2 Parameters

This section describes the Parameters available to WPF Security.

Table 2-1 Parameters

PAR Name Description

Allow Auto Status Change for Last Account

Allows auto Change of last account status by pressing CTRL+S.

0 – Do not allow

1 – Allow the auto Change

Allow Mark Message as Delivered

0 – The message will not mark as delivered.

1 – Prompt to user to confirm to mark the message.

2 – The message are marked as delivered when prompt.

Allow offline expected embarkation today on board

This is use in conjunction with Advance Quick Check In module offline mode.

0 – Disable

1 – Enable

Auto Refresh People Count

Enabling this parameter will impact the performance and it ‘disable’ by default.

0 –Disable else set number of second to refresh the people count

Allow Crew Card Login Bypass

Allows crew to login by scanning the crew card provided the credential is valid in Mobile Database.

Allow not expected guest to check-in

0 – Do not allow expected guest to check-in

1 – Allow not expected guest to check-in.


Auto check out crew after card swipe for going offshore.

0 – Disable

1 – Enable


Auto check out passenger after card swipe for going offshore.

0 – Disable

1 – Enable

Check Document Returned

Flag to check whether the pax document is returned during gangway movement.

0 – No checking

1 – Check disembark pax document.

2 – Check transit and disembark pax document

Check Message

0 – Disable message checking 1 – Enable

Check Visitor Card

0 – No checking performed.

1 – Check on the validity of visitor card;

Check-in Message Popup Duration

Number of milliseconds the auto check in message is shown.

Check-in via OHC Security

0 – Disable check in via OHC Security.

1 – Enable

Custom SQL to show additional info for crew


DCL corporate card facility code

Null –Accepts all cards; card must match the facility code

Default Queue Workstation

Default chips workstation ID. Reference to TYP_QST.

Disable Search Grid Drag/Drop

Disables the ability to rearrange columns using drag/drop.

Disable Visual Keyboard

Disables the display of the visual keyboard.

Disable/Enable Phone when pax shoreside/onboard

Allows phone to be disabled/enabled when passenger goes ashore or onboard.

Eliminate OHC Security Login

When enabled, it will eliminate the OHC Security Log-ins when Disabling Cards.

0 – Disable

1 – Enable

Enable Auto Quick Balance

1 – Enable Auto Balance for guest with credit cards Register

Enable Handicap Assignment

0 – Disable

1 – Enable Accessibility Assignment

Enable Immigration Gate

0 – Disable the access to Immigration Gate.

1 – Enable

Enable Internal Gate

0 – Disable the access to Internet Gate.

1 – Enable

Enable Minor Disembarkation Authorization

0 – No Authorization is require for Minor,

1 – Authorization of guardian company is required

Enable Tender Option

0 – Disable Tender Option.

1 – Enable option for Gangway to serve tender/

Exclude Port from Minor Dis Authorization

Specify the ports of call a minor is authorized to debark un-escorted. For example 'AtSea', 'AtSea1'

Exit Application Without Prompt Password

1 – Exit Application Without Prompt Password

Extended Search Criteria

It can be any VarChar2 or Char field from RES and UXP table.

Extended Search Criteria Check-in

0 – Extended Search Criteria at gangway is disabled.

1 – Passengers will be checked in when found.

2 – Passengers will be allowed onboard but not checked in.

Gangway Location Functionality

The value determine whether to prompt the Gangway Location window at logon.

0 – Not used

1 – Used

Grid Font Size

Specifies the Font Size of the Search Grid

Grid Refresh Duration

Number of seconds to auto-refresh the Grid data

Picture Taking Functionality

0 – Disable picture taking functionality.

1 – Enable

Prompt Message When Crew Disembark Today

1 – Prompt Message when Crew Disembark Today

SLD Manual Override

Prompts a message to override shore leave denied message if no Time and Attendance validation.

0 – No overriding

1 – Prompt override SLD message,

Show Check-in Cabin Person Count

0 – Do not show other guest.

1 – Show other guest

Show Other Guest with Same Booking Number

0 – Do not show other guest.

1 – Show other guest

Tender Threshold Count

Threshold Count that triggers a warning.

Update Visitor Name

0 – Do not overwrite

1 – Overwrite existing visitor name during passport scanning

Use Ashore Denied Message

0 – Do not use denied message in Ashore/Onboard Denied function.

1 – Use

Use ON/OFF Icon

0 – Do not use on/off Icon.

1 – Use On/Off Icon