12 Guest Details Page

The Guest Details Page enables you to configure the following two sections:
  • Required Guest Information

  • Links

Required Guest Information

This section enables you to decide which fields are required for the guest to complete the Mobile Guest Experience journey. The following table shows all the available fields, their descriptions, and their default required states.

Table 12-1 Available Fields

Field Description Default Required State

Arrival Time

The guest's arrival time. If the reservation does not have an arrival time, it defaults to the hotel's check-in time.


Departure Time

The guest's departure time. If the reservation does not have a departure time, it defaults to the hotel's check-out time.


Mobile Phone

The guest's mobile phone.


Address Line 1

The guest's street address.


Address Line 2

An additional line for the guest's street address.


City Name

The guest's address city name.



The guest's address state.



The guest's address country, which can be selected from a drop-down list.


Postal Code

The guest's postal code.


Accompanying Guests

The given name and surname of the reservation's accompanying guests (if any).


I agree to the terms & conditions

A check box that indicates if the guest agrees to the terms and conditions.


To update a required state, select the check box next the field name and then click the Save button.


In this section, you must provide the URLs for your Terms and Conditions and Privacy Rules.

The URLs appear on the Guest Details page as links.


These URLs are required to activate Mobile Guest Experience.

Table 12-2 Available Links

Link Description

Terms and Conditions

A web page that contains the rules and guidelines for using the Mobile Guest Experience check-in service.

Privacy Rules

A web page that contains the rules that protect all personal identifiable information.

To update a URL, click the Update link. A window appears where you can edit the information. After you are finished, click the Apply Changes button.
This image shows the Terms and Conditions.

Previewing the Guest Details

After you save your changes, a preview of what your guests see on their mobile devices appears.

This image shows a preview of the guest details.