Yield Attributes

The Yield Attributes screen allows you to view and manage the Yield Categories, Yield Adjustment Codes, and Yield Market Types split on separate tabs.

From the Pricing main menu, select Yield Attributes.

By default, the Yield Categories tab is selected, and you can view all records. The number in brackets on each tab indicates the number of existing records.


Appropriate permissions are required to access the Yield Attributes menu. From the Role Manager menu, select Role Permissions. The option accessible from the Pricing main menu is covered by the View Yield Categories, View Yield Adjustment Codes, and View Yield Market Types permissions of the Channel Management module. For further information, see: Role Permissions.


At a minimum, your role must have at least one of the above permissions to view the Yield Attributes available on the Horizontal Lines menu. Additional permissions are required to have access to additional options.

Managing Yield Attributes

By default, you can view all records on each tab.
  • Filter option: Enter any text to filter records by code or description. Filtering starts as soon as you type text in the field.

Yield Categories

Yield categories are groupings of like or similar rooms that are presented to customers in OPERA applications based on either the target market or pricing structure at your property. All room types of the property are automatically assigned to the default yield category standard. These room types can be left in the default standard yield category, or you can create new categories to better manage your property's demand and pricing.

Adding and Editing Yield Categories

Select the Add button on the right-hand side or, if no category exists yet, select the Add button in the middle of the screen to create a record. Use the pencil on the right-hand side of each record to edit a category.
  • Code: Enter a unique code to identify the category quickly. This field is required. When editing a category, the field is read only.

  • Description: Enter the Description of the category. This field is required.

Click Submit to create the record. Click Update to save your edits on existing records.

Deleting a Yield Category

Select the Delete icon on the right-hand side of each record. A message appears offering the option to Keep or Delete the record.


The Delete icon is available only with the appropriate permission.

Yield Adjustment Codes

Yield Adjustment Codes enable you to configure the yield adjustments that can be applied to a rate before it is compared to a hurdle rate when determining rate availability.

Adding and Editing Yield Adjustment Codes

Select the Add button on the right-hand side or, if no code exists yet, select the Add button in the middle of the screen to create a record. Use the pencil on the right-hand side of each record to edit a code.

  • Code: Enter a unique code to identify the code quickly. This field is required. When editing a code, the field is read only.

  • Description: Enter a description of the code. This field is required.

  • Type: Select the posting type of the code. This field is required.

  • Currency: Select the currency of the code.

  • Amount: Enter the amount of the code. This field is required. When editing a code, the field is read only.

Click Submit to create the record. Click Update to save your edits on existing records.

Deleting a Yield Adjustment Code

Select the Delete icon on the right-hand side of each record. A message appears offering the option to Keep or Delete the record.


The Delete icon is available only with the appropriate permission.

Yield Market Types

Yield Market Types are used to implement a system of multiple hurdles. When a hurdle rate is sent to OPERA Cloud, the yield market types feature allows a different yield market type to be associated with each hurdle rate set for the given date.

One yield market type might, for example, be called Entitlement, and it might be assigned to a hurdle rate that is lower such as (195) than a second hurdle rate (200) configured with a yield market type called Non-entitlement.

Adding and Editing Yield Market Types

Select the Add button on the right-hand side or, if no code exists yet, select the Add button in the middle of the screen to create a record. Use the pencil on the right-hand side of each record to edit a code.

  • Code: Enter a unique code to identify the type quickly. This field is required. When editing a code, the field is read only.

  • Description: Enter a description of the type. This field is required.

Deleting a Yield Market Type

Select the Delete icon on the right-hand side of each record. A message appears offering the option to Keep or Delete the record.


The Delete icon is available only with the appropriate permission.