1 Safety Drill Setup

The Safety Drill module allows you to schedule drills before the ship embarks on a voyage and maintains a record of the drills performed. It also has a training mode for the crew, where the training attendance is kept.

The functions in this module are: Drill Scheduling/Assignment, Drill Absence, Training mode, Drill History, and Survival Craft Compliance.

This guide assumes you have configured all the required codes in the Administration module.

Figure 1-1 Safety Drill Overview

This figure shows an overview window of Safety Drill.

Setting up a Drill

Before you can assign the crew to the drill, you must schedule all drills in the Drill Mode.

  1. At the Safety Drill Overview window, select a date from the calendar editor.

  2. Click the Add button at the ribbon bar to add a new drill.

    Figure 1-2 Add Drill Window

    This figure shows the Add Drill window, where the drill information is added.

    Table 1-1 Add Drill Field Description

    Field Name Description


    Displays the drill definition without courses and certificates assigned. Refers to Drill Type setup.


    Displays all definitions linked to Drill Definition setup of the selected drill type.


    Planned drill date.

    Start Time

    The drill scheduled start time

    End Time

    The drill scheduled end time


    Proposed eligible crew to the scheduled drill based on Safety Department, Safety Position, Safety Group and Safety Function assigned in the Drill template, and all templates setup in Drill Template are shown.

  3. At the Add Drill window, select the Type, Code, Date, Start/End Time, and Template from the drop-down list.

  4. Click the Save button to save the drill. Dates that have scheduled drills are shown in red on the calendar.

Editing a Drill

You can reschedule a drill according to the operational needs. Rescheduling is not allowed when the Drill Status is locked, and the Drill Type or Code is no longer editable.

  1. At the Safety Drill Overview window, select the drill date from the calendar.

  2. Click the Edit at the ribbon bar and select a new date, and start/end time from the drop-down list.

  3. Click the Save button to save the record.

Deleting a Drill

You can delete a drill that has crew members scheduled. However, it is not permissible when the scheduled drill has attendance marked with Absent.

To delete, select the drill date and click Delete on the ribbon bar.

Locking a Drill

The Lock Drill function is enabled when the drill is the first drill of the same type. You can lock the subsequent drills of the same type only when the first drill is locked.

  1. At the Safety Drill Overview window, select the first drill date of the same type.

  2. Click the Lock at the ribbon bar. If the drill is not the first drill of the same type, the system prompts you to check for the first drill.

  3. Click the OK button to close the prompt.

  4. Locate the first drill and repeat the above steps.

Unlocking a Drill

The Unlock Drill function is enabled when the drill is the last drill of the same type. The button is enabled for the second last drill of the same type, if the last drill has been unlocked, following a reverse sequence.

  1. At the Safety Drill Overview window, select the last drill date of the same type.

  2. Click the Unlock at the ribbon bar.

  3. Click the OK button.

Assigning / Unassigning Crew to a Drill

Once a drill is set up, the Chief Safety Officer or assistant can assign a crew to the scheduled drill by selecting the Crew eligible for drill from the Proposed Crew grid. The crew eligibility is based on the following criteria:
  • The crew is checked in or expected.

  • The crew is assigned in the Muster list assignment.

  • Rule defined in Drill Definition.

Figure 1-3 Proposed Crew Window

This figure shows the information presented in Proposed Crew section

Table 1-2 Field Description of Proposed Crew Grid

Field Name Description


Crew Name

Embark Date

Crew embarkation date

Debark Date

Crew debarkation date

Scheduling Status

Defines the attendance is compulsory or optional. Refers to rules in Safety Drill Type.

ES Attendance

Defines whether Emergency Attendance is required. Refers to Drill Definition Attendance Requirement.

MS Attendance

Defines whether Muster Attendance is required. Refers to Drill Definition Attendance Requirement.

Emergency #

Emergency number defined in Muster List Setup.

Critical E Number

Defines whether the course/certificate will auto expire after Critical E# is changed. This changes the attendance requirement in the drill setup. Refers to Muster List Assignment.

