4 eStandby Upgrades

This chapter addresses the eStandby Upgrade. It allows guests to request a room upgrade at the time of booking (for a perishable price) or any additional offers that are not confirmed or awarded until just before arrival.


This chapter addresses Nor1 eStandby Upgrade, which allows guests at the time of booking to request a room upgrade (for a perishable price) or any additional offers that are not confirmed or awarded until just before arrival.

eStandby Upgrade Exposure and Guest Offer

Displaying the Learn More Image Upsell Banner

The Learn More Image (LMI) Upsell Banner is presented to guests on hotel or third party booking websites, apps, and confirmation or pre-arrival emails based on the hotel’s level of integration.

  1. Option 1:

    Nor1 API calls to get the LMI data for customized HTML rendering.

    • This is used for hotels or third parties wanting more control over the call-to-action to upgrade after a booking is made.

    • If there are no upgrades available, the embedded image returns a blank 1x1 pixel image that is not visible, so there is no link for the guest to see.

  2. Option 2: Standard image URL embedding into HTML (web or email).
    • The Learn More image is presented by the eStandby Upgrade server and appears in the guest’s email.

    • Different LMI templates/images can be specified by using different PET values.

    • This is used for hotels or 3rd parties that want a simple way to embed a static image that renders exactly the same in any browser.

  3. Option 3: Oracle PMS Extract.

    The Nor1 extract for PMS is an efficient way to expose additional hotel guests to eStandby Upgrade offers using the Nor1 pre-arrival email. Extracts should contain all reservation activity occurring during the day (preceding 24 hrs. + x) and can be sent to the Nor1 data center using a secure SSL encrypted connection. Extracts contain no payment information of any kind.

Upsell Emails

Presenting eStandby Upgrade Offers

When a guest clicks the Learn More Image (LMI) Upsell banner, the guest is redirected to the hotel’s eStandby Upgrade offer screen where the following information is presented:
  • The hotel’s name and/or logo.

  • A shopping cart.

  • The name and information on the original booking.

  • Information on how eStandby Upgrade works.

The guest can request one or more eStandby Upgrades presented and then click Confirm Request(s).

The guest learns at arrival whether any of the requests are awarded, subject to availability:
  • If Yes, the guest agrees to pay the additional amounts stated for the award(s).

  • If No, the guest remains in the original booked room and pays nothing extra.

Upgrades: The guest can request one or more eStandby Upgrades. The guest is presented with a list of room upgrades and add-on offers based on the hotel’s configuration and on the PRiME algorithm. After selecting the desired eStandby Upgrades the guest can click Confirm Requests.
  1. Request All: The guest can request all eStandby Upgrades and add-ons presented for the best chance of success to be awarded an eStandby Upgrade.

  2. The offers appear with an image, a description, and the extra price for the particular offer. Depending on the hotel’s configuration, each offer shows either the offer’s savings or original price (with a strikethrough).

  3. The guest can click the call-to-action Request button to request one or several of the offers presented.

  4. The guest is presented with the Privacy Policy, which opens Nor1 and Oracle Company’s Privacy Policy page.

Requesting eStandby Upgrade Offers

Guests can request eStandby Upgrade offers by taking the following actions:

  1. Request All: Guests can request all eStandby Upgrades and add-ons presented for the best chance of success at being awarded an eStandby Upgrade.

  2. Request: Guests can select one or multiple eStandby Upgrade offers and/or add-ons:
    • The Shopping cart is updated.

    • Requested eStandby Upgrade Offer(s) with the Extra (per night) and Total extra for stay are presented:

  3. By clicking Confirm Requests, the guest confirms reading and understanding how the eStandby Upgrade process works.

  4. The guest commits to paying for an upgrade if awarded at check-in. The eStandby Upgrade requests are not guaranteed.

  5. The eStandby Upgrade requests can be modified or cancelled up to 24 hour(s) prior to check-in with no penalty.


    The timing for modifications or cancellations is based on the hotel’s configuration.
    • Confirm Request(s) button. This is a call-to-action as soon as the guest selects all offers. A summary of the requested eStandby Upgrade(s) with the Extra (per night) and Total extra for stay are presented to the guest.

    • Print icon. Enables the guest to print a summary.

    • An email confirms receipt of the requests and contains a link the guest can use to modify or cancel the requests. Due to high demand, modifications must be made at least 24 hour(s) prior to arrival.

