Configuring Call Usage Alerts

You set call usage limits at the application level. Since an environment can be used for multiple applications, you can set different call usage limits for the same environment.

Setting a Call Usage Limit

  1. On the Developer Portal, click Applications and then select an application by clicking it.
  2. Click the Alerts tab.

  3. Choose an environment and click the pencil icon for it.

  4. Click the up or down arrow for the Usage Alert Setting to increase or decrease the usage limit.

    Selecting the up arrow increases the limit and selecting the down arrow decreases it.

  5. Click Save.

Removing a Call Usage Limit

If you no longer wish to receive usage alert emails, set the Usage Alert Setting to zero on each environment for each application.

  1. On the Developer Portal, click Applications and then select an application by clicking it.
  2. Click the Alerts tab.

  3. Choose an environment and click the pencil icon for it.

  4. Click the down arrow for the Usage Alert Setting until the call limit is zero.

  5. Click Save.

Changing the Recipient for Usage Alerts

The email address on the Overview tab of an application is the email address to which usage alerts are sent. This can be changed at any time and takes effect within 24 hours.

  1. On the Developer Portal, click Applications and then select an application by clicking it.
  2. On the Overview tab, under Contact Details, click the Question Mark button.

  3. Enter a valid email address for the new recipient.

  4. Click Save.