7 Safety Setup

The Safety Setup contains all the codes required in Standard Safety Drill and Advance Safety Drill modes. The setup varies depending on the mode defined in Parameter group, Safety, Advance Safety Drill (0=Standard Safety Drill / 1 = Advance Safety Drill).

Safety Setup Type

In below figures, you will see the list of codes available to Standard Safety Drill and Advanced Safety Drill mode.

Below is the function codes available to Standard Safety Drill mode where Parameter, Safety, Advance Safety Drill set to “0”.

Figure 7-1 Standard Safety Drill Setup Codes

This figure shows the Standard Safety Drill Setup Codes.
Below is the function codes available to Advanced Safety Drill mode where Parameter, Safety, Advance Safety Drill set to “1”

Figure 7-2 Advance Safety Drill Setup Codes

This figure shows the Advance Safety Drill Setup Codes.

Table 7-1 Safety Setup Configuration Codes

Function Name Definition

Deck Setup

Define the deck location in Muster Station Setup. Available in Advance Safety Drill.

Fire Zone Setup

Define the Fire Zone for the drill in Muster Station Setup. Available in Advance Safety Drill.

Stair Well Setup

Define the stairwell location in Muster Station Setup. Available in Advance Safety Drill.

Muster Station Setup (definable label - TYP_LBL = SFTMST)

Define the assembly location.

Lifeboat Setup (definable label - TYP_LBL = SFTBOT)

Define the lifeboat or life raft capacity.

Gangway Locations

Define the location of gangway.

Safety Department (definable label - TYP_LBL = SFTDIV)

Define the department responsible for safety for each location.

Safety Group (definable label - TYP_LBL = SFTSGP)

Define the responsibilities and task of each safety group.

Safety Position (definable label - TYP_LBL = SFTCRW)

Define the position of the crew.

Safety Role (definable label - TYP_CLBL = SFTROL)

Define the role of the safety crew.

Safety Function (definable label – TYP_LBL = SFTFCT)

Define the role of crew in command of Survival Craft.

Safety Drill Type

Define the type of drills.

Drill Location

Define the location of the schedule drill. Available in Standard Safety Drill only.

Drill Instructorship

Define the instructor responsible for the scheduled drill. Available in Standard Safety Drill only.

Drill Definition

Definition of drills.

Drill Template Setup

Template for each drill type.

Absence Reason

Absent reason from attending safety drill. Available in Advance Safety Drill only.

Excuse Request Reason

Reason to be excused from attending safety drill. Available in Advance Safety Drill only.

Excuse Unapproved Reason

Reason for not approving the excuse request. Available in Advance Safety Drill only.

Interview Comment

A comment field used during interview as a predefined comment, or you can input using free text. Available in Advance Safety Drill only.

Course & Certificates

Type of Courses and Certification required for each drill type.

Proficiency Level

Proficiency level offered in Courses and Certification.

Accredited Training Centers

Reputable Safety training centres recognized by the ship.

Configuring Safety Codes in Standard Drill

Majority of the setup windows are the same in Standard Safety Drill mode and below are the steps to configure the new codes for Gangway Locations, Safety Department, Safety Group, Safety Position, Safety Role, Safety Function, Safety Drill Type, Drill Location, Drill Instructorship, Course Type and Accredited Training Centers.
  1. From the Safety Setup menu, select the code to configure.
  2. Right-click the blank space on the left and select Add New.
  3. Enter a short code and the name, and further describe the code in the Comments field.
  4. The Enabled field is checked by default. Un-checking the box will disable the code.
  5. Click Apply to save the code.
  6. Right-clicking the code and select Remove will delete the code from the system.

Setting Up Muster Station

A Muster Station is a required field in the Safety Drill setup and this must be setup before you configure any Safety Drill. The layout of the configuration screen differs, depending on the mode setup in Parameter group, Safety, Advance Safety Drill.
  1. From the Safety Setup menu, select Muster Station.
  2. Right-click on the blank space and select Add Muster Station.
  3. Enter a short code, field name and the Capacity allowed.
  4. Select the Lifeboat Type from the drop-down list and insert an Emergency Phone No, if any.
  5. Right-clicking the code and select Copy Muster Station allow you to copy the information and add more codes.
  6. In the Duplicate Muster Station window, enter the Muster Station and description.
  7. Click Apply to save.

