4 QCI Sync Interface

The QCI Sync Interface is an application that connects and synchronizes the Shipside database with the Shoreside database, with its database mode and connection statuses for both the database shown. Apart from that, the synchronization progress is also shown in the Messages tab of the interface.

At the program start up, the application checks both the database status, followed by the state of the database, whether it is in ‘Offline’ or ‘Unknown’ mode before synchronization commences. The status of the ShipDB and the Shore QCI database are shown. See below table for explanation of the status.

Figure 4-1 QCI Sync Mode

This figure shows the interface mode in QCI Sync.

Table 4-1 QCI Sync Modes

Offline Mode Database Status Description



The QCI Sync Interface is disconnected from the Shore QCI database, possibly due to a network issue, user ‘UID’ does not exist or the Oracle Database Listener has not started and results to the interface unable to determine the Offline Mode. The message "Getting Shore QCI DB Status, please wait..." appears when the interface tries to reconnect to the QCI Shore database every x seconds.



The QCI Sync Interface is connected to the Ship and the Shore QCI database has Offline Mode as Disabled. The synchronization is not able to start and the message "Off-line mode not yet enable cannot sync" appears.



The QCI Sync Interface is connected to the Ship and the Shore QCI database has Offline Mode as Enabled. This indicates the synchronization has started.



The QCI Sync Interface is connected directly to the Shore QCI database. The system prompts message ‘Ship DB and Shore DB is the same’.

Configuring the Interface

This section describes the settings available in the interface Settings tab. To configure the interface, start the QCI Sync Interface, select the appropriate checkboxes in the Settings tab, and then click Apply to save the changes.

These settings are saved to the OHCSettings.par file in C:\Public Document\Oracle Hospitality Cruise folder

Figure 4-2 QCI Sync Interface Settings

This figure shows the configuration settings in QCI Sync Interface.

Figure 4-3 QCI Sync Interface Setting —TDE

This figure shows the configuration settings in QCI Sync Interface if TDE is used.

Table 4-2 QCI Sync Interface Settings

Parameter Description

Offline Database

Defines the SID of the QCI Shore database and it must be identical to the one created in Oracle Net Manager.

Synchronization Interval in Second

Defines the interval time when the synchronization process starts; At every x second between the ship and the QCI shore database. The default value is ten (10) seconds.

Backup DB Filename

Defines the ship database backup filename. The same backup file is used for both the backup and restores processes. The user must define the full path name where the backup file resides and the filename extension must be .dmp. For example, C:\Shipname.dmp.

If TDE is used, the field name changed to Backup DB Log File. You should provide only the file name excluding the full path, for example; backup. This file name will be used as data import log file.

Backup and Restore Silverwhere Schema

Enables the interface to backup and restore the SilverWhere dining schema (BKSTG_DINING) from the ship database to the QCI Shore database and enable passenger’s board card to be printed with dining details. The SilverWhere dining schema is imported once and no update is required from the ship to the QCI shore database.

Check Out Guest in Offline DB after Backup and Restore

Enables the interface to automatically check out all previous cruise passenger’s reservations in the QCI Shore database, due to the backup and restore process that was not performed before the actual embarkation day. For instance, user enabled the QCI Sync Interface using the last backup and restore.

Exclude SEC Table content from restore to QCI Offline DB

Excludes the pictures from the ship to the QCI Shore database when restoring from backup and restore process. The time taken to backup and restore takes longer when this feature is checked.

Automatic move actual posting/payment to route account during sync

Enables the interface to move actual posting and payment automatically to routed account when the Offline server is synched. The process commences after the database synchronization completes.

Exclude SIG Table content from restore to QCI Offline DB

Excludes the credit card signature captured when restoring from ship to QCI Shore database during backup and restore process. The time taken to backup and restore takes longer when the feature is checked.

Exclude VIS_BLOB Table content from restore to QCI Offline DB

Excludes the Travel Document image when restoring from ship to QCI Shore database during backup and restore process. The time taken to backup and restore takes longer when the feature is checked.

Exclude CRD Table content from restore to QCI Offline DB

Excludes the credit card records when restoring data from ship to QCI Shore database during backup and restore process. In the Guest Info window, the payment method will show as ‘Credit Card’ without the card details to comply with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards.

Validate the charset between server and offline DB

Verifies both the ship and shore database to ensure it has the same Charset before you are allowed to proceed. The system prompts a message “Ship DB charset is xxx – shore DB charset is xxx. They do not match. Please inform Oracle Hospitality Cruise support so these can be adjusted. This is an informational message only and will not impact your current sync process”.

eMail Recipient

Defines the system administrator’s email address for notification to be sent when an error occurs during the synchronization process. The notification email is sent after every third synchronization. This requires the email server to be setup in the Administration module, Parameter, ‘Promo’, ‘SMTP Server IP Address’.