Export File Details

The export file details specify the particular features of the export file. You can create the export file by copying an existing export file as a template and editing it, if necessary, or by starting from scratch with a blank Export File Details screen. If you select the template option, you are prompted to select the export file types to be copied as templates.

From the Export File Details screen, you can configure the specific details of the export file.


To copy an existing export file delivery configuration to the Delivery Method Maintenance screen, right-click anywhere on the Export File Details screen and then click Copy to Export Delivery Methods. The Export Delivery Methods screen appears.

Export Details

The below table lists all the details you can configure for the export file.

Table 8-2 Export Details

Field Description

File Type

Name of the export. Enter a new file type name for the export.


When selected, the export generates via XML messaging. By default, this option is selected and unavailable if the export has been created as an XML export. It is available to be selected when the export is configured manually (rather than being created from a preconfigured template) as an XML export.


By default, the File Extension Formula field populates with 'XML' when this option is selected. File Extension Formula can, however, be edited to change the filename extension.


Available when the XML option is selected. In this field specify the name of a wrapper tag for the export. For example, if you wanted the XML export to begin with a tag <umf> and end with a tag </umf>, you would specify umf in this field. Additionally, select the ellipsis button to further configure the XML.


(20 Character Max) Enter the encoding attribute to add to the <?xml?> file header.

Processing Instructions

(2000 Character Max) If needed, enter any additional processing instructions to the XML file header.

Document Type Name

(100 Character Max) Used to define an optional document type name (<!DOCTYPE "_doc_type_name">).

Document Type System ID

(100 Character Max) Used to Define an optional document type system ID (<!SYSTEM "_system_id_">).

Document Type Public ID

(100 Character Max) Used to define an optional document type public ID (<!PUBLIC "_public_id_">).

File Description

Long description of the export file type.

Export Source

Select the down arrow to choose from a list of available views for the export procedure.

Source Description

The description is automatically populated when the Export Source view is selected.


When the EXP_SCACTIVITY_VIEW data source is used, and the Activity > Use Time Zones for Activities application parameter is set to Y, date and time information related to activities is converted to the logged-in user's time zone; if no time zone is specified for the logged-in user, the logged-in property time zone is assumed; if the logged-in property does not have a time zone assigned, the database time zone is assumed.

Pre Export Procedure

Internal set-up procedure that is executed before the data export is done. The pre-export procedure is a pre-processor that populates and filters views and sets variables.

Post Export Procedure

Internal setup procedure that is executed after the data export is done. The post-export procedure is a post-processor that truncates temp tables following export generation and can also reset parameters that were set for the export.

Parameter Form

Used for exports that can be manually generated. This field contains the name of the parameter form which is used to generate a manual export. The parameter form prompts for the required input from the user in order to generate a manual export. An example of the required parameters is the date range for which the export needs to be run. Each pre-export procedure has a unique parameter form, as the procedure is hard-coded within the form. Normally, if the parameter form is used, the pre-export procedure need not be used, but this can vary depending on the definition of the export.


When automatically generating exports via End of Day processing, a parameter form should not be used because the export is generated automatically and there is no opportunity for manual input.

Night Audit Export

Select this option if the export is to be run during the End of Day procedures.


When an export is set up to run during the End of Day (Night Audit) procedures, a frequency can be selected to generate this particular export file during the End of Day process. In the event you select such an export and manually generate the export file, the setting in the Frequency field is ignored and the export is generated irrespective of the frequency setting. In addition, the export automatically generates an export file based on the Frequency during the End of Day process.


When the Night Audit Export option is selected, select the down arrow to select the frequency of how often the export is to be run during the night audit process - Daily, End of month, End of Year, or Weekly.

Delivered Via

Select the delivery method: OXI, SFTP, HTTP, or PREDEFINED. When a value is selected, the relevant additional fields display to complete the configuration.


Select this option if the export is to be delivered via a secure FTP channel. When you make this selection, the Delivery Configuration button appears. Use Delivery Configuration to set up the details of the SFTP communications.