    • The guest is informed again how the eStandby Upgrade works.

    • The summary page provides the guest with a summary of the eStandby Upgrade requests and greets the guest with the hotel’s name and phone number.

    As soon as the guest requests an eStandby Upgrade, the information is inserted in the Upsell Action Center. For any hotel with full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1, the Commit Message is inserted in the guest reservation record in OPERA PMS.

Upsell Action Center

The Upsell Action Center is where you manage eStandby Upgrade requests from your guests. Hotels with a full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 (except Hilton HHP CRS) benefit from an automated synchronization between the Upsell Action Center and Hotel PMS. Any decision logged in to the Upsell Action Center is reflected in Hotel PMS. Hotels without the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 must act on the requests in the Upsell Action Center and log the decision in their PMS manually.

The Upsell Action Center provides two different views on how to look at Nor1 eStandby Upgrade requests: Inventory Oriented View and Guest Oriented View. All Nor1 eStandby Upgrades requests appear in both views. Any Nor1 eXpress Upgrade requests are located in the Guest Oriented View. Both views are described in the following section.


You can edit Nor1 eStandby Upgrade requests within the Upsell Action Center until the 10th calendar day of the following month. Any changes should be updated until that day to guarantee correct invoicing.

Inventory Oriented View

After logging in, you are presented with the Inventory Oriented View. This view displays eStandby Upgrades based on the room inventory rather than the guest. The calendar function on top shows you a seven-day outlook from the current day forward. The Inventory Oriented View provides the following information:

  1. Date Selection. You can view a different time period by selecting the calendar and selecting the particular day.

  2. Available Fields. Below the calendar function are three different fields, which are explained in detail in the following sections. The available fields are:
    • Upgrade Requests for Date: This lists all room upgrades for the date selected.

    • Add-on Requests for Date: displays all add-on requests for the date selected.

    • Room Upgrade Type: presents all information on the guest who requested the room or add-on offer.

  3. Upgrade Requests for Date. The upgrade requests for the selected day are shown in this section. The requests are sorted from the highest to lowest room category and only requested categories appear here. The Upgrade Room Type appears, as well as the Number of Requests for the Room Type and the amount Realized and Remaining.

  4. Add-on Requests for Date. This section indicates any additional offer requests for the selected day. The Add-on Type is shown, as well as the Number of Requests for the Add-on and the amount Realized and Remaining. Add-on requests are based on reporting types from the Control Panel, which is internal only, and can be any of the following:
    1. Early Check In

    2. Late Check Out

    3. Room Feature

    4. Spa Services

    5. Food & Beverage

    6. Parking

    7. Amenities

    8. Extra Room

    9. Extra Day

  5. Room Upgrade Type. Based on the Upgrade Room Type selected, the section on the right side of the screen displays the following: guests name, potential loyalty status (if applicable), original room booked, LOS (Length of Stay), impact (+/-), PMS, status, and an Action button.

  6. Guest Name. Click the guest name to display Booking Info on the following:
    • Guest Name.

    • Confirmation Number: Click to view the eStandby Upgrade offer screen that the guest has seen and the offers the guest selected.

    • Room Type.

    • Arrival Date: Hotels without full 2-way Interfaced Integration with Nor1 can change the guest’s arrival date here if the date has changed. Hotels with the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 should not make changes here as any changes on the reservation should occur only in the PMS directly.

    • LOS (Length of Stay): Hotels without full 2-way Interfaced Integration with Nor1 can change the LOS here if needed. Hotels with the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 should not make changes here as any changes on the reservation should occur only in the PMS directly.

    • Departure Date.

    • Booking Price: This should not be changed as any changes on the reservation should occur only in the PMS directly.

    • Comments: For hotel internal use only. Comments appear on the Reports under the Analysis menu.

  7. Loyalty. If the guest has a Loyalty Status submitted within the booking, it is reflected here.

  8. Room. This is the original room booked.

  9. LOS (Length of Stay). This shows the number nights the guest is staying at the hotel for the particular stay.

  10. Impact (+ / - ). This highlights the revenue that the upgrade, if awarded, generates each night and for the total stay. When selecting an upgrade request for any guest that has submitted more than one room upgrade request, arrows indicate that there are also higher (green arrow) and/or lower (red arrow) requests in the queue for the guest. A number in the arrow indicates the number of higher or lower requests the guests has submitted.

