Block Status

On Block Status, you can view and filter the block status configuration provided by your OPERA Property Management System.

From the Configuration main menu, select Inventory Management and then select Block Status.

Managing Block Status

Filter option: Use the filter by any entered text. Filtering starts as soon as you type text in the field.

Viewing Block Status

  • Color: Shows the assigned colors for the status.

  • Code: Shows the code defined for the block status.

  • Description: Shows the description defined for the block status.

  • Room Status Type: Shows the linked room status type.

  • Starting Status: Shows whether the status is a starting status. There can be only one starting status.

  • Return to Inventory: Shows whether rooms with this block status can be returned to inventory.

  • Allow Pickup: Shows whether rooms with this block status are allowed for pickup.

  • Sequence: Shows the sequence of the block. The sequence is important when the status flow is configured. When a block status is changed, the status flow determines which statuses are available as the next status based on the current block status. When hovering over the info icon, this information is also shown.

  • Status Flow To: Shows which statuses are the next available.

  • Status Flow From: Shows which statuses were previously available.