Also for SFTP export file transfer, an Export Definition can be added to each export file, including XML export files, to associate a specific character set to be used. This character set is used for the export file and the value defined for the Exports > Export Character Set application setting is overridden. To override the Export Character Set setting, the following must be entered for the Export Definition of the export file:

  • Description ‒ Export Character Set (or any text description for the Code)

  • Value ‒ Must be a valid Oracle Character Set

For SFTP, if the export file transfer initially fails, it is retried the number of times specified in the EXPORTS > HTTP/SFTP FILE TRANSMISSION ATTEMPTS application setting.


Select this option to use an HTTP upload of the export file. This file can be uploaded and automatically transferred to the HTTP address during End of Day processing or on demand (for more current information).


If the export is configured to run during End of Day processing and the HTTP transmission fails, the night audit continues to run to complete the End of Day. However, an error message appears in the naweather.rdf report to notify the user of the transmission failure. As this report is non-mandatory, properties using the HTTP transmission must configure the report.

HTTP Address

(Available when HTTP is selected.) Type the database HTTP address where the export file is uploaded.


(Available when HTTP is selected.) If you are communicating with a Web Service, select the down arrow to choose the protocol used for extracting XML (for example, SOAP) from the uploaded file. If you are not communicating with a Web Service, leave this field blank.

SOAP Action

(Available when SOAP is selected in the Protocol field.) Enter the SOAP action, if any, to be applied by the Web Service.

The export file is uploaded to the receiving host using HTTP protocol with content type application/octet-stream, using the POST method.


If Compress is selected, the content type of the compressed file is application/x-zip-compressed.

OPERA passes the following parameters to the receiving host (HTTP listener) in the HTTP POST command, which the receiving module can use:
  • filename ‒ name of the file being transferred using HTTP protocol.

  • crc ‒ length of the transferred file in bytes.

Once the receiving module has received and processed the file, it must generate an HTTP response, which is captured by the OPERA sending module. This response is an XML text document. The format of the document is as follows if the file was successfully received and processed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><YOURMODULENAME><STATUS>OK</STATUS></YOURMODULENAME>
The format is as follows if an error occurred:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><YOURMODULENAME><STATUS>ERROR</STATUS><ERROR>Error Text is here</ERROR></YOURMODULENAME>
YOURMODULENAME is the name of the module (for example, the servlet) which is receiving the export files. This name is for information only purposes and can be anything the property wants. Other tags in the XML should not be changed.


If the OPERA sending module does not receive a response in the proper XML format (within the Retry Interval), it assumes that an error occurred during the file transfer.


Available when the General Export OPERA Control is active. When OXI is selected, the Delivery Configuration button appears. Select this option to transport the export file via the OXI interface.


(Available when OXI is selected.) Enter up to 20 characters to uniquely identify the OXI Action Type.


(Available when OXI is selected.) Select the down arrow to choose the third-party system to which OPERA connects through OXI.


Select this option to transport the export file via a predefined interface.

Dest. Code

(Available when PREDEFINED is selected.) Select the unique configured export delivery method destination code.

Encryption Type

Not available when OXI is selected. To encrypt the export file, select the encryption format (only AES is available at this time). The export file is encrypted using the selected algorithm and the key entered in the Key field. Encryption is performed on the raw file (that is, prior to zipping). The remote site must use the same method and key for decryption. In addition, the remote site must provide their own decryption software in order to decrypt the file.


(Available when an Encryption Type is selected.) Enter the encryption key to be used to encrypt the export file. The AES key must equal 32 characters.

Filter Condition

Condition for the export. By default, depending on the view, all data is exported. But if a certain type of data only requires to be exported, then the condition can be filled. Technically, this is the where clause in the select statement. For example, market codes statistics export, if only certain market codes statistics are required, like FIT, COM and IND, then the condition Market code IN (FIT,COM,IND) can be entered, where market code would be one of the column names in the Export source view/table. When clicking OK, the export setup is saved and now the columns can be defined. When the export setup is saved, the button option Export Columns is available. Select this button and the entire list of columns, which are available in the view, are brought up. This occurs the first time, when setting up a new export. If the columns are already defined, then the option Export Columns lists out the columns, which have been selected. New columns can also be added.