Operational Position

Crew Operational Position. Refers to Crew Operational Position setup.

Safety Department

Safety Department assigned. Refers to Safety Department setup.

Safety Position

Safety Position assigned. Refers to Safety Position setup.

Safety Function

Safety Function assigned. Refers to Safety Function setup.


Lifeboat assigned. Refers to Lifeboat Setup.

Muster Station

Muster Station location. Refers to Muster Station setup.

Safety Role

Safety role assigned. Refers to Safety Role setup.

Safety Group

Safety Group assigned. Refers to Safety Group setup.

Emergency Station

Station type. Refers to Muster Station Setup.


Deck location. Refers to Deck setup. (Advance Safety Drill mode).


Fire zone assigned. Refers to Firezone setup. (Advance Safety Drill mode).


Stairwell location. Refers to Stairwell setup. (Advance Safety Drill mode).


Location side of Emergency Station. Refers to default system codes.

Craft Type

Type of Craft. Refers to default system codes.

Craft Side

Safety Boat location - port or starboard. Refers to default system codes.


Location of the Muster station - port or starboard.

Scheduling Crew to a Drill

Table 1-3 Field Description of Scheduled Crew Grid

Field Name Description


Crew Name.

Status Off

If the status is YES, this indicates that Crew disembarkation date is after the drill date.

Embark Date

Crew embarkation date.

Debark Date

Crew debarkation date.

Scheduling Status

Defines whether attendance is compulsory or optional. Refers to rules in Safety Drill Type.

ES Attendance

Defines whether Emergency Attendance is required. Refers to Drill Definition Attendance Requirement.

MS Attendance

Defines whether Muster Attendance is required. Refers to Drill Definition Attendance Requirement.


Status of the interview whether it is Pending or Blank. Status only changes when the crew is absent for drill.

Emergency #

Emergency number defined in Muster List Setup.

Critical E Number

Defines whether course/certificate will auto expire after Critical E# is changed. Refers to Muster List Assignment.

Operational Position

Crew Operational Position. Refers to Crew Operational Position setup.

Safety Department

Safety Department assigned. Refers to Safety Department setup.

Safety Position

Safety Position assigned. Refers to Safety Position setup.

Safety Function

Safety Function assigned. Refers to Safety Function setup.


Lifeboat assigned. Refers to Lifeboat Setup.

Muster Station

Muster Station location. Refers to Muster Station setup.

Safety Role

Safety role assigned. Refers to Safety Role setup.

Safety Group

Safety Group assigned. Refers to Safety Group setup.

Emergency Station

Station type. Refers to Muster Station Setup.


Deck location. Refers to Deck setup. (Advance Safety Drill mode)


Fire zone assigned. Refers to Firezone setup. (Advance Safety Drill mode).


Stairwell location. Refers to Stairwell setup. (Advance Safety Drill mode).


Location side of Emergency Station. Refers to default system codes.

Craft Type

Type of Craft. Refers to default system codes.

Craft Side

Safety Boat location -port or starboard. Refers to default system codes.


Location of the Muster station - port or starboard.

  1. Select the Drill Date from the Safety Drill Overview, Calendar.

  2. Select the drill in the Schedule Drill section to populate the Crew due for drill in the Proposed Crew grid.

  3. At the Proposed Crew grid, select the checkbox next to the name to select the crew or click Select All Proposed Crew at the ribbon bar to select all crew.

  4. Click the Scheduled button to assign. The selected crew name will appear in the Scheduled Crew grid.

  5. At the Scheduled Crew grid, the Status Off field defaults to No. Only Crew with disembarkation after the drill date is set to Yes.

Unscheduled Crew from Drill

  1. From the Calendar tab, select a scheduled Drill date, and then select the drill in the Schedule Drill section.

  2. Crew names that are due for drills are auto-populated in the Proposed Crew grid.

  3. From the Scheduled Crew grid, select the checkbox next to the name or select the Select All Scheduled Crew at the ribbon bar to select all crew, and click Proposed to unassigned.