  11. PMS. This is for full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 (except Hilton HHP CRS) hotels. The column might show a red M indicating that Manual Awarding is required. The red M is blank for any hotels without the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 .
    • Reservation is Unknown: No external reference ID is attached to the reservation.

    • Reservation In House: The reservation is already checked in.

    • Shared Reservation: The reservation is a shared reservation and any changes needs to be done manually.

    • Reservation is Cancelled: The reservation has been cancelled and therefore any changes need to be done manually.

  12. Status. Click Status to display Upgrade Request information. This screen indicates details for the reservation, such as Guest Name, Party Details, Booked Room, and Booked Price. In addition, a Room Upgrade Request shows the requested Room Upgrade Code, Price, and Status. Add-on Requests shows the Request, Total Amount, and Status. An Action button lets you award or deny a request. Status can be:

    • Pending: No action has been taken on that request.

    • Realized: The eStandby Upgrade request that has been awarded.

    • Upgraded Shows that the guest has been awarded an eStandby Upgrade, but in a different category.

    • Denied: No eStandby Upgrade request has been awarded to the reservation.

    • No Show: Indicates a no-show reservation in the hotel’s PMS.

    • Cancelled: The reservation is cancelled.

  13. Action: For any room upgrades, the button indicates Upgrade. For any Add-on request, it shows “Action.”
    • Rooms: Click Upgrade to upgrade this guest´s request. For hotels with the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 (except Hilton HHP CRS), a fixed charge or package is added to the reservation, a check-in alert is attached, and the room type is updated. If you need to deny this upgrade request, click anywhere on the guest row, for example next to the loyalty status, and the Action button at the top of Room Upgrade Type activates. Select Deny Upgrade if this request cannot be awarded; click Cancel Reservation if the reservation has been cancelled; click No Show Reservation in case the reservation was running No Show in the PMS. For any full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1, Cancel Reservation and No Show Reservation are not needed as the information is updated automatically in the Upsell Action Center after it updates in the OPERA PMS.

    • Add-on: Click Action to return to the Upgrade Request information. You can click Add to add the Add-on offer and price to the guest’s reservation. Double click Add to remove and deny the Add-on request. Click Save and Close to log the decision to the guest’s request.

  14. View Upgrade Requests. The calendar function shows a 7-day outlook for any pending requests. If a request is in the system for a certain day, it appears in the calendar with “0/1” to indicate that 0 of 1 reservations have been actioned. In addition, it shows the possible amount to award on that day and the amount of revenue already realized for that day. The field below the calendar indicates the number of rooms available for the particular room type based on the Upgrade Room Type within the Upgrade Requests section. For any full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 property, the number reflects the property’s inventory. The field shows 0 for any hotel without the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1. To view the upsell request, select a day with a minimum of 0/1 and watch for Upgrade Requests or Add-on Requests.

  15. Manage Upgrade Requests. For any Upgrade Requests, the Action button indicates Upgrade. For any Add-on Request, it shows Action.

    • Rooms: Click Upgrade to upgrade the guest’s request. For Hotels with the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 (except Hilton HHP CRS), a fixed charge or package is added to the reservation, a check-in alert is attached, and the room type is updated.

    • If you need to deny the upgrade request, click the guest’s row next to Loyalty and the Action button at the top of Room Upgrade Type activates. Select Deny if the request cannot be awarded, select Cancel Reservation if the reservation has been cancelled, or select No Show Reservation if the reservation was running No Show in the PMS. For any full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 (except Hilton HHP CRS) hotels, Cancel Reservation and No Show Reservation are not needed as the information updates in the Upsell Action Center automatically after it updates in OPERA PMS.

    • Hotels without the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 should add the posting to the guest’s reservation and add a comment or alert in their PMS for the agent to be aware of how to welcome the guest.

    • Add-on: Click Action to return to the Upgrade Request information. There you can click Add to add the Add-on offer and price to the guest’s reservation. Double click Add to remove and deny the Add-on request. Click Save and Close to log the decision to the guest’s request.

Guest Oriented View

The Guest Oriented View offers another option to view eStandby Upgrade requests in the application. You can look at Standby Upgrade requests in a more guest-oriented way. Requests are presented as an arrivals list. Any Nor1 eXpress Upgrade is shown in this view.

