Calling Oracle Hospitality Property APIs

All Oracle Hospitality APIs expect the following mandatory headers:

  1. Token: A header “Authorization” that includes the oAuth token obtained through Authenticating to Oracle Hospitality APIs.
  2. x-hotelid: Supply a hotel (or property) code from the chain to which you have access in a header "x-hotelid." This is the Hotel ID you obtained from the hotel. If you do not know your x-hotelid, contact Oracle Customer Support at

  3. Application key: An unique application key is created for each application upon registering an application in the Oracle Hospitality Developer Portal. This key must be passed in the “x-app-key” header of every request to the Oracle Hospitality APIs. To obtain your application key, refer to Viewing the Application Key


Required Headers:

  • x-app-key:<ApplicationKey>

  • x-hotelid:<HotelId>

  • Authorization: Bearer <oAuth Token>

Optional Headers:

  • x-hubid — When you have hub-level access, you can supply the x-hubid to retrieve multiple properties.

  • x-externalSystem — If you have an external system in an OPERA environment (for example, for use with streaming or polling), then specifying that external system in the header of inbound API calls will avoid echoing those changes back to the streaming and polling APIs. For the streaming APIs, the external system code is shown on the application's Events Subscribed tab.


curl --location }}{{'<GatewayURL>/lov/v1/listOfValues/Titles?parameterName=LanguageCode&includeInactiveFlag=false&parameterValue=E' {{}}
--header }}{{'Content-Type: application/json' {{}}
--header }}{{'x-app-key: <ApplicationKey>' {{}}
--header }}{{'x-hotelid: <HotelId>' {{}}
--header }}{{'Authorization: Bearer <Token>' {{}}
--data }}{{''
The below table lists the environment variables you can add to the Postman Environment.

Table 9-2 Postman Environment Variables

Variable Value


This value is accessed from the Developer Portal.


This value is accessed from the Developer Portal.


This value is accessed from the Developer Portal.


This value is supplied by the hotel.


This value is accessed from the "Interface Key" in the vendor self-registration portal.


This value is accessed from the "Interface Id" in the vendor self-registration portal.