5 eXpress Upgrade

This chapter addresses eXpress Upgrade, which allows hotels and resorts to provide guests with confirmed upgrades based on last minute available inventory without involving Award Managers. These offers also take eStandby Upgrade requests into consideration.

eXpress Upgrade Exposure and Guest Offer

When new transaction data is received, emails with the embedded link are sent within 24 hours of the guest’s arrival. The guest receives a confirmed upgrade offer after an upgrade is requested.

Any eXpress Upgrade requests are presented to hotel users within the Upsell Action Center in the Guest Oriented View.


eXpress Upgrade is available for hotels with the minimum OPERA Version 5.0 (required for full 2-way Interface Integration with Nor1).

Display Learn More Image Upsell Banner

The Learn More Image Upsell Banner is presented to guests as pre-arrival emails within 24 hours prior to arrival.

Presenting eXpress Upgrade Offers

When you click the Learn More Image (LMI) Upsell banner, you are redirected to the hotel’s eXpress Upgrade offer screen. The offers are based on real-time availability from the hotels inventory. The offer screen displays the following:

  • The hotels name and/or logo.

  • A shopping cart icon.

  • The name and information on the original booking.

  • Information on how Nor1 eXpress Upgrade works.

  1. You are presented with a list of room upgrades and add-on offers based on the hotel’s configuration and on PRiME’s algorithm. The offers appear with an image, a description, and the extra price for the particular offer. The savings appear depending on the hotel’s configuration.

  2. Select one eXpress Upgrade and click Confirm Requests. By selecting a eXpress Upgrade, you agree to pay the additional amount.


    At the bottom of the page, the guest is presented with Privacy Policy, which opens the Nor1, an Oracle Company’s Privacy Policy page.

Requesting eXpress Upgrade Offers

You can select one eXpress Upgrade and/or add-ons:
  • The shopping cart is updated.

  • The Requested eXpress Upgrade with the Extra (per night) and Total extra (for the stay) are presented.

  1. Click Confirm Requests to confirm having read and understood the eXpress Upgrade process.

  2. Commit to pay for an upgrade and booking, which can be modified or cancelled through the hotel.

  3. The Confirm Request(s) button is a call-to-action as soon as the guest selects the desired eXpress Upgrade.

  4. A summary for the stay is presented to the guest.

  5. The Print icon appears for printing the summary.

  6. The guest is reminded about how eXpress Upgrade works and that the guest will be charged the associated fees.

  7. The summary page greets the guest with the eXpress Upgrade booked and the hotel’s name and phone number.

Award Messages in OPERA PMS

If a Nor1 eXpress Upgrade is booked, the following criteria is automatically updated in OPERA:

  1. Room Type.

  2. Fixed charges or packages (depending on the hotel’s configuration) are added to the reservation.

  3. A Comment/CheckIn Alert is entered in OPERA with the Nor1 eXpress Upgrade message.

  4. If a reservation is cancelled in OPERA, the Nor1 eXpress Upgrade is automatically updated in the Upsell Action Center with the Cancelled status.

  5. If a reservation becomes a No Show in OPERA, the Nor1 eXpress Upgrade is marked as No Show in the Upsell Action Center.