  1. View Upgrade Requests. By default the Guest Oriented View displays an arrivals list (only for guests with eStandby Upgrade requests or eXpress Upgrades) for the next three days. For the pre-selected timeframe, the application indicates the RRR (Revenue Realization Rate), the Awarded Revenue, and the Potential Revenue (in brackets). You can adjust the timeframe so that the RRR, Awarded, and Potential Revenue update accordingly. By default, all upgrade requests are shown in the list below. However, you might want to look only at eStandby Upgrades or eXpress Upgrades. A search field lets you search by Room, Guest Name, or Confirmation Number. Based on the selection, the list shows eStandby Upgrades with Arrival Date, LOS, Confirmation Number, Guest Name, Loyalty, Booked Room, Number of Requests, Status, and potentially a red letter M for any upgrade that requires manual updates in the PMS (for properties with full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 (except Hilton HHP CRS). Refer to the Room Upgrade Type section.

  2. For hotels with the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 (except Hilton HHP CRS), you can find a number in brackets next to the room category that indicates that the minimum number of rooms in the particular category are still available for the entire stay of the guest. In addition, Smart Award information appears on the far right side of the screen.

  3. Manage Upgrade Requests. To manage upgrade requests, click in the column to open the request. A list of Room Upgrades and/or Add-on Requests appear with the price per night and the price for the entire stay. The following options are available:
    1. Red label eS or eX: indicates either an eStandby Upgrade request or an eXpress Upgrade.

    2. Green Badge: applicable only for hotels that activate the Smart Award configuration. The green badge indicates which pending awards are automatically actioned. You can click the Smart Award button to trigger an Auto Award for all eligible pending requests prior to the configured cutoff time.

    3. Action (orange): click Action if you can award the guest’s request. For hotels with the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 (except Hilton HHP CRS), this changes the Room Type in OPERA PMS and adds a fix charge or package and a check-in alert. Double clicking the Action button sets the request to Denied.

    4. Change Stay Dates: any hotel without full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 can change the stay dates if the dates have changed. Any hotel with the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 should not make any changes in here as changes should take place in the PMS directly.

    5. View Offer Page: click to view the eStandby Upgrade offer screen the guest has seen, as well as the offers that have been selected.

    6. Add Your Comments: for hotel internal use only; it reflects on the Reports under Analysis.

    7. Deny all requests (drop-down): sets all requests from this guest to “Denied.”

    8. Booking Cancelled: This is available for hotels without the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 in case the booking is cancelled. For hotels with the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1, the status updates automatically.

    9. No Show: available for hotels without the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 if the booking is running No Show. For hotels with the full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 (except Hilton HHP CRS), this status updates automatically.

    10. Denied No Rooms: use to deny one request instead of double-clicking the Action button.

    11. Next: takes you to the next guest request within the list of Nor1 eStandby Upgrade requests.

Smart Award Configuration / Auto Awarding

The hotel´s real-time inventory is used to automatically award upgrades and post the charges to the property management system (PMS) automatically. This feature allows the hotel to award more upgrades, including last minute requests. It also reduces the amount of time a property manager or other user spends on clearing the queue manually and eliminates expired revenues.

*Available for Opera hotels with full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1 and Hilton hotels with full 2-way Hilton HHP Interface Integration with Nor1.

Advanced Awarding On:

  • If enabled for OPERA hotels with full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1, Nor1 automatically processes upgrade requests, update room types, and post charges to the hotel PMS three days before the guest’s arrival. You can also reach out to your Nor1 Account Manager to adjust the advance awarding time, exclude certain room types, or include add-ons.

  • If enabled for Hilton hotels with full 2-way Hilton HHP Interface Integration with Nor1, Nor1 automatically processes upgrade requests, update room types, and daily room rates to Hilton CRS two days before the guest’s arrival.

Advanced Awarding Off:

  • property users must review all eStandby Upgrades, decide whether to award and upgrade request, and log your decisions in the application manually.

Award Decisions in PMS – OPERA OXI Integration

Whether you are working with the Inventory Oriented View, the Guest Oriented View, or letting Auto Awarding work for you, the decisions are interfaced from the Upsell Action Center to OPERA with OXI Integration.

  1. eStandby Upgrade: If an eStandby Upgrade is realized, the following information updates automatically in OPERA:
    • Room Type update.

    • Fixed Charges or Packages (depending on the hotels configuration) are added to the reservation.

    • Comment/CheckIn Alert are entered into OPERA with a Nor1 eStandby Upgrade Confirmed Message.

