Customer - Enabling Streaming

To get started with their first environment, customers must purchase the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform Cloud Premium Remote Assistance SKU - 4 Hour Workshop (B93152) to engage with Oracle Professional Services and learn how to implement the Streaming API with best practices. As part of this training, Oracle Professional Services enables streaming for one UAT chain. Complete this training before raising a Technical SR to enable streaming for subsequent chains.

For subsequent environments, customers must raise a technical SR. The Technical SR must include the following details, which are found on the customer's Environments card in the OHIP developer portal:
  • Customer Name — The customer’s name can be found on the hotelier's Environments card in the OHIP developer portal and appears before the brackets on the card.

  • Customer Chain — The customer chain to be accessed. This can be found on the hotelier's Environments card in the OHIP developer portal and appears after the brackets on the card.

  • Environment Name — This can be found on the hotelier's Environments card in the OHIP developer portal and appears in brackets on the card.

  • Shared Security Domain — This is the URL via which the integration user for the hotelier's environment was created.


Streaming is enabled at the chain level, so once enabled for a chain, you do not need to enable it at the hotel level.