File Name Formula

Name of the ASCII export file which is created when the option to generate file is selected. This field can accept SQL formula so that the file name can include dates or other program specific exports information (First5Characters of Property Code +Current System Month+F would be SUBSTR(property code,5)||MM||F). This should be a valid SQL formula. On clicking the list of values box, a list of all the columns defined in the Export Source View/Table appears. These are the columns that can be used to create the File Name Formula. The name of the ASCII text file can be made from any of these values or can also be any string of characters. If the file must always be called WY P296, then enter 'WY P296' (the single quotes are necessary). If the file has to depend on the business date of the property, then enter the following:
This gives the name WY1103EXP for a business date of November 3.


When the export file is created, the resulting filename appears just as it was configured in the File Name Formula field. This includes the case of the text, rather it all be capitalized, all lower case, or a combination of capitalized and lower case text.

File Extension Formula

Used to create any file extension for the daily export. This field can accept SQL statements so that the extension can include dates or other program specific export information (Current System Month +Day MM||DD). Examples for the file extension name would be TXT or EXP. The single quotes are necessary.

Zip File Name

The name of the zipfile if the export files are to be zipped. To make use of this functionality, the General > Compression Utility application setting must specify the zip program name. The zip program name (executable file) must be present in the \RUNTIMES directory. (The ZIP and UNZIP freeware utilities provided by Oracle are located in the Oracle bin directory on the application server and do not need to be moved to the \RUNTIMES directory.)


In order for zipping of export files to work correctly, the FORMS60_OUTPUT registry setting must use a mapped drive letter on the application server and cannot use a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. This is a limitation of PKZIP, a DOS utility, which does not recognize UNC pathing. For example, the path could be D:\MICROS\OPERA\EXPORT but cannot be \\machinename\MICROS\OPERA\EXPORT.

Any value enclosed in single quotes can be specified as a zipfile name; the value can be concatenated with a valid OPERA expression (for example, 'WY_296_'||pms_p.business_date).

OPERA validates the zipfile name entered here in order to help avoid a filename that contains invalid characters. (Invalid characters in the zipfile name would prevent the zipfile from being automatically created during End of Day processing.) Invalid zipfile names are possible if the filename was specified prior to the validation feature being introduced. If an export file does not have a valid zipfile name, End of Day processing continues without creating the zipfile. An appropriate entry is made to the User Activity Log in the End Of Day activity group.

Compress Data

Select this option to delimit the column data in the export file. The delimiter can be specified in the Col Separator field.

Col. Separator

Appears when the Compress Data option is selected. Select the space, tab, comma, or Enter (CRLF or carriage return line feed) option as the character column separator. The data column is delimited by the selected character that follows it.

Always Export Header and Footer

Based on the export setup, if no data has been generated within the export, if a header and footer are defined, and if a file name is given in the export setup, OPERA always generates the export file that contains no information other than the header and the footer. If this option is selected, the header and footer columns of the export should only be Formula type columns. When saving the export with this option selected, the following reminder prompt appears: 'Always Export Header and Footer is checked. Ensure that the header (and/or footer) definition only uses formula columns.' You can continue and save the export without using formula columns for the header and/or footer. However, if there are no records in the export (that is, if the export view is empty), an exception message is thrown. This message appears: “No records were found for the export source view. Export failed due to invalid column configuration in export header or footer and option Always Export Header and Footer being active.”


Select this option to make a file type Active or Inactive. If this option is selected, the file type is Inactive. If deselected, the file type is Active.

Add Newline

Select this option to have each record displayed on a separate line in the ASCII text file.

Component Export

Select this option to expose the Components button. Selecting the Components button enables you to configure components to be included in the export file.