Signing In to the Oracle Hospitality Developer Portal

Signing In to the Developer Portal

Sign in to the Oracle Hospitality Developer Portal to create applications, discover available Oracle Hospitality APIs, and register Oracle Hospitality APIs to your applications.

  1. Open the Oracle Hospitality Developer Portal in a browser to the URL provided in the welcome letter.

    The customer portal URL can also be obtained using the EnterpriseID.
    • For production environments: https://<ohip-domain>/<enterpriseID>prd/ui

    • For non-production environments: https://<ohip-domain>/<enterpriseID>uat/ui

  2. Enter your username and password.

  3. Click Sign In.


    Your account locks if you enter an incorrect username or password three times. For help getting back into your account, click Can’t sign in and the follow instructions on the screen.

  4. If your portal user has access to multiple chains of the enterprise, select the chain you want to administer once you log in.

    1. Search for and select the chain to which you want to login.

      You can also select this chain as the default chain for login by selecting the Set this chain as default option. This will avoid selecting the chain on each login and will directly log in to the default chain on each login.

  5. Click Select.

Switching between Chains

If your portal user has access to multiple chains, you can switch between chains once logged in to the Oracle Hospitality Developer portal.

To switch between chains:

  1. On the Oracle Hospitality Developer Portal, click the User menu drop-down.

  2. Select Switch Chains.

  3. Search for and select the chain to which you want to switch. You can also change the default chain for login to this chain by selecting the Set this chain as default option.

  4. Click Select.