2 Resolved Issues

This section contains a list of the customer-reported bugs that were resolved in this release.

Accounts Receivables

Bug ID Description


Under the AR Ledger Report the ar_cc_inv_formula is modified to accept up to 2,000 characters. Also, the report layout is now grouped by Transaction codes.


Country Specific - Brazil:
While generating the Account Receivables (AR) invoice, you can select folio printers on the Fiscal Printing screen and proceed.


On a transaction, you can use the various filters to refine the search results. When you navigate back to the Transaction Research screen, you are shown the search results with the same search filters you used previously.


You can continue using the Account Receivables (AR) panel on the Manage Account Receivables screen after you save or cancel the traces.


On the Manage Account Invoices screen for an AR Account, if there are 50+ invoices for the same business date, you can use the Load More feature to access the remaining invoices without getting the following error: "Too many objects match the primary key."


After generating an account receivables (AR) statement, the statement number updates on the printout and the invoices are updated with the statement number.


When the accounts receivable (AR) trace is resolved, the page gets refreshed automatically as expected.


You can now view Consolidate View and a Non-Consolidate View in the Manage Accounts Receivables screen without an error.


For any AR Account, if any communication details are updated, the details appear as defaults on the Account Receivable Communication popup.


When adding an AR account to a profile, you can successfully remove the default phone number for the AR account.


When performing the Batch Charges (Home>Financials>Accounts Receivables>Batch Charges) in the hub mode, you cannot select more than one property.


In Account Receivables when you make a payment using a credit card, you can update the credit card details and amount and save the payment on the Pay Invoices screen. Once the payment is saved, you can post the payment.

Block Management

Bug ID Description


You can search for events in the Function Diary at properties that have the OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management Premium Cloud Service subscription. You can then create Alternate Events using the I Want To . . . menu in the Function Diary.


You can navigate to the Function Diary and perform a search. You can create Events in the Function Diary gantt using the 2-Event click process.


You can add or modify values entered into UDF fields for Block, Room, or Catering details, and they save correctly.


The info message in the Create Sub Block screen no longer appears when you try to create a new sub block.


You can navigate to Manage Blocks and search for a Block in Deduct status. You can cut off the block using the I Want To . . . menu, and receive a confirmation message that the block is cut off manually. The rooms sold and room nights are auto refreshed as well.


When the Simple Event OPERA Control is active, you can navigate to Manage Blocks> Events and create a new Simple Event with a function space. You can create a Simple Event not spanning more than 24 hours. You can search for the Simple Event created above in the Function Diary.


From the Manage Blocks, you can navigate to Manage Reports and generate the report Blocks by Cutoff Date (RESBLOCKBYCUTOFFDATE) using the block Cutoff Date filters. If the block has a cutoff date, that date is passed to the filters Cutoff Date From and the Cutoff Date To.


Shifting a master block with sub blocks for the same date range moves them to the new date successfully.


You can navigate to Manage Block, select a block, and from the I Want To . . . menu select Change Block Status. You can change the block status and select the option to change the Room and Catering Status.


You can search Group Rooms Control. The search filter section is initially collapsed, and search results appear without screen movement. You can expand the search section and perform a new search using different filters.


The Create Posting Master link is available for blocks that have ended in the past. When clicked, the posting master is created for the current business date for one night. It can be checked in, charges can be posted, and it can be checked out again.


You can navigate to Manage Reports and generate the GRPRMLIST report by passing filters such as Block Code. The report gets generated and the parameters appear in the report footer.


You can navigate to Function Diary and view function spaces based on Minimum Area and on Attendees filters. You can filter the results further by using View and other filters available in the search screen.


You can navigate to Manage Reports and search for the report Blocks by Cutoff Date (RESBLOCKBYCUTOFFDATE), edit the Report parameters, input the Block Status codes, and generate the report using the Block Status Code filter.


You can search for blocks with limited search criteria without error.

Cashiering and Financials

Bug ID Description


A Deposit Folio is generated successfully when you clicked on Settle and Print Deposit Folio.


Selecting Cashier or General as notifications while creating a reservation note displays notifications on the billing screen.


Country Specific - France:
Merge code TOTAL_NO_OF_CHARGES reflects the total number of revenue charges including packages on the folio. Payments are not included in it.


In a scenario where the Advanced Tax Handling for Deposits application parameter is active and a Deposit Folio is voided due to a fiscal time out, only the payment is transferred to the lost interface room.


In a scenario where the Collecting Agent Taxes application parameter is On, the <TotalInfo> section in the Universal Payload displays the <value> attribute correctly.


The csh.json, earlyPublishedCSH.json, and publishedCSH.json are updated correctly should you need to verify the REST API specification for a particular operation in the Cashiering module.