    Figure 7-3 Muster Station Setup

    This figure shows the Muster Station Setup window.

Setting Up Lifeboat/Liferaft

A lifeboat/liferaft has a maximum capacity and does require a number of qualified crew to handle them in the event of an emergency.

Figure 7-4 Lifeboat/Liferaft Setup

This figure shows Lifeboat/Liferaft set up window.

Table 7-2 Lifeboat/Liferaft Setup Field Definition

Field Name Description


Short code and description of the lifeboat/liferaft.


The type of lifeboat/liferaft. These codes are predefined and hard coded.

Min. Crew with CPSC Required

Minimum number of CPSC certified crew on lifeboat/liferaft.

Max Capacity

Maximum capacity allowed per lifeboat/liferaft.

Operators/Crew Assigned

Number of crew assigned to this lifeboat/raft.

Max Certified Capacity

Maximum certified capacity of the lifeboat/raft.

Muster Station Raft Crane

Raft crane the lifeboat is assigned to in Muster Station.

Launch Sequence

Launch sequence of the lifeboat.


Additional remarks of the lifeboat.

To setup the codes, repeat steps in Setting Up Muster Station. You can also duplicate an existing Lifeboat code using the same steps.

Setting Up Drill Definition

In the Drill Definition code setup, this is where you defines the type of drills, attendance requirement and identify drills that are Course and Certificate related.

Figure 7-5 Drill Definition Setup

This figure shows the Drill Definition Setup window.
  1. From the Safety Setup menu, select the Drill Definition.
  2. To add a new drill, click Add New.
  3. Select the Status from the drop-down list. and enter the Drill Code and description.
  4. In the Drill Definition section, select the Drill Type from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the Unit of Frequency and Required x Days after embarkation.
  6. Click Save to save the record.
  7. Select the drill and click Modify.
  8. Enter the Location, Instructor, Required Operational Positions and Assigned Manning Number.
  9. At the Location and Instructor section, right-click and select Add New.
  10. Select the location from the drop-down list and enter the comment or function, if any.
  11. At the Required Operational Positions section, right-click and select Add New.
  12. Add a position individually or select Add All to select multiple positions or all.
  13. In the Assigned Manning Number section, repeat step 7 and select Assigned Manning number.

Setting Up Course and Certificates

The Courses and Certificates code allow you to define the type Courses and Certifications required for each drill type, and identify the certificates expiry during on Emergency # (E Number) change.

Figure 7-6 Course and Certificates Setup Window

Course and Certificate screen
  1. Select the Course and Certificates from the Safety Setup menu.
  2. In the Course and Certificate window, click New.
  3. In the Code and Name section, enter the code and the name of the course.
  4. Select the Type and Related to from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the course description, instructor’s name and the training center location.
  6. Select the type of expiration section.
  7. Enter the Minimum Required Per Vessel.
  8. The Active checkbox is checked by default. Un-check if you wish to disable the course.
  9. Check the Priority checkbox if the course is a priority.
  10. Click OK to save the code.

Advance Safety Drill Mode

The Advance Safety Drill mode has more configuration codes in comparison to the Standard Safety Drill mode. Below are the additional codes.
  • Deck Setup

  • Fire Zone Setup

  • Stair Well Setup

  • Absence Reason

  • Excuse Request Reason

  • Excuse Unapprove Reason

  • Interview Comment

These functions is enabled with Parameter, “Safety”,”Advance Safety Drill” set to ‘1’.

The majority of the screen layout and configuration of the codes are the same as Standard Safety Drill mode, with the exception of the below listed codes, which has additional fields or functions. The steps to create these codes are described in the following topic.

  • Muster Station

  • Lifeboat/Liferaft

  • Safety Function

  • Drill Type

  • Drill Definition

  • Drill Template Setup

  • Courses & Certificates

See chapter Configuring Safety Codes in Standard Safety Drill on how to set up new Safety Drill codes

Setting Up Muster Station In Advance Drill Mode

The Muster Station is a required field in the Safety Drill setup and this must be setup before you configure any Safety Drill. The layout of the configuration screen differs from the Standard Safety Drill mode.
  1. From the Safety Setup menu, select Muster Station.
  2. Right-click on the blank space and select Add Muster Station.
  3. Enter a short code, field name and the Capacity allowed.
  4. Select the Lifeboat Type from the drop-down list
  5. In the Location section, check the correct Deck, Fire Zone, Stair Well and Side of the ship for each muster station.
  6. Right-clicking the code and select Copy Muster Station allow you to copy the information and add more codes.
  7. In the Duplicate Muster Station window, enter the Muster Station and description.
  8. Click Apply to save.

    Figure 7-7 Muster Station Setup

    This figure shows the Advance Muster Station Setup window.

Setting Up Lifeboat/Liferaft in Advance Drill Mode

You can define the drills types required based on the rules set forth, and this rule apply to the Training Drills set up that has Apply Training Rule checked.
  1. From the Safety Setup menu, select Safety Drill Type.
  2. Right-click in the blank space and select Add Drill Type.
  3. Enter the short code and description.
  4. Check the Apply Drill Rule checkbox to enable the fields in Drill Rule.
  5. Select the drills required from the drop-down list, enter the number of days after embark, the number of Emergency Attendance (ES) and Muster Attendance (MS) per calendar month.
  6. Check the Apply Training Rule checkbox if the rule applies to Training Drills.
  7. Click Apply to save.

Setting Up Safety Function in Advance Drill Mode

The role of Crew in Command of the Survival Craft is setup here and is required in the Muster List and Drill Template Setup. The layout of the configuration window differs from Standard Safety Drill mode.
  1. From the Safety Setup menu, select the Safety Function.
  2. Right-click in the blank space and then select Add.
  3. Enter a short code, description and comments, if any.
  4. Select the Commander/2nd Commander checkbox if needed.
  5. Click Apply to save the code

Setting Up Drill Type

The Safety drill type defines the type of drills required based on the rules set forth, and the rules is applicable to Training Drills if the Apply Training Rule is checked.

Figure 7-8 Drill Type Setup

This figure shows the setup window of Drill Type in Advance Safety Drill Mode.
  1. From the Safety Setup, select the Safety Drill Type.
  2. Right-click the All Drill Type section and select Add Drill Type.
  3. Enter a code and description in the Description field.
  4. Check the Apply Drill Rule to enable input of the rule.
  5. Update all the fields in the Apply Drill Rule.
  6. Check Apply Training Rule if the rule applies to Training.
  7. Click Apply to save.

Setting Up Drill Definition in Advance Drill Mode

The Drill Definition code defines the type of drills, attendance requirements and identify whether drills are Course and Certificate related.

Figure 7-9 Drill Definition Window

This figures shows the Drill Definition Setup window.
  1. From the Safety Setup menu, select the Drill Definition.
  2. Click Add New to add a new drill.
  3. At the definition grid, update the following.
    1. Status
    2. Drill Code and Description
    3. Type
    4. Attendance Requirement
    5. Course and Certificate
  4. Click Save

Setting Up Drill Template in Advance Drill Mode

A drill template is setup to assist you in generating a crew list under Proposed Crew section using the criteria defined when creating a drill.

Figure 7-10 Drill Template Setup

This figure shows the Drill Template Setup window.
  1. Select Drill Template from the Safety Setup menu.
  2. Right-click the blank space and select Add Template.
  3. In the Details section, enter a short code and description, and then select the applicable code in all the fields.
  4. Click Apply to save the template.
  5. Click OK to exit.
  6. Click Reset to clear the selected information from the screen.

Setting Up Course and Certificates in Advance Drill Mode

The Courses and Certificates code allow you to define the type Courses and Certifications required for each drill type, and identify the certificates expiry during on Emergency # (E Number) change.

Figure 7-11 Course and Certificate Setup Advance Drill Mode

This figure shows the Course and Certificates Setup window in Advance Drill Mode.

Figure 7-12 Edit Course/Certificate Window

This figure shows the set up window for Edit Course/Certificate.
  1. Select the Course and Certificates from the Safety Setup menu.
  2. In the Course and Certificate window, click New.
  3. In the Code and Name section, enter the code and the name of the course.
  4. Select the Type and Related to and Master Cert from the drop-down list.
  5. In the Description section, enter the course description, instructor’s name and the training center location.
  6. In the Expiration section, Select the type of expiration.
  7. Enter the Minimum Required Per Vessel, Proficiency and check the Re-qualifying Course, if required.
  8. The Active checkbox is checked by default. Un-check if you wish to disable the course.
  9. Check the Priority checkbox if the course is a priority.
  10. Click OK to save the code.