Managing Scheduled Reports

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The Reports Scheduler enables you to schedule reports to generate at a specified interval and frequency (example - every 2 weeks); by defaults reports as generated as a file for manual downloaded at a later time. See View Executed Scheduled Reports.

As many reports require date parameters; the report scheduler supports the setup of calculated dates (ie +/- offset from the business date) so that a reoccurring report generates with the required date criteria.

For each report scheduled you can select additional delivery methods (destinations).

  1. Email - deliver report to one or more email addressed

  2. Printer- deliver report to an email-addressable printer. See Configuring Printers.

  3. SFTP - deliver report to secure FTP (SFTP) server.

Scheduling a Standard Report

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, then select Manage Reports

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. In the search results, select the report from the list and click the vertical ellipsis and select Schedule Report.


    You can also schedule a report by clicking Manage Scheduled Reports and then click New.
  4. Reports Parameter : Review and update the following criteria.
    1. Property: Select or confirm the Property.

    2. Dates/Date Range: Enter a fixed date or use a dynamically calculated date; see Set Date below.

    3. Filter: Select or enter the filter criteria.

    4. Include: Select the Include options.

    5. Layout: Select the Layout option.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Set Date (Date Options)

    You can setup a dynamic, calculated date value for any report date parameter by using date modifiers. Use the Validate Date option to evaluate your setup.
    1. Date Option: Select a value from the list.

    2. Offset: Enter a negative (past) or positive (future) date value.

    3. Days: Select for a Days offset.

    4. Months: Select for a Month offset.

    5. Validate Date: Based on the current business date two dates are displayed:
      • If Report is Started on

      • Date Parameter Value

      When you update the If Report is Started on date value, the Date Parameter Value is indicated.
  7. Repeat Interval:

    1. Start Date: Enter the date when you want the report schedule to Start.

    2. Start Time: Enter the time when you want the report schedule to Start.

    3. End Date: Enter the date when you want the report schedule to stop. ( null is indefinite).

    4. End Time: Enter the time associated with the End Date when you want the report schedule to stop ( null is indefinite).

    5. Report Language: Select a language from the list.

    6. Recurrence Pattern:
      1. Once Only: Select this option if you want the report to only generate once. Otherwise, proceed to select the Repeat option.

      2. Repeat: Repeat the schedule according to the Interval and Frequency.

        1. Interval:  Enter a frequency interval

        2. Frequency:

          1. Hours: Select this option button to run the report on an hourly basis based on the Interval set.

          2. Days: Select this option button to run the report on a weekly basis based on the Interval set.

          3. Weeks: Select this option button to run the report on a weekly basis based on the Interval set.
            1. Days of the Week: Select the days of the week that you would like to repeat the report, based on the Start Date/Time.

        3. Months: Select this option button to run the report on a monthly basis based on the Interval set:
          1. Days of the Week: Select the days of the week that you would like to repeat the report, based on the Start Date/Time.

          2. Week Number to Repeat: Select a week in the month from the list.

    7. Click Next.

  8. Destination (Delivery Method):

    1. Filename: Enter a filename.

    2. File Format: Select a file format from the list. Available options are HTML, RTF, PDF, XML, Delimited, Delimited Data and Excel (for selected BI Publisher-based reports).


      It is recommended to use only Delimited and Delimited Data file formats for reports with simple tabular layouts. Delimited and Delimited Data file formats should not be selected for reports that have group-by's or other complex layouts that can cause duplication of rows or prevent rows from generating in the report.

To add an additional destination, click New and complete the following.

  1. Mode: Select the destination and provide the additional details.

    1. Email: Enter an email address; separate multiple addressed with a semi-colon.

    2. Printer: Select a printer from the list. See Configuring Printers .

    3. SFTP: Enter SFTP address.

      1. SFTP Code. Select a SFTP destination from the list.

      2. Folder Name. Select a destination folder from the list.

      3. Click Save.

      4. See Configuring SFTP Connections

    4. SFTP (Legacy):

      1. Additional Details. Select the SFTP destination from the list

      2. For more information, see Managing Export File Delivery Configuration.

To delete a destination,

  1. Select the destination, then click the vertical ellipsis Action menu and select Delete.

  2. Click Delete to confirm.

9. Click Save.

Scheduling Shift Reports

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, then select Manage Reports

  2. Click Manage Scheduled Reports and then click New.

  3. Report Name: Enter the name of Shift Report.

  4. Click Search.

  5. Select the Shift Report in the result and click Select.

  6. Click Next on report parameters (not applicable).

  7. Repeat Interval:

    1. Start Date: Enter the date when you want the report schedule to Start.

    2. Start Time: Enter the time when you want the report schedule to Start.

    3. End Date: Enter the date when you want the report schedule to stop. ( null is indefinite).

    4. End Time: Enter the time associated with the End Date when you want the report schedule to stop ( null is indefinite).

