API Troubleshooting

If you are experiencing issues when consuming APIs, check the following:


  • Verify the API you are calling is visible in the APIs tab of the developer portal.

  • Verify the API version in the URL matches the version v0 or v1 listed in the developer portal.

  • If connecting to OPERA Cloud, verify the functionality being used is active and available for the relevant OPERA Cloud PMS version by reviewing the latest OPERA Cloud Services Release Readiness Guide and User Guide available on the Oracle Hospitality Hotels documentation page. 

  • Verify the input variables are relevant to the OPERA Cloud solution being called and are not a copy of Postman samples. Note that each OPERA Cloud environment is uniquely configured. You can determine the configuration specific to the hotel you are calling by reviewing the List of Values and Enterprise Configuration APIs.

Environment and Credentials

  • Verify the environment (chain) card is on the Environments tab in the developer portal.
    • If you are an integration partner and the environment is not listed, then follow the steps in the Obtaining Details from the Hotel topic to gain access.

    • If you are an integration partner and this is a production environment, verify you have followed the steps in the Moving to Production topic.

  • Verify the application's second tab shows the plans expected in the developer portal.

  • Verify the application key being used matches the application checked in step 2 in the developer portal.

  • Verify the clientId and clientSecret correspond to those on the Environment card under the Environments tab in the developer portal.

  • If the environment is secured by Resource Owner authentication, verify the following for the integration user:
    1. The user is in the organization I<SSD org code>

      1. The user was created from the SSD URL ending "?apiuser=y"

    2. The username does not have spaces in it.

      1. If spaces in the current username exist, create a new integration user with a shorter username with no spaces.

    3. The user has the <SSD org code>-WSACCESS role.

      1. Log in to SSD using the link in the "Thank you" email and then go to "My Access" to see if the user has the WSACCESS role.

      2. If not, contact the environment owner and ask for approval for this role.

    4. Verify if the oAuth token is still valid (note the token lasts for 60 minutes). Obtain a new oAuth token to ensure it is valid.

Mandatory Headers

Verify the required headers:
  • Calling OPERA Cloud Property APIs — Ensure the x-hotelid header matches a hotel in the chain being called.

    • OPERA Cloud Property APIs for OPERA Cloud 22.1+ — When verifying data for the hub level, ensure you send x-hubid and not x-hotelid.

  • Calling Oracle Hospitality Distribution APIs — Verify the x-channelCode header matches the header provided via email by the Oracle Hospitality Distribution team.

  • Calling NOR1 Upgrade API — Ensure the providerId header matches the header provided via email by the NOR1 team.

  • If sending a POST request, ensure you are sending the "accept" header as "application/json."


Verify the list of errors and follow the suggested resolution paths.

Logging an Issue

Before reporting an issue, first exhaust the self-service troubleshooting.

If you still have an issue with an API, ensure you include the following information when logging the issue:
  • Full CURL request (with credentials redacted)

  • Response code

  • OPERA Cloud environment version number (via this API)

  • OPERA Cloud environment name or gateway URL

  • Context of what is being attempted (for example, type of integration, task being carried out, and so on).