  4. The selected crew name will appear in the Proposed Crew grid

Crew Attendance Status

A crew might be excused from attending the drill or absent for a reason. By default, the attendance of the crew in the Scheduled Crew grid is Attended. The Chief Safety Officer or his/her assistant is responsible in managing the crew attendance for the drill, and the following sections describe the available status.

Setting an Excuse Request

An Excuse Request function is only available to a crew that has Scheduling Status equals to Required. This function is not applicable to a crew that has Compulsory Must Attend status.

Figure 1-4 Excuse Request Window

This figure shows the Excuse Request window.
  1. Select the crew from the Scheduled Crew grid with the Required status.

  2. Click the Excuse Request at the ribbon bar.

  3. The system prompts an Excuse Request Reason input window. Select the reason from the drop-down list.

  4. Click the Save button.

Setting an Excused Status

An Excused function is only available to a crew that has Scheduling Status equal to Required or Excuse Pending. This function does not apply to Crew that has Compulsory Must Attend status.

Figure 1-5 Excuse Request Status

This figure shows the Excuse Request status in Schedule Crew grid.
  1. Select the crew from the Scheduled Crew grid with the Required status.

  2. Click the Excused button at the ribbon bar. The crew Scheduling Status now resets to Excused.

Resetting an Undo Excused Status

The Undo Excuse function is only available to crew with Scheduling Status set to Excused.

  1. Select the crew from the Scheduled Crew grid with the Excused status.

  2. Click the Undo Excuse button on the ribbon bar. This resets the status to Required.

Setting an Excused Unapproved Status

The Undo Excuse function is only available to a crew that has Scheduling Status set to Excused Pending.

Figure 1-6 Excuse Unapproved Status

This figure shows the Excuse Pending status where you can select to disapprove the request to be excused.
  1. Select the crew from the Scheduled Crew grid with the Excused Pending status.

  2. Click the Excuse Unapproved button at the ribbon bar to reset the status to Required.

  3. The system prompts the Excuse Unapproved Reason input window. Select the reason from the drop-down list, and click Save.

Setting an Excuse Not Allowed Status

  1. Select the crew from the Proposed Crew grid.

  2. Click the Excuse Not Allowed at the ribbon bar.

  3. The Scheduling Status now resets to Compulsory Must Attend.

Setting an Absent from ES/MS

The Absent setting from the ES/MS function records the absenteeism of the crew scheduled for a drill. An interview is scheduled when the attendance is marked as absent.

Figure 1-7 Absent From ES/MS

This figure shows the Absent From ES/MS function and status in Scheduled Crew
  1. Select the crew from the Scheduled Crew grid.

  2. Click the Absent From ES or Absent From MS button on the ribbon bar, depending on the drill attendance of the crew.

  3. The Scheduling Status resets to Absent. In the Interview column, the status is set to Interview Pending. Removing a crew with the Absent status is not allowed and prompts a message stating “Attendence has been marked. Deletion not allowed” when you try to remove the crew from the schedule.

Drill Absence

The Drill Absence manages absentees from the scheduled drill. By default, the crew attendance is set to Attended at scheduling and absent is marked at the end of the drill.

A list of absentees can be extracted by Drill Type, excluding those that were set as Excused from the drill.

Figure 1-8 Drill Absence Overview

This figure shows the Drill Absence Overview window.
  1. Select the Drill Absence from the ribbon bar.

  2. Select the drill date from the Calendar tab.

  3. Select the Drill Type and/or Drill code from the drop-down list. If the drill code is blank, the system displays all absentees for that date.

  4. From the Absentees list, select a crew name and click Interview.

  5. At the Interview Comment dialogue box, select the Interview Reason from the drop-down list, and enter the comments or for manual input select Free Text.

  6. At the Interview status, select Completed or Not Completed.

  7. Click the Save button. Once the status is set to Completed and saved, change is not allowed.