When a Comp Posting is dragged from one billing window to another, the Comp Journal should give you a correct status (Staged, Declined) based on the Comp approval Void/Declined status.


In a scenario where fiscal folio printing is on, and you generate multiple unallocated deposit folios without closing the Deposit Cancellation screen, the folios generate successfully.


In a scenario where fiscal folio printing is on and a Deposit Folio is generated, no error is displayed and the Deposit Folio is generated successfully along with Universal Payload.


When printing the folio from the Folio History screen, the original guest name is retained in case the payee is different on the folio window.


When the Service Types OPERA Control is active, Goods and Services printers are configured, and you post a charge with a Transaction Code configured for Goods, the Goods printer is visible when you settle the folio.


You can transfer 4000+ transactions from one billing window to another window or room without getting any error.


In a scenario where Included in Rate Package is attached to a reservation and the reservation is checked out as an early departure, no package imbalance is created.


You can successfully void a folio when the Cashiering parameter, Send Fiscal Folio Prior to Voiding, is on.


You can activate/deactivate a credit bill without errors.


When you run the End of Day in a property configured for fiscal folio printing, the Fiscal Commands step can be completed, and you can proceed with the remaining steps.
  • If the fiscal communication is successful, the Fiscal Commands step completes successfully, and you can continue with the remaining steps for the End of Day.

  • If the fiscal communication is not successful, you can continue past the Fiscal Commands step, and continue with the remaining steps for the End of Day.


Reservation selection during batch folios can be done by searching with the Company or Agent name.


When the Pre Stay Charges OPERA Control is active, you can access the billing for a reservation using the Balance link.


The Proforma Invoice link is available when multiple rooms are reserved in the reservation.


A warning message stating the time interval since the last End of Day process appears when the End of Day process runs within 24 hours.


In a scenario where a new property is created, Fiscal Folio parameters populate correctly.


Posting multiple transactions with 0% generate appear under Post Charges screen, and the Deposit Folio is also generated successfully.


When you activate the Cashiering parameter, Posting Business Events for Fiscal, the corresponding external system is activated internally and fiscal business events generate correctly.


You can generate folios such as Credit Bill, Supplement Folio, and Deposit Folio using the Settle and Send option without encountering an unexpected error.


When a fiscal business event is generated from OPERA, the data elements related to the request are stored in a new column called be_payload in the fiscal_be_details table.
The fiscal_be_details table has one row for Request and another row for Response. The fiscal_be_details_vw has all the data elements corresponding to that business event.
The above changes at the database level improves the performance.


You can generate a proforma invoice for reservations whose charges are all routed to other rooms.


When the Budget Forecast OPERA Control is active, the Budget Forecast shows you the correct variance percentage instead of a zero.


The Tax ID field appears on the Payment Receipt only if the Tax ID is updated on the profile.


In a scenario where the Package Posting attribute is "Include in Rate," in one line the rate code details appears on the Proforma Folio.


When fiscal folio printing is active, in a scenario where the Credit Bill For Void OPERA Control is active and the first attempt to void a fiscal folio times out, when you select Retry to void the fiscal folio, the Universal Payload generates successfully with the correct FiscalFolioStatus and postings included.


The Rate Code, Sell Date search does not change when going into the pricing schedule for Daily Rates.


You can update the rate amount for less than one for the Daily Rate.


The correct rate is posted when the Rate Code currency is different than the property currency.


The format of the Start Date and the End Date on the Custom Charge Exemption screen (Administration>Financial>Cashiering Management>Custom Charge Exemptions) is the same as those configured at the property level.


The Package Code Definition window remains with changed/updated values after saving and closes only after you click the X (close screen) mark.


In a scenario where Advanced Tax Handling for Deposit Folios is On, the Deposit Ledger Tax Transaction Code is not configured (blank), and you generate a Deposit Folio, the message, "The OPERA Control 'Deposit Ledger Tax Transaction Code is not configured" appears.
In a scenario where Advanced Tax Handling for Deposit Folios is Off and you generate a Deposit Folio, the folio generates successfully.


Country Specific - Brazil:
When you turn off the Credit Bill OPERA Control, a message appears stating: "CREDIT BILL Parameter has to be ON for this country mode."


The Tax ID field appears on the Payment Receipt only if the Tax ID is updated on the profile.


You can search for the OPERA Control, Fiscal Service Invoice Currency, using the relevant keywords like Fiscal, Invoice, Currency, or so on.


In Hub mode, you can copy the Exemption Codes (Administration > Financial>Cashiering Management>Custom Charge Exemptions) to another property. If any exemption code is found to exist in a target property, the status message appears stating, "Unsuccessful copy to the property: (Target Property)."


If you select No for Offline Folio generation, no error occurs and a folio is not generated.


If the deposit amount is equal to the charges, the Folio Type selection popup screen populates irrespective of whether Generate Zero Bill is On or Off.


