10 Analytics

The Analytics tab enables you to view the details of API usage, such as the total number of API calls, the number of API calls that were successful, and the number of API calls that failed or produced errors. With analytics, you can troubleshoot your API calls and quickly identify where the error is occurring in your application.

When paying for API usage, it is critical to know when one of your applications starts making unusual calls, so you can avoid unexpected bills and better plan your expense budget.

Analytics data enables you to ensure your applications are running correctly.


Usage does not exactly equate to what you are billed as there are a number of free calls. For a list of the API calls that are not billed, see FAQs.

Analytics data applies to both inbound and outbound API calls.

Search Parameters

You can filter analytics using the following parameters:

  • Hotel ID

  • Environment TypeNon Production, Production, or All.

  • Application

  • Organization

  • API

  • Date — You can select the Last 24 Hours, Last 7 Days, Last 31 Days, Last 12 Months, Current Billing Cycle, or Last Billing Cycle for partners. You can also select Custom to enter a specific date range. The last 24 hours is the default date in the search.

API Response Status Code

The response status code is the easiest way to understand what happened with an API request without reading and decoding the response body.