
Prerequisites for Exports

Use the exports module to export data to text or XML files. You can set up text files as either fixed-width or delimited data.

You can configure export files to generate a file for download (File System) or transmit using SFTP. When the delivery method is set up for File System, the export file is encrypted and stored in the OPERA Cloud database for 30 days. The file generated is decrypted and delivered securely when you select to download or zip the file.


Export files are generated with UTF-8 encoding.

The following export types exist in OPERA Cloud:

  • General: Used for all general or generic exports 

  • Back Office: Used for export of financial data to general ledger/ERP solutions.

  • Membership: Used for the export of membership statements.

  • Country: Used for country-specific exports.

OPERA Cloud offers a number of pre-defined export templates that you can use as-is or customize to suit your needs. For more information, see General Export Template Catalogue

You can also configure component exports that reference different data sources and then combine the data from each component into a single export file.

Export File Configuration Workflow

Use the following workflow to set up an export file:

  1. Create the export from an existing template or as a completely new file.

  2. Define the export filename/expression.

  3. Configure the selection criteria (filter).

  4. Configure a header row. 

  5. Select the columns (fields) to export.

  6. Configure a footer row.

Export File Generation Methods

There are three methods for generating export files.

  • End of Day. When the GENERATE EXPORT NA DATA End of Day procedure is active, exports configured for End of Day processing are generated. For more information, see End of Day Procedures.

  • Scheduled. You can schedule exports to generate periodically. For more information, see Managing Scheduled Exports.

  • Manual. You can generate export files on an ad-hoc basis with the ability to enter runtime parameters. For more information, see Exporting a General or Back Office Data File

Export File Generation Process

The export file process typically consists of the following steps:

  1. Runtime Parameters: For manually generated exports, you are prompted to input parameters to control the execution of the export generation. For example, the parameter screen can prompt for the start and end dates of the date range covered by the export. Not all exports use a parameter screen. 

  2. Pre-Processing: When export generation commences, a pre-processor (pre-export procedure) runs. This occurs only if a pre-processor is defined for the export. The procedure is specific to the export and populates views and sets variables and filters. Each export uses views that are supplied as standard with OPERA Cloud. Views are collections of data that are pulled from the many hundreds of OPERA Cloud database tables specifically for use in creating exports and reports.

  3. Fetch Data: The export generation process pulls data from the views, applies parameters and filters (if defined in the export setup), and calculates formulas as appropriate. Exported data is stored in tables and can be viewed through the View Exports option. 

  4. Generate File: When the export is automatically generated during End of Day processing, the export file is generated with no user intervention required.

  5. Post-Processing: A Post Export Procedure runs to perform clean-up after the export data is generated. This includes activities such as truncating temp tables and resetting variables that were set by a parameter form.

Exports with Sensitive Data 

Any exports configured with the following field attributes are considered sensitive and are flagged accordingly:


  • CC_NO (PAN)




  • PPT_NO






The View Exports with Sensitive Data task is required in order to enable the View Exports action for exports flagged with sensitive data.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data is unmasked in the View Details screen for exports flagged with sensitive data.


The Sensitive Data check box will be unchecked when PII columns are removed from the export definition and no data files have been generated. Delete all generated export files to update the export definition and remove PII columns.