You can add charges in Deposit, Credit, and Debit folios.


On the Custom Charges screen, the custom charges updates are saved and reflected against each date without an error.


In a scenario where Send Fiscal Folio is performed for an offline folio from Folio History, and the communication is successful, the following occurs:
  • The Actions menu for the same record displays a link for Resend Fiscal Folio.

  • The folio record is not returned if you search again with the Offline Folio check box selected.


You can settle a deposit folio successfully in a scenario where you enter a different credit card than the card already associated with the reservation.


In a scenario where: Auto Check Number functionality is On; a package allowance exists with exclusive tax generates; a reservation exists for multiple nights; and you generate a folio with folio style 14, the taxes group appears correctly by check number on the folio.


In a scenario where a Deposit Folio has a Reservation Type such as 6PM, an arrival time is required and selected, and the arrival time is updated in the reservation, the Deposit Folio generates successfully without any errors.


Permanent Folio Storage refers to the Permanent Folio Storage File Name Format setting to determine and assign a file name for the folio. Available values can be concatenated to each other to form a format string.


You can close a cashier in a hub location when the properties in the hub level have posting and payments with different currencies.


Folio numbers on the following screens are not separated by commas: Deposit screen, Edit Invoice screen, Posting Journal screen, and Billing screen.


An internal profile is created automatically when the Post It sale is initiated if the profile does not exist.


The Billing window displays text that matches the text on the side menus.


A space is added in TAX1 and TAX2 In OPERA Controls settings: TAX1 is now TAX 1; TAX2 is now TAX 2.


The correct error message appears while generating a Deposit Folio when Lost Posting is not configured and checked in.


When Comp Posting is dragged from one billing window to another, Comp Journal should give the correct status (Staged, Declined) based on the Comp approval Void/Declined status.


The Authorization Limit Details popup is now larger, so that a horizontal scroll is not needed and you can see the three columns of instructions, limit, and actual without scrolling.


You can configure parameters and settings for credit cards from OPERA Cloud Administration, OPERA Controls.
The list of values for parameters and settings have the same content in both the hub and property locations.


You get a validation error while creating or updating the Rate Season code with overlapping start dates and end dates.


You can adjust a posting if the Adjustment transaction code is linked to the Main transaction code.


Folio Options, Reservation Selection, and Billing Options display a green tick mark while Batch folios are being processed.


When Manage Financial Postings is disabled, a message displays "User has no access to cashiering functionality" and the cashier login action link does not appear.


You will get an in-line validation message when selecting more than 14 nights in the Posting Rhythm Nights field.


The check boxes for Base Posting remain selected while calculating the posting if the base posting was selected while configuring generates.

Client Relations

Bug ID Description


The presentation panel tabs appear correctly on the Profile screen when toggling between the main and related profiles.


Simultaneous Profile lookup functionality works with both REST and SOAP in CNE and GBUCS environments without any issues.


You can create a linked profile without a default value for the application parameters "Address Type to Copy when Creating Linked Profile" and "Default Contact Address Type."


You can edit and save report parameters for the reports listed below. When you preview/download the report, the results appear based on Filter, Include, Display, and Layout options specified in the report parameters.
  1. Nationality/Country Statistics by Month.

  2. Nationality/Country Statistics by Day.


You can generate the Guest Preference Report to display guest preferences for reservation dates based on the Preference code for each day of the reservation.


The membership level appears according to the ranking column in profiles.


When updating the language of an existing profile, the Title list of values refreshes to display the titles for the newly selected language.


When the OPERA Control Profile Prompt for Blocks [PROMPT_PROFILE_BB] is set to R, you can navigate to Manage Profile, search for a Travel Agent profile, click the I Want To . . . menu, and select Create Block (Travel Agent profile gets defaulted). You can enter the required fields to create a block and to save.


You can successfully add a membership to a profile even if it is not the primary or central membership.


When the Lookup Behaviour OPERA Control is set to FORCE and a Profile Lookup is performed, the count on the OPERA tab is populated and continues to refresh for any subsequent searches.


The default lookup external database is selected on the Advanced Profile Search screen even after navigating from basic search.


The Profile presentation layout and alignment are improved.


The Profile Correspondence panel appears in bold only if it has existing data.


You can perform Profile Lookup for a guest from the Relationship screen using the Profile list of values.


You can search for a profile using the search criteria A.R. No. and Accounts Receivables Number when logged into the hub.
The search results display the primary AR number and the count appears on the Accounts Receivable link of the profile.
If multiple AR numbers exist in different properties, the primary AR number for the first order by property appears in the results table. The count and Accounts Receivable panel only display those for the properties you permitted to access.