    • If an eStandby Upgrade is denied, the following information updates automatically in OPERA:

      • Comment/CheckIn Alerts are entered into OPERA with an eStandby Not Confirmed Message.

    • If a reservation is cancelled in OPERA, the Nor1 eStandby Upgrade requests update automatically in the Upsell Action Center with the status of Cancelled.

    • If a guest cancels the Nor1 eStandby Upgrade requests, those requests will no longer appear in the Upsell Action Center.

    • If a reservation status changes to No Show in OPERA, the Nor1 eStandby Upgrade is marked as “No Show” in the Upsell Action Center.

  2. Smart Awarding: As soon as a Nor1 eStandby Upgrade is auto awarded, the following information updates automatically reflect in OPERA PMS:

    • Room type.

    • Fixed charges or Packages (depending on the hotels configuration) are added to the reservation.

    • Comment/CheckIn Alerts is entered into OPERA with a Nor1 eStandby Upgrade confirmed message.

  3. Nor1 eXpress Upgrade: If a Nor1 eXpress Upgrade is booked, the following information update automatically in OPERA:
    • Room Type.

    • Fixed Charges or Packages (depending on the hotels configuration) are added to the reservation.

    • Comment/CheckIn Alerts is entered into OPERA with a Nor1 eXpress Upgrade Message.

    • If a reservation is cancelled in OPERA, the Nor1 eXpress Upgrade updates automatically in the Upsell Action Center with the status of Cancelled.

    • If a reservation status changes to No Show in OPERA, the Nor1 eStandby Upgrade is marked as “No Show” in the Upsell Action Center.

Award Decisions in PMS – OPERA CLOUD OHIP Integration

Whether you are working with the Inventory Oriented View, the Guest Oriented View, or letting Auto Awarding work for you, the decisions are interfaced from the Upsell Action Center to OPERA CLOUD with OHIP Integration.
  1. eStandby Upgrade: if an eStandby Upgrade is realized, the following update automatically in OPERA:

    • Room Type update.

    • Fixed Charges are added to the reservation.

    • Comment/CheckIn Alert are entered into OPERA with an eStandby Confirmed Message.

    • If an eStandby Upgrade is denied, the following updates automatically in OPERA:
      • Comment/CheckIn Alert are entered into OPERA with an eStandby Not Confirmed Message.

      • If a reservation is cancelled in OPERA, the eStandby Upgrade requests update automatically in the Upsell Action Center with the status “Canceled.”

      • In case a guest is cancelling the eStandby Upgrade requests, those requests will no longer appear in the Upsell Action Center.

  2. Smart Awarding: as soon as an eStandby Upgrade is auto awarded, the following updates automatically reflect in OPERA PMS:

    • Room Type update.

    • Fixed Charges are added to the reservation.

    • Comment/CheckIn Alert is entered into OPERA with an eStandby Confirmed Message.

  3. eXpress Upgrade: if an eXpress Upgrade is booked, the following update automatically in OPERA:

    • Room Type.

    • Fixed Charges are added to the reservation.

    • Comment/CheckIn Alert is entered into OPERA with an eXpress Upgrade Message.

      • If a reservation is cancelled in OPERA, the eXpress Upgrade updates automatically in Upsell Action Center with the status “Cancelled.”

Award Decisions in PMS – Infor HMS Integration

Whether you are working with the Inventory Oriented View, the Guest Oriented View, or letting Auto Awarding work for you, the decisions are interfaced from the Upsell Action Center to Infor with HMS Integration.
  1. eStandby Upgrade: if an eStandby Upgrade is realized, the following update automatically in PMS:

    • Room Type update.

    • Fixed Charges are added to the reservation.

    • Comment is entered into PMS with an eStandby Confirmed Message.

      • If a reservation is cancelled in PMS, the eStandby Upgrade requests update automatically in the Upsell Action Center with the status “Cancelled.”

      • In case a guest is cancelling the eStandby Upgrade requests, those requests will no longer appear in the Upsell Action Center.

      • If a reservation status changes to No Show in PMS, the eStandby Upgrade is marked as “No Show” in the Upsell Action Center.

  2. Smart Awarding: not available.

  3. eXpress Upgrade: not available.

Award Decisions in PMS – QuoHotel QuoNext Integration

Whether you are working with the Inventory Oriented View, the Guest Oriented View, or letting Auto Awarding work for you, the decisions are interfaced from the Upsell Action Center to QuoHotel QuoNext Integration.
  1. eStandby Upgrade: if an eStandby Upgrade is realized, the following update automatically in PMS:

    • Room Type update.

    • Fixed Charges are added to the reservation.

    • Comment is entered into PMS with an eStandby Confirmed Message.

      • If a reservation is cancelled in PMS, the eStandby Upgrade requests update automatically in the Upsell Action Center with the status “Cancelled.”

      • In case a guest is cancelling the eStandby Upgrade requests, those requests will no longer appear in the Upsell Action Center.

      • If a reservation status changes to No Show in PMS, the eStandby Upgrade is marked as “No Show” in the Upsell Action Center.

  2. Smart Awarding: not available.

  3. eXpress Upgrade: not available.

Award Decisions in PMS – Agilysys LMS HTNG Integration

Whether you are working with the Inventory Oriented View, the Guest Oriented View, or letting Auto Awarding work for you, the decisions are interfaced from the Upsell Action Center to LMS HTNG Integration.
  1. 1. eStandby Upgrade: if an eStandby Upgrade is realized, the following update automatically in PMS:

    • Room Type update.

    • Fixed Charges are added to the reservation.

    • Comment is entered into PMS with an eStandby Confirmed Message.

      • If a reservation is cancelled in PMS, the eStandby Upgrade requests update automatically in the Upsell Action Center with the status “Cancelled.”

      • In case a guest is cancelling the eStandby Upgrade requests, those requests will no longer appear in the Upsell Action Center.

      • If a reservation status changes to No Show in PMS, the eStandby Upgrade is marked as “No Show” in the Upsell Action Center.

  2. 2. Smart Awarding: not available

  3. 3. eXpress Upgrade: not available.

Award Decisions in Hilton CRS – Hilton HHP Integration

  1. eStandby Upgrade: if the hotel only has Hilton CRS Integration and does not have a full 2-way PMS Integration, any changes from the Upsell Action Center would need to be logged in the hotel property management system (PMS) manually.

    • To inform the Front Desk Team member who is checking in a guest with an eStandby Upgrade, log your award decision in your PMS as follows:

      • If an eStandby Upgrade is realized, manually change the following in your PMS:

    • Room Type. Assign the new room type the guest is awarded to

    • Upgrade amount (depending on the hotel’s SOPs). You must change the upgrade amount to be charged to the PMS with the additional amount the guest agreed to pay for the eStandby Upgrade.

    • Comment/CheckIn Alert: Add an alert to inform the Front Desk team member of the awarded eStandby Upgrade.

      • If an eStandby Upgrade is denied, manually change the following in your PMS:

    • Comment/CheckIn Alert: add an alert to inform the Front Desk team member that there was no availability to accommodate the guest’s eStandby Upgrade request.

      • If a reservation is cancelled in the hotel’s PMS, mark the eStandby Upgrade request as cancelled in the Upsell Action Center.

      • If a reservation status changes to No Show in the hotel’s PMS, go back to the eStandby Upgrade request and mark it as No Show in the Upsell Action Center.

  2. Smart Awarding: as soon as an eStandby Upgrade is auto awarded, the following updates automatically reflect in Hilton CRS:

    • Room Type update.

    • Daily room rates update to include upsell price.

    • Comment is added.

    • Special Request code Nor1 AutoAward is added.

  3. eXpress Upgrade: not available.

Award Decisions in PMS – No OXI Integration

If the hotel does not have a Nor1 OXI 2-way Integration, any changes from the Upsell Action Center would need to be logged in the hotel property management system (PMS) manually.

To inform the Front Desk Team member who is checking in a guest with an eStandby Upgrade, log your award decision in your PMS as follows:

  1. If an eStandby Upgrade is realized, manually change the following in your PMS:
    • Room Type. Assign the new room type the guest is awarded to.

    • Upgrade amount (depending on the hotel’s SOPs). You must change the upgrade amount to be charged to the PMS with the additional amount the guest agreed to pay for the Nor1 eStandby Upgrade.

    • Comment/CheckIn Alert: Add an alert to inform the Front Desk team member of the awarded Nor1 eStandby Upgrade.

  2. If an eStandby Upgrade is denied, manually change the following in your PMS:
    • Comment/CheckIn Alert: Add an alert to inform the Front Desk team member that there is no availability to accommodate the guest’s eStandby Upgrade request.

