Sell Limits

On Sell Limits, you can configure:
  • Sell Limit Templates: Creation and overview of templates to be used for Channel Limits. Updating a template enables the update of all linked channel limits at one time.

  • Channel Limits: Overview of existing Channel Limits and the ability to configure Channel Limits. These limits are the same as on Availability – Inventory – Sell Limits.

From the Configuration main menu, select Inventory Configuration and then select Sell Limits.


Appropriate permissions are required to access Inventory Management. From the Role Manager menu, select Role Permissions. All options accessible from the Sell limit menu options are covered by the Inventory permissions of the Inventory module. For further information, see: Role Permissions.


This option is also available from Availability > Inventory > Sell Limits > Action buttons.

Template Limits

From the Search section, select Search Display Template Limits. This is the default selection when you open the Sell Limits. By default, you can view the template limits for the next three months in month view.

Managing Template Limits

Use the following to search:
  • Start Date: Select a start date. By default, this is your system date. This field is required.

  • End Date: Select an end date. By default, this is the last day of the third month from your system date on. This field is required.

  • Template: Select one or multiple templates.

  • Channel: Select one or multiple channels.

  • Room Type: Select one or multiple room types.

  • Sell Limit Types: Select one or multiple Sell Limit types.

  • Zero Sell Limit Type: Select one or multiple Zero Sell Limit types.

  • Include Inactive: Select this check box to include the inactive templates.

  • Click Search to get search results. Only records matching all of the selected criteria appear. Click Reset to reset the search data and get the default display.

Viewing Sell Limit Templates

  • By default you can view all active templates and templates limits from your system date on until the end of the next three months.

  • Select the calendar view Days, Week, Month, or Year. By default, the display is set to Month view.

  • Use the + (plus) symbol and – (minus) symbol on the right hand side of the calendar to zoom in and zoom out.

  • Expanding a template shows the limits per room type with the sell limit and zero sell limit. Expanding a room type shows the limits split by sell limit and zero sell limit.

  • Hover your mouse over the templates and limits to view the details. If a limit is set for All days it shows the start and end date of the limit. If a limit is set to weekdays, weekend days, or custom days, it shows the start and end date of the selected limit.

Creating and Editing Templates

Select the Create button on the top of the screen to create a template. Select an existing template and use the pencil icon on top of the calendar to edit the template.
  • Inactive: Select this check box to set the template to inactive. Setting the template to inactive does not set existing channel sell limits on Availability > Inventory inactive. Only the link to the template is removed on the channel limits. Activating an inactive template with linked channels and limits will update all existing limits on Inventory where the Allow Template Update flag is selected and the Modified flag is not set.

  • Code: Enter a short code to identify the template quickly. This field is required.

  • Description: Enter the description of the template. This field is required.

  • Channel: Select one or multiple Channels. A channel can be linked to only one template. The list of values shows only available channels. If you want to link an already linked channel to another template, you must first unlink it and then link it to the other template. Unlinking a channel does not change existing channel sell limits on Availability > Inventory. Only the link to the template is removed on the channel limits. Adding a channel to another template updates all existing channel limits where the Allow Template Overwrite flag in Availability > Inventory is set and updated with the new template or, if no channel limit was defined for certain dates, they will be created. When unlinking a channel, the sell limits for the channel remain on the Availability, Inventory screen.

  • Click Submit and then select either Submit to create the record or Submit and Create Another to continue creating records. Click Update to save your edits on existing records.

Setting Template Limits

Select the Set Template Limit button on the top of the calendar or right click your mouse on a template in the calendar and select Set Template Limit to create a limit. Right click your mouse on an existing template limit to edit the record.
  • Template Header: Select the template. When creating a limit using a right mouse click on the template, the template is selected by default.

  • Attribute Type: By default, this is set to room type and read-only.

  • Inventory Source: By default, this is set to house and read-only.

  • Attribute Code: Select one or multiple room types the limit is valid for. This field is required.

  • Start Date / End Date: Enter the dates where the limit is valid.

  • Days: Select the days the limit should be in effect. By default, the limit is set to All Days.
    • All days: Sets the limit for all days within the entered date range.

    • Weekdays (Mo - Fr): Sets the limit for all days except weekend days within the entered date range.

    • Weekend Days (Sat - Sun): Sets the limit for only weekend days within the entered date range.