The warning message is updated to be more descriptive when saving mandatory profile communication details. If the row is flagged as primary, but no other details have been entered, clicking Save displays a message, "Communication Type required" and/or "Communication Value required." The page does not jump to the top of the form when a pop-up warning or error is received.


When you add or delete memberships from a profile, the business card is refreshed automatically.


You can add an alternate name of up to 80 characters for Company, Source, Travel Agent, and Group Profile, and 40 characters for Guest and Contact profiles.


You cannot enter an alternate name for a guest with more the 40 characters. If you enter more than 40 characters, an error messages appears at the field level.


Mandatory fields in the Membership screen are marked with an asterisk symbol.


When editing a panel on the Profile presentation, the other panels are locked for editing.


Bug ID Description


You can select the Report parameters and generate the Paid Commission reports from the Manage Report section.


Clicking Reset on the Manage Commission screen displays all Travel Agents/Sources.


Commission Exports work as intended without duplicate entries.


You can pay a commission to a travel agent using the Process Payment link under the Commission menu for the selected travel agent on all valid dates.

Country Specific

Bug ID Description


Country Specific - Taiwan:
You can generate a folio for a reservation where the total of the charges posted equal the balance of the deposit payment.


Country Specific - Taiwan:
You can generate a folio for a reservation where the posted charges balance the deposit payment balance.


Country Mode - Italy:
In a scenario where VAT OFFSET is selected for a profile, the Deposit Folio generates successfully.


Country Mode - Italy:
In a scenario where VAT OFFSET is applied, the amount calculated is equal to the Tax breakup on the folio


Country Mode - Italy:
In a scenario where the VAT OFFSET is applied, the amount calculated is equal to the Tax breakup on the folio.


Country Specific - France:
You can generate Daily_Archive and Daily_Archive_Day Exports manually or during Night Audit for delivery methods File System and SFTP.


Country Specific - Philippines:
The Official Receipt Register Report displays column names correctly, and hidden column headers spanning multiple rows in BIR reports are now visible.


Country Specific - Philippines:
When the Cashiering parameter for Generate AR Official Receipt is turned off and a payment is made against any AR Invoice, only an Acknowledgement Receipt is generated. You can view the Acknowledgement Receipt from the Receipt History screen with the payment amount displayed on the receipt.


Country Mode - Latin America Countries:
In a scenario where FISCAL_BILL_LOCK_REQUIRED = ON, a folio is generated successfully without an error.
Country Mode - Non-Latin America Countries:
The OPERA Control FISCAL_BILL_LOCK_REQUIRED parameter is hidden.


Bug ID Description


When customizing a field using the Expression Builder, you can search for the available fields with a binding value using the (*) wildcard search.


You can add User Defined Fields (UDF) to the Profile Overview screen and update them in Edit mode.


Bug ID Description


You can shift the dates of a master/sub block when the Catering Events OPERA Control is either On or Off. You can shift the dates of a master/sub block whether or not there is a catering event attached to the block.


The following fields are exposed in Report Text Configuration for the contract and Banquet Event Orders (BEO):
  • SC_INCLUDED ("Included" in the package)

  • SC_STD_AT at (price "at" Xxx.xx)

  • SC_REP_BASED_CONSUMPTION ("Based on consumption")

  • SC_STD_ROOM (Room)

  • SC_STD_TOTAL (Total)

  • SC_ROOM_TYPE (Room Type)

  • SC_OCC1 (Occupancy1)

  • SC_OCC2 (Occupancy2)

  • SC_OCC3 (Occupancy3)

  • SC_OCC4 (Occupancy4)


When changing the status of an event with a function space attached to either Lost or to Cancelled, the underlying reservation is also cancelled.


From the Function Diary, when you can create an event for a shareable space, you can book it as Exclusive or Shareable.
If no values have been selected in the Weekend Days OPERA Control, then none of the days in the Function Diary are indicated as weekend days.


You can add translations for events created from the Function Diary.


From the Function Diary, you can use the I Want To . . . Create Event Using Existing Block to create events. After you create the event, you can view it in the Function Diary.


The Banquet Event Order (BEO) with Room Grid Occupancy and the property date format MM.DD.YYYY generates without error.


Sub Events maintain the rental amount when you change the Master Event status.


You can navigate to Block-> Manage Events and select events you want to update. Click the Edit button to open the Multi Event Edit screen.
You can change the status of events using the Status list of values (LOV) and transition the events from DEF to ACT status. The Billed and Actual Quantity fields on the Menu/Menu Items updates accordingly.


Catering Package Pricing refreshes when all Revenue Types are deleted and when the Back or Cancel links are selected.


You can navigate to Manage Catering Packages for a block and copy a catering package to another date using the row-level ellipsis Copy option. The catering package gets copied. You can copy this catering package to another date again using the Copy option.


There is no error when you enter an Event ID and tab out from the Event list of values in the Report parameