Oracle Hospitality Nor1 Integrated Upsell APIs

Obtaining Details from Oracle Hospitality Nor1

You must request access to the Nor1 Upgrades APIs by emailing the Nor1 team ( and providing the following details:
  • Partner Organization Name

  • Oracle Cloud Account Name

  • Oracle Cloud Account ID

Provide the following details if you are an OPERA Cloud Foundation customer:
  • Tenant / Chain Code


  • Indicate if the chain is a Production or UAT chain

After sending the email, you will receive further instructions within 5 business days. Once access is granted, Oracle will send you the following:
  • providerId — This is your Nor1 unique provider code that is global and used across all hotels.

Authenticating to Oracle Hospitality Nor1 Upgrades APIs

The Nor1 Upgrades APIs are secured the same way as the Oracle Hospitality Property APIs. For further details, refer to the following topics: