9 System Codes

The Systems Codes is an area where you would configure majority of the guest related codes. These codes is use to manage the guest preferences, requests and statistic tracking. These system codes are entered from Administration, System Codes and the setup is similar for most of the codes, with the exception for those marked with an asterisk (*).

Table 9-1 System Codes Field Definition

Function Name Description

Action Codes

A follow up code for services.

Amenity Codes

Amenities provided to guest.

VIP Codes

Use in defining the type of VIP categories.

Session Codes

Defines the session use in Cashbook module.

Handicap Codes

Defines the type of disability/accessibility required by guest.

Nationality Groups *

Defines group of nationality for use in Shore Denied list.

Accounts Categories

Defines the category of accounts group

Document Types *

Defines the acceptable type of legal documents.

Guest Categories

Defines the classification of guest types.

Dining Times

Defines the available dining time slots.

General Reason Codes *

Defines the reason codes use in various modules, for example, cabin change reason, voiding a transaction, and so on.

Marital Status Codes

Defines the guest/crew marital status.

Payroll Pension Plan Type

Defines the available pension plan offered to crew.

Nationality Codes *

Defines the nationality codes in ISO codes.

Travel Insurance

Defines the Travel Insurance plan available.

Comment Types

Defines the type of comments received. For example, Service, pricing, food quality and others.

Comment Report Types

Defines the method comments were received.

Comment Departments Involved *

Defines the department involves in handling the comments.

Resolution Types

Defines the resolution codes use in Comment

Comment Category

Defines the comment by category/group.

Chips Workstation

Defines the Chips & Pin workstation name.

Enable/Disable Log Entry

Defines the functions to enable/disable in the log entry, besides the default value.

eOne Enable Contingency Mode Reason Code

Defines the reason use when enabling contingency mode.

eOne Disable Contingency Mode Reason Code

Defines the reason use when disabling contingency mode.

Nationality Flag

Defines the additional Nationality Flag for Crew.

Setting Up System Codes

  1. From the System Codes menu, select the code to set up.
  2. In the Codes Setup window, right-click the blank space and select Add New.
  3. Enter a Code, Description and Comment, if any.
  4. Click OK to save.

Nationality Codes

Setting Up Nationality Groups

Figure 9-1 Nationality Groups Setup

This figure shows Nationality Groups Setup window
  1. From the System Codes menu, select the Nationality Groups.
  2. In the Nationality Setup window, right-click the blank space at the left panel and select Add Nationality Group.
  3. Enter the description, the Nationality Codes with a hyphen (-) before and after the code , and a comma (,) to separate the codes.
  4. Enter a Comment, if any.
  5. Click Apply to save.

Setting Up Nationality Codes

Figure 9-2 Nationality Codes Setup

This figure shows Nationality Codes Setup window

A set of standard ISO nationality code is pre-installed in the system. The steps to configure the Nationality Codes is the same as the above. You can define the language use for each nationality code by changing the default language.

Setting Up Document Types

A wide range of travel document types is accepted by the ship. in order to provide an electronic pre-arrival and departure manifest data on all passengers and crew to border security. These document types must be mapped in the Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS) code.

Figure 9-3 Document Types Setup

This figure shows Document Types Setup window
  1. Select the Document Types Setup from the System Codes menu.
  2. Right-click the blank space on the left panel and select Add New.
  3. Enter the Doc.Type, Description and maximum file size allow in the File Size Limit (MB).
  4. In the APIS<ID_TYPE> Mapping, enter the corresponding APIS Doc Type.
  5. Click Apply to save.

Setting Up General Reason Code

The General Reason Codes is used when voiding a charge, changing a cabin, or make any changes that require a reason. These codes can be module specific or shared.
  1. Select the General Reason Codes from the System Codes menu.
  2. Right-click the blank space on the left panel and select Add New.
  3. Enter the Code, Description, and the Comment.
  4. Select the Module from the drop-down list if it is module specific.
  5. Click Apply to save.

Setting Up Comment Departments

The Common Departments feature enable you to create and group various departments involved in handling a request or comment received.

Figure 9-4 Comment Departments Involved

This figure shows the set up window for Comment Departments Involved.
  1. Select the Comment Departments Involved from the System Codes menu.
  2. Right-click the blank space on the left panel and select Add New.
  3. Enter the Code, Description and the Comment.
  4. Click Apply to save.

Enabling/Disabling Log Entry

The Log Entry Setup lists the default log entry available in SPMS for use in reporting. These codes are enabled by default. You can disable this feature by selecting the feature from the list, deselecting the Enable checkbox, and clicking OK to save.