  8. Recurrence:

    1. Once Only: Select this option button if you want the report to be run only once. Otherwise, proceed to select the frequency option buttons.

    2. Repeat: Repeat the schedule according to the frequency and interval.

    3. Interval : Enter a number to indicate how many times the report should be run per hours, days, weeks, or months.

    4. Frequency:

      1. Hours: Select this option button to run the report on an hourly basis. The Every field appears where you can enter the "every number" of hours you want the report to be run.

      2. Days: Select this option button to run the report on a daily basis. The Every field appears where you can enter the "every number of days" you want the report to be run.

      3. Weeks: Select this option button to run the report on a weekly basis. The Every field appears where you can enter the "every number of weeks" you want the report to be run.

        When Weeks is selected, the Days of the Week option buttons display. You can select the days of the week that you would like to repeat the report, based on the Start Date/Time.

      4. Months: Select this option button to run the report on a monthly basis. Several options provide further scheduling flexibility.

        1. In the Every field, enter the every "number of months" you want the report to run. As an example, if 1 is selected, the report will repeat every month after the Start Date/Time. If the Start Date is 11/30/11 and the Time is 4:05 pm, the report will run every month on the 30th day at 4:05 PM.

        2. When Months is selected, the Repeat option displays. You can select which week in the month you want the report to repeat after the initial Start Date and Time. You can select either the First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last week you want the report to repeat. If the Second week is selected, the report will run every second week of the month at the time selected in Start.

        3. When Week option is selected, the Days of the Week option buttons display. You can select the days of the week that you would like to run the report. Using our example, if you select Monday and Friday, the report will run the second week of every month, on Monday and Friday at 4:05 pm. If you have selected a week for Repeat, in our example, if you still want the report to run on a Wednesday, you will have to select Wednesday DOW.

      5. Days of the Week: (Only available when the Weeks or Months option button is selected.) Select the day, or days, of the week in which you want the report to be run (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) on a Weekly or Monthly basis.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Destination: By default report destination is PDF file. The file can be downloaded (previewed) from Report Scheduler > Executed Reports. To add a destination:

    1. Click New.

    2. Mode: Select the destination and provide the additional details.

      • Email : Enter an email address; separate multiple addressed with a semi-colon.

      • Printer: Select a printer from the list Configuring Printers.

      • SFTP: Enter SFTP address.

    3. Click Save.

Editing Scheduled Reports

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, then select Manage Reports

  2. Click Manage Scheduled Reports.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  4. In the search results, select the scheduled report and click the vertical ellipsis Action menu and select Edit.

  5. Update the scheduled report configuration and parameters.

  6. Click Save.

Deleting Scheduled Reports

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, then select Manage Reports

  2. Click Manage Scheduled Reports.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  4. In the search results, select the scheduled report and click the vertical ellipsis Action menu and select Delete.

  5. Confirm Delete.

Pausing Scheduled Reports

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, then select Manage Reports

  2. Click Manage Scheduled Reports.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  4. In the search results, toggle the ON/OFF status button for the report in the list of scheduled reports.

To Force Run a Scheduled Report

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, then select Manage Reports

  2. Click Manage Scheduled Reports.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  4. In the search results, select the scheduled report and click the vertical ellipsis Action menu and select Run Reports.

Viewing Executed Scheduled Reports

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, then select Manage Reports

  2. Click Manage Scheduled Reports.

  3. Click View Executed Reports.

  4. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  5. Select a report in the search result, click the vertical ellipsis Action menu and select Preview.

Viewing Executed Scheduled Report Destinations

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, then select Manage Reports

  2. Click Manage Scheduled Reports.

  3. Click View Executed Reports.

  4. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  5. Select a report in the search result, click the vertical ellipsis Action menu and select View Destinations.

Deleting Executed Scheduled Reports

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, then select Manage Reports

  2. Click Manage Scheduled Reports.

  3. Click View Executed Reports.

  4. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  5. Select a report in the search result, click the vertical ellipsis Action menu and select Delete.