19 FAQs


Do I need to supply the x-hotelid in the header as well as the URL?

Yes, the header parameter is used for authorization where any hotelIds in the URL refer to the resource being accessed.

How can I call early adopter (v0) APIs and what are the implications?

See the Early Adopter API Program topic for details.

How long after a v0 API is promoted to v1 will I have to repoint my integration to v1?

Integrations calling v0 APIs have six months during which to point to v1 after a v0 API is promoted to v1. We highly recommend the Tolerant Reader pattern to mitigate this work.

Do I need to request an OAuth each time I make an API call?

No, please avoid doing this. Instead of requesting a token repeatedly, just request a token once per user and keep using that same token for the 1 hour it is valid. Additional calls are unnecessary and may add to your per cost calls.


If I am using Oracle Hospitality Integration Cloud Service, how do I view my billing and API usage?

View your billing and usage in the Billing Metrics area of the Oracle Cloud Console.

Will all API calls be counted in my API charged usage for Oracle Hospitality Integration Cloud Service?

No, 500, 502, 503, and 504 errors will not be charged, and the API calls you make to your own OPERA Cloud nonproduction environment will not be counted or charged as API Cloud usage.

How am I charged for consuming events?

With the streaming API, partners are charged for each event consumed at a rate of $0.001 per event. When replaying events, partners are charged the first time they replay an event. With the polling API, partners are charged for each API call made at a rate of $0.001 per API call.

For any other questions about Oracle invoicing, refer to Oracle Invoicing FAQ | Oracle United Kingdom.

Connecting to a Customer

How can a partner connect to an OPERA Cloud property?

See the Partners Moving to Production topic for details.

How can I verify that an integration user was created correctly?

  1. Find the email you received when the hotel approved your integration user. This includes a URL for the Shared Security Domain identity server. Go to this URL.

  2. Log in using your integration username and password.

  3. Go to the My Access tab.

  4. Verify you have the <Tenant>-WSACCESS role.

If you have the WSACCESS role, then the integration user is correctly set up and has been approved by the environment owner.

My integration suddenly stopped working!

First, check that your credentials are correct. Integration Users can be checked by logging in to the Shared Security Domain and clicking the My Access tab.

If this is a production integration and there has been a major incident with your integration, Oracle Hospitality will contact you using the contact details listed on the application in the Developer Portal. If you do not respond, Oracle Hospitality will disable your integration. If you have missed this communication and your integration has stopped working, reach out to Oracle Hospitality via a Service Request to request details of what changes must be made before the integration will be reenabled. We will work with you to reenable your integration once the issue has been resolved.

If Oracle Hospitality has not contacted you about your production integration, then reach out to the environment owner and ask the owner to reset your integration user password. If the environment is an OPERA Cloud Identity Manager environment, log in to the Developer Portal and reset the clientSecret from the Environments tab.


What are the minimum requirements for a partner to call production OPERA Cloud environments?

  1. Your solution must be posted in the Oracle Hospitality Cloud Marketplace (listed under the OHIP product category).


    A current Oracle Partner Network Membership (that is, Member Level) is required to post a solution on the Marketplace.

  2. Once your application is listed in the marketplace in the OHIP product category, email your listing ID to hgbu_integrations_provisioning_grp@oracle.com and Oracle will grant you access to call production OPERA Cloud Environments.

  3. Create a new application by selecting Production at step 7 in Registering an Application.

  4. Create an integration user within the customer’s production tenancy and ensure the customer chain administrator has approved your user.

  5. Follow the procedure in Adding an Environment and enter the user name of the integration user.

How can a customer confirm if their subscription is to OPERA Cloud Foundation?

If there is a customer employee at the hotel who is familiar with the hotel’s OPERA contract, they can confirm this by reviewing their active subscriptions. Alternatively, the hotel can contact their Account Manager to verify this.

What are the minimum requirements for the streaming API?

For the streaming API, a hotel must be running OPERA Cloud Foundation version or beyond. To get started, customers must engage with Oracle Professional Services.

How do I know if a customer is eligible to use OHIP?

We recommend partners check the following to ensure a smooth production move:
  • The customer must be running OPERA Cloud and have an active subscription for OPERA Cloud Foundation.


OHIP is only available for OPERA Cloud Foundation customers at this point.


How long will OHIP retain events?

When using the streaming API, OHIP retains messages for 7 days; therefore, messages sent in those 7 days can be replayed (see Replaying Messages for more information). Messages not consumed within 7 days are lost and cannot be replayed.

When using the polling API, events are retained forever, but events cannot be replayed via the polling API.

How frequently should I connect to consume events?

It is recommended to keep the WebSocket connected, but depending on use case, this may be neither practical nor needed. However, connecting at least every few days ensures no messages will be lost.

There is no guarantee that a subscription to consume events will remain in place if the application fails to consume the subscribed events for 2 weeks.

What do the terms WebSocket and GraphQL mean?

To learn more, read our blog posts at https://blogs.oracle.com/hospitality/post/ohip-introduces-state-of-the-art-streaming-api-and-rich-analytics and https://blogs.oracle.com/hospitality/post/ohip-streaming-api-understanding-our-strategy.

Is the polling API for fetching business events going away?

No, for some use cases it is the right fit, so it will be available alongside the streaming API.

Can I use the streaming API to fetch ARI (availability, rates, and inventory)?

Yes, but we are working on a more cost effective alternative for ARI.

How many events can I consume at once?

With the polling API, a maximum of 20 events can be retrieved in one API call. The streaming API makes events available as soon as they occur, so there is no maximum number of events.

Will streaming affect throttling?

Only inbound API calls to OPERA Cloud are throttled; events produced from OPERA Cloud are not.

The events tab is not appearing in the application window. What am I missing?

You must have at least one OPERA Cloud environment with streaming enabled added to your Environments tab. You can identify if streaming is enabled for an environment by looking for the Streaming Enabled flag on the environment’s card (located under the Environments tab).

Is it possible to clear the backlog of events for my application?

No option is currently available to clear the backlog of events, and you must continue to process those events. Alternatively, you can create a new application and delete the old one if it is not required.


Do we need to sign an agreement to work with OHIP as an integration partner?

No, you must purchase Oracle Hospitality Integration Cloud Service from the Oracle Shop, but there is no further agreement required.

Is there a sandbox provided for testing?

As a customer. we recommend developing and testing in your UAT environment. For more information, see the Quick Start Guide for customers.

Integration partners have complimentary access to a sandbox environment. For more information, see the Quick Start Guide for partners.

OPN and Marketplace

Is a validation or certification needed for OHIP?

A review is optional. By default, OHIP is intended to offer a self-service experience that enables developers to bring their solutions to life without the need for a formal validation. If you would like to request an Oracle Hospitality review, please email hospitality-integrations_ww@oracle.com.

How do I add my application to the Cloud Marketplace?

Click the link below and follow the instructions on the page:


Where can I find information for joining the Oracle Partner Network (OPN)?

To join the Oracle Partner Network (OPN), follow the steps here: https://www.oracle.com/middleeast/partnernetwork/program/join/


Please note that the minimum level required for OHIP is the OPN Member Level.