  3. If a reservation is cancelled in the hotel’s PMS, mark the eStandby Upgrade request as cancelled in the Upsell Action Center.

  4. If a reservation status changes to No Show in the hotel’s PMS, go back to the eStandby Upgrade request and mark it as No Show in the Upsell Action Center.

Inventory View

The Inventory view indicates the inventory based on Room Types for the property.

  • Switch Axis. By default, the rooms are presented on the X-Axis, and dates are presented on the Y-Axis. Clicking the field switches the axis.

  • Edit Room Order. Drag and drop to change the Room Order.

  • Save. Click Save to save your changes.

Analysis Reporting

Nor1 analysis reporting is built into the Upsell Action Center. You can use reports as daily operations reports if necessary. The App Access depends on the access granted to each user. The data is separated into three types: Activity, Decisions, and Summary. All reports require a specified date range, and you can download or simply view them in the browser. The difference between these reports is as follows:

  • Activity Report: This primarily highlights guest booking information. Parameters, such as length of stay, arrival date, and additional reservation details are listed under this report.

  • Decisions Report: This shows successful upgrades processed by the award manager. You can use this report as a printable room block checklist.

  • Summary Report: This contains all data in a summary format including upgrade status, award manager comments, and unsuccessful upgrades.

  • Manual Upgrade Report: If a red M appears for a certain date, the report presents data for this date with information about the guest’s request.


A green Help flag on the right-hand side of the screen brings you to the Learn and Support area.

  • Learn: Nor1 Training Center with Fundamental videos and different levels of Certification.

  • Support: The Help Center provides useful data and information such as the following:
    • Submit a request

    • Find training dates and register to trainings

    • Announcements

    • Nor1 Best Practices

    • FAQs on Revenue Optimization

    • FAQs on User Management

    • FAQs on General topics

Rate Calendar

The Rate Calendar is available depending on the App Access granted in Manage Users. The calendar displays Base Rates for selected dates. The numbers presented are the base rates. The Rate Calendar does not support dynamic supplements but allows you to enter different supplements for different days or seasonality if needed.


The Base Rates in the Rate Calendar are not as important as the supplements. The supplements should reflect what is accurate in the hotel.

View Upsell Base Rates by Date

Upsells are listed on the left side and within the row. Base Rates are listed by Day. In the Rate Calendar you can find the price of Room Upgrades and any Add-on offers. By default, the data is presented for one year from today forward. You can update the View Upsell Base Rates using the Calendar function and by selecting the timeframe within the year that is being looked for or where an update on prices is needed. In addition, you can select Days to defer, for example, special Weekday versus Weekend pricing. It is possible to view only certain upsells and select only the ones needed. By default, all possible items are visible. Edit icons are positioned at the top on the right-hand side. By default, this is set to View Published Rates.

Manage Upsell Base Rates and Supplements

To change a base rate for a certain period of time, the Edit icon needs to be changed to View/Edit Draft Rates.

  1. You can highlight the upsell (room or add-on) that needs updating by clicking in the respective row. If a certain date should be updated, click the respective column.

  2. Edit Rates provides the following options:
    • Increase all base rates by Amount or by Percentage.

    • Decrease all base rates by Amount or by Percentage.

    • Set the base rate for all upsells to Amount.

  3. Set Blackout for Selected Rates. Remove Blackout for Selected Rates.

  4. Click Apply after adding the changes.

  5. Click Save Draft and then click OK. The Save Draft Confirmation screen appears indicating the Draft was Saved Successfully.

  6. Change the edit icon to Review / Publish Draft Rates.

  7. Click Publish to publish the changes or click Revert to revert your changes. By clicking Publish the Publish Your Saved Draft screen appears and you must click Yes to publish the new rates.

Set and Remove Blackout Dates

Some upsells might be valid only on certain days of week or only for a certain period of time. In such cases, set blackout dates to avoid showing the upsells on any other days/dates. Upsells with blackout dates are not shown to a guest for the selected time in the Rate Calendar.

  1. Change the edit icon to View / Edit Draft Rates.

  2. Select the days/dates where a blackout is needed.

  3. Click Edit Rates.

  4. Select Set Blackout for Selected Rates.


    If removing blackouts, select Remove Blackout for Selected Rates.
  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click Save Draft and then click OK.

