Viewing Reservation Rate Information

You can view a detailed daily breakdown of the rate information for any reservation from reservation search result or from with the Reservation Overview or Stay Details panels. The rate information summary shows a sum for Fixed Charges setup on the reservation , an estimated total for charges routed on the reservation and provides a total for deposit payments posted.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in the search result, click the Price displayed in the Rate column to display the Rate Information.

    or click I Want to... , Reservation to open the reservation.
    1. Click Stay Details.

    2. Click the Price displayed below Rate to display the Rate Information.

    3. Click Rate Information tip to the right of the Amount to view a breakdown of packages and taxes for a specific date.

      1. Click Back.

    4. Click the vertical ellipsis and select View in Currency to display the reservation pricing in an alternate currency based on the applicable exchange rate. (Available when the Multi-currency OPERA Control is active).

      1. Select a currency from the list and click Select.

    5. Click Close.