Using Analytics

You can view the details of usage analytics at a global level or at an application level. Each view includes a breakdown of error codes.

Viewing Analytics from the Main Analytics Tab

This provides a view of usage analytics at a global level.

  1. Open the Developer Portal and click the Analytics tab.

  2. Optionally choose search parameters to narrow results to specific hotel(s), environment type(s), application(s), organization(s), API(s), and date range:
    • x-hotelids: Enter the OPERA property ID of one or more hotels. This was sent in the x-hotelid header of the API request.

    • Call Type: Select either REST or Streaming for the call type. Alternatively, you can select All, which provides analytics for both REST and Streaming combined.

    • Environment Type: Select All, Non Production, or Production for your environment type. This selection is determined based on the environment being called, either a non production or production instance.

    • APIs: Select one or more API(s) from the list.

    • Application: Select one or more application(s) for which you want to view analytics.

    • Organization: Hoteliers can select whether to view their own analytics or those of one or more partner organization(s).

    • API: Select one or more API(s) from the list.

    • Choose Range: Select a date range from which to view usage analytics. You can select Last 24 Hours, Last 7 Days, Last 31 Days, Last 12 Months, Current Billing Cycle, or Last Billing Cycle for partners. You can also select Custom to enter a specific date range.

The Usage graph appears below and shows the total request number, the number of successful API calls, and the number of errors based on the search parameters you defined.

If there are errors, the error codes and the total number for each error code appear in a table below the graph.

Viewing Analytics from the Applications Analytics Tab

This provides a view of usage analytics at an application level.

  1. Open the Developer Portal and click the Applications tab.

  2. Search for an application and click the View details link for it.

  3. Click the Analytics tab.

  4. Optionally choose search parameters to narrow results to specific hotel(s), environment type(s), organization(s), API(s), and date range:
    • x-hotelids: Enter the OPERA property ID of one or more hotels. This was sent in the x-hotelid header of the API request.

    • Call Type: Select either REST or Streaming for the call type. Alternatively, you can select All, which provides analytics for both REST and Streaming combined.

    • Environment Type: Select All, Non Production, or Production for your environment type. This selection is determined based on the environment being called, either a non production or production instance.

    • APIs: Select one or more API(s) from the list.

    • Organization: Hoteliers can select whether to view their own analytics or those of one or more partner organization(s).

    • Choose Range: Select a date range from which to view usage analytics. You can select Last 24 Hours, Last 7 Days, Last 31 Days, Last 12 Months, Current Billing Cycle, or Last Billing Cycle for partners. You can also select Custom to enter a specific date range.

The Usage graph appears below and shows the total request number, the number of successful API calls, and the number of errors based on the search parameters you defined.

If there are errors, the error codes and the total number for each error code appear in a table below the graph.

Downloading Overall Analytics

  1. Open the Developer Portal and click the Analytics tab.

  2. Select the search parameters as required.

  3. Click the Download Report button and click Download again to confirm.

Downloading Application Analytics

  1. Open the Developer Portal and click the Applications tab.

  2. Search for an application and click the View details link for it.

  3. Click the Analytics tab.

  4. Select the search parameters as required.

  5. Click the Download Report button and click Download again to confirm.

This exports the report as a .csv file that you can open or save. The usage report also contains the breakdown by error codes for the given time period.


  • The downloaded file reflects dates and times in UTC time zone.

  • Any single report can only cover a maximum period of 31 days per downloaded file.

  • If the x-hotelids search parameter is used, the report provides a total usage in the summary section and a detailed usage per x-hotelid in the detail section.

  • If no x-hotelids search parameter is used, the report provides a total usage in the summary section and an aggregated usage for all x-hotelids in the detail section.

  • To get a detailed usage for all x-hotelids, select all x-hotelids in the x-hotelids search parameter.

  • Be aware that some APIs, (for example, Nor1, Distribution, and Property OAuth token APIs), do not have x-hotelid information. Those API calls are not captured when using the x-hotelids search parameter, but only when searching without this parameter.