  7. Change the edit icon to Review/Publish Draft Rates.

  8. Click Publish and then click Yes to publish the blackout dates.

PRiME Controls

PRiME is Nor1’s proprietary pricing and merchandising solution. This patented decision intelligence engine is designed to increase the value of a hotel’s unused inventory while maintaining price integrity. PRiME is a complex formula that balances supply and demand variables and enables Nor1 to make offers for individual guests.

  • Predictive modeling engine trained on millions of historical transactions.

  • Makes real-time decisions on product, pricing, and display rank.

  • Transforms error-prone business intelligence (reports and dashboards) to true decision science.

  • Leverages resultant data across the hospitality enterprise.

The following are some of the demand and supply variables PRiME takes into consideration:

  1. Demand Variables:

    1. Length of Stay

    2. Number of Guests

    3. Day of Week

    4. Original Booked Room Price

  2. Supply Variables:

    1. Award Rate

    2. Deny Rate

    3. Inventory count (not considered by PRiME)

    4. Day of Week

    5. Seasonality (High Season versus Slow Season)

Base PRiME Controls

The following items are available in PRiME Controls:

  • Original Room Type: From the Original Room Type you can select one, multiple, or all available room types for this hotel.

  • Upsells: Shows you any applicable upsells possible for the Original Room Type based on the supplements from the Rate Calendar. Any add-on offer configured is shown in Upsells as well.

  • Price Range: The default for a new category configured in the Control Panel is 10-100 percent of the full room supplement. However, a hotel is not likely to offer a room upgrade or add-on offer for 10-100 percent, but could offer an upgrade for 50-100 percent or any other range. In this case, use the slider to change to an agreed percentage point. Using Price Ranges on the top changes all selected upsell offers from Original Room Type to Upsells with the price range indicated.

  • Exclude Upsells: Select this check box if one Upsell should not be offered for a certain Original Room Type (for example, a Twin bedded Executive Room should not be offered to a King bedded Guest Room).

  • Complimentary Upsells for Loyalty Guests: Only applicable for certain chains.
    • Based on Loyalty status, it might be possible that one room upgrade from the base level is complimentary. This can be configured by selecting the complimentary room code on the drop-down menu.

Configuring from Original Room Type for all available options:

  1. Select one Original Room Type and leave Upsells untouched. The view shows all Upsell options for this one Original Room Type.

  2. Change any price range using the Price Ranges slider or by entering the new percentages manually in each column.

  3. On the right of each column, select the Exclude Upsells check box if one Upsell should not be offered for a certain Original Room Type.

Configuring one Upsell for all original room types:

  1. Select one Upsell and leave Original Room Type untouched. The view will show all Original Room Types and only the one Upsell selected.

  2. Make any price range changes using the slider on top (Price Ranges) or by entering the new percentages manually in each column.

  3. On the right of each column, select the Exclude Upsells check box if one Upsell should not be offered for a certain Original Room Type.


If a supplement is USD 100 and the range is set to 70-100 percent, the offer is presented to the guest between USD 70 and USD 100 based on the PRiME algorithm.

Invoice Details

Monthly performance-based invoices are emailed directly to Accounts Payable contacts.

By clicking Invoice Details in the Upsell Action Center (either from Inventory Oriented View or from Guest Oriented View) you can view, by default, the invoice details from the past month of the current year. However, the Invoice Details view might change by doing the following:
  1. Hover your mouse over the year and select any other year. By default, the last 14 month are stored. If any other Invoice Details are needed, contact your Nor1 Account Manager.

  2. Select a Month on top of the list to populate the other month Invoice Details.

  3. To print the details, click Print Details. Invoice details are updated nightly, so any changes on a Nor1 eStandby Upgrade appear on the next day.

  4. The list Transaction Detail for Guests Staying in Month / Year presents the following data:
    1. Reservation Number.

    2. Guest Last Name.

    3. Loyalty Status.

    4. Description: Show the category or add-on description the guest upgraded to: Arrival Date (M/D/Y); Departure Date (M/D/Y); Nights of Stay; or Unit Price.

    5. Billing Unit: The billing unit may defer depending on the configuration for the item. Possible billing units are Per Night, Per Person, Per Person and Night, or Per Stay.

    6. Total Stay: This is the Nor1 eStandby Upgrade total price for the guest’s stay.

    7. This Billing Month: This is the Nor1 eStandby Upgrade price for this request, which is billed in this month.

A Total is presented for the selected Month/Year with a price for the Total Stay and a price for This Billing Month.