeriod": {
                    "start": '2016-05-03T05:27:00.000-05:00'
              "route": {
                "coding": [
                    "system": '',
                    "code": '318170',
                    "display": 'IV',
                    "userSelected": true
                    "system": '',
                    "code": '47625008',
                    "display": 'Intravenous route (qualifier value)',
                    "userSelected": false
                "text": 'IV'
              "doseAndRate": [
                  "doseQuantity": {
                    "value": 500,
                    "unit": 'mL',
                    "system": '',
                    "code": 'mL'
                  "rateQuantity": {
                    "value": 17.55,
                    "unit": 'mL/hr',
                    "system": '',
                    "code": 'mL/h'
          "dispenseRequest": {
            "extension": [
                "valueBoolean": false,
                "url": ''
            "validityPeriod": {
              "start": '2016-05-04T05:25:50.000-05:00'
        "search": {
          "mode": 'match'
        "fullUrl": '',
        "resource": {
          "resourceType": 'Provenance',
          "id": 'med-13343164',
          "meta": {
            "versionId": '13343164',
            "lastUpdated": '2021-05-27T06:14:27-05:00'
          "text": {
            "status": 'generated',
            "div": '<div xmlns=""><p><b>Provenance</b></p><p><b>Target</b>:</p><ul><li>MedicationRequest/16863377</li></ul><p><b>Recorded</b>: Oct 25, 2019  9:57 A.M. CDT</p><p><b>Agents</b>:</p><dl><dt>Unknown</dt><dd><b>Agent Type</b>: Transmitter</dd><dd><b>Agent Role</b>: Source</dd></dl><p><b>Entity Source</b>: DocumentReference/17255835</p></div>'
          "target": [
              "reference": 'MedicationRequest/16863377'
          "recorded": '2019-10-25T09:57:43-05:00',
          "agent": [
              "type": {
                "coding": [
                    "system": '',
                    "code": 'transmitter'
                "text": 'Transmitter'
              "role": [
                  "coding": [
                      "system": '',
                      "code": 'SOURCE'
                  "text": 'Source'
              "who": {
                "reference": 'Organization/619848',
                "display": 'Unknown'
          "entity": [
              "role": 'source',
              "what": {
                "reference": 'DocumentReference/17255835'
        "search": {
          "mode": 'include'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.

x-with-patient-auth Response

Example search using patient authorization.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'Bundle',
    'id': '40d441d8-d53c-4bd6-b20e-d0c1af3244a3',
    'type': 'searchset',
    'link': [
        'relation': 'self',
        'url': ''
        'relation': 'next',
        'url': ''
    'entry': [
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': {
          'resourceType': 'MedicationRequest',
          'id': '314010287',
          'meta': {
            'versionId': '0',
            'lastUpdated': '2020-07-14T14:45:37.000Z'
          'text': {
            'status': 'generated',
            'div': '<div xmlns=\"\"><p><b>Medication Request</b></p><p><b>Status</b>: Active</p><p><b>Intent</b>: Order</p><p><b>Medication</b>: acetaminophen (acetaminophen 325 mg oral capsule)</p><p><b>Dosage Instructions</b>: 650 mg = 2 cap, Oral, every 4 hr,PRN: as needed for pain, 90 cap, 0 Refill(s)</p><p><b>Patient</b>: SMART, WILMA</p><p><b>Authored On</b>: Jul 14, 2020  2:45 P.M. UTC</p></div>'
          'extension': [
              'valueCoding': {
                'system': '',
                'code': 'ELECTRONIC',
                'display': 'Electronic'
              'url': ''
              'valueCoding': {
                'system': '',
                'code': 'ELECTRONIC',
                'display': 'Electronic'
              'url': ''
          'status': 'active',
          'intent': 'order',
          'category': [
              'coding': [
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'community',
                  'display': 'Community',
                  'userSelected': false
              'coding': [
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'discharge',
                  'display': 'Discharge',
                  'userSelected': false
          'reportedBoolean': false,
          'medicationCodeableConcept': {
            'coding': [
                'system': '',
                'code': '198436',
                'display': 'Acetaminophen 325 MG Oral Capsule'
                'system': '',
                'code': '276230589',
                'display': 'acetaminophen 325 mg oral capsule'
            'text': 'acetaminophen (acetaminophen 325 mg oral capsule)'
          'subject': {
            'reference': 'Patient/12724065',
            'display': 'SMART, WILMA'
          'encounter': {
            'reference': 'Encounter/97953483'
          'authoredOn': '2020-07-14T09:45:15.000-05:00',
          'requester': {
            'reference': 'Practitioner/12732044',
            'display': 'PWMedActionPlan, Physician - Primary Care'
          'courseOfTherapyType': {
            'coding': [
                'system': '',
                'code': '2338',
                'display': 'Soft Stop'
                'system': '',
                'code': 'continuous',
                'display': 'Continuous long term therapy'
            'text': 'Maintenance'
          'dosageInstruction': [
              'text': '650 mg = 2 cap, Oral, every 4 hr, PRN: as needed for pain, 90 cap, 0 Refill(s)',
              'patientInstruction': '2 Capsules Oral (given by mouth) every 4 hours as needed as needed for pain.
              Refills: 0.',
              'timing': {
                'repeat': {
                  'boundsPeriod': {
                    'start': '2020-07-14T09:45:00.000-05:00'
                'code': {
                  'coding': [
                      'system': '',
                      'code': '696547',
                      'display': 'every 4 hr'
                      'system': '',
                      'code': 'Q4H',
                      'display': 'Q4H'
                      'system': '',
                      'code': '225756002',
                      'display': 'Every four hours (qualifier value)'
                  'text': 'every 4 hr'
              'asNeededCodeableConcept': {
                'text': 'as needed for pain'
              'route': {
                'coding': [
                    'system': '',
                    'code': '318185',
                    'display': 'Oral',
                    'userSelected': true
                    'system': '',
                    'code': '26643006',
                    'display': 'Oral route (qualifier value)',
                    'userSelected': false
                'text': 'Oral'
              'doseAndRate': [
                  'doseQuantity': {
                    'value': 2,
                    'unit': 'cap',
                    'system': '',
                    'code': '{Capsule}'
          'dispenseRequest': {
            'extension': [
                'valueBoolean': false,
                'url': ''
            'validityPeriod': {
              'start': '2020-07-14T09:45:15.000-05:00'
            'numberOfRepeatsAllowed': 0,
            'quantity': {
              'value': 90,
              'unit': 'cap',
              'system': '',
              'code': '{Capsule}'
          'substitution': {
            'allowedBoolean': true
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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