    • Custom: Select the days the limit should be set for within the entered date range.

  • Sell Limit Type: Select the type to be used for calculating the limit. A sell limit type and value and/or a zero sell limit type and value are required.

  • Sell Limit Value: Enter the value.

  • Zero Sell Limit Type: Select the type to be used for calculating the limit. A sell limit type and value and/or a zero sell limit type and value are required.

  • Zero Sell Limit: Enter the value.

  • Click Save and then select either Save to save the record or Save and Set Another to continue creating template limits.


    When changing and saving a template limit, all channel limits in Availability > Inventory where the Allow Template Update flag is set and the Modified flag is not set get updated. You can change an existing limit or set a new limit by editing one limit, such as the dates or any other data. Existing limits will be overwritten, and limits for dates where none exist or when room types are added will be set.

Deleting a Template Limit

Right click your mouse on a limit and select Delete, or edit a limit and select the Delete button with the ability to delete only a sell limit, a zero sell limit, or the entire record. A message appears offering the option to Keep or Delete the record.


When deleting a template limit, the inventory of channel limits linked to the template limit also get deleted.

Channel Limits

On Channel Limits you can view, set, and delete channel limits. The display reflects the channel limits from Availability > Inventory.

From the Search section, select Search Display Channel Limits. By default, you can view the limits from your system date on until the end of the next three months.

Managing Channel Limits

Use the following to search:
  • Start Date: Select a start date. By default, this is your system date. This field is required.

  • End Date: Select an end date. By default, this is the last day of the third month from your system date on. This field is required.

  • Channel: Select one or multiple channels.

  • Room Type: Select one or multiple room types.

  • Sell Limit Types: Select one or multiple Sell Limit types.

  • Zero Sell Limit Type: Select one or multiple Zero Sell Limit types.

  • Click Search to get search results. Only records matching all of the selected criteria appear. Click Reset to reset the search data and get the default display.

Viewing Channel Limits

  • The default display is per Room Type. When expanding a room type you can view the channel limits. Select Display by Channel to view the channel limits and when expanding the room types.

  • Select the calendar view Days, Week, Month or Year. By default, the display is set to Month view.

  • Use the + (plus) symbol and – (minus) symbol on the right hand side of the calendar to zoom in/zoom out.

  • Hover your mouse over the limits to view the details. If a limit is set for all days it shows the start and end date of the limit. If a limit is set to weekdays, weekend days or custom days it shows the start and end date of the selected limit.

Setting Channel Limits

Select the Set Channel Limit icon on top of the calendar or right click your mouse on a channel limit in the calendar and select Set Channel Limit to create a limit. Right click your mouse on an existing limit to edit the record.
  • Channel: Select the channel. When creating a limit using the right mouse click on the template, the template is selected by default. You can only create channel limits for channel not linked to a template.

  • Template: When creating a limit the field does not appear. When editing a limit, the field shows you whether a template is linked.

  • Attribute Type: By default, this is set to room type and read-only.

  • Inventory Source: By default, this is set to house and read-only.

  • Attribute Code: Select the room type for the limit you want to create. This field is required.

  • Start Date/End Date: Enter the dates for when the limit is valid.

  • Days: Select the days the limit should be in effect. By default, the limit is set to All Days.
    • All days: Sets the limit for all days within the entered date range.

    • Weekdays (Mo - Fr): Sets the limit for all days except weekend days within the entered date range.

    • Weekend Days (Sat - Sun): Sets the limit for only weekend days within the entered date range.

    • Custom: Select the days the limit should be set for within the entered date range.

  • Sell Limit Type: Select the type to be used for calculating the limit. A sell limit type and value and / or a zero sell limit type and value is required.

  • Sell Limit Value: Enter the value.

  • Zero Sell Limit Type: Select the type to be used for calculating the limit. A sell limit type and value and / or a zero sell limit type and value is required.

  • Zero Sell Limit: Enter the value.

  • Click Save and then select either Save to save the record or Save and Set Another to continue creating limits. This sell limit is also reflected on Availability > Inventory.

Deleting a Channel Limit

Right click your mouse on a limit and select Delete or edit a limit and select the Delete button with the ability to delete only a sell limit, a zero sell limit, or the whole record. A message appears offering the option to Keep or Delete the record.


The Delete option is available only with the appropriate permission. If the limit is linked to a template, it will be created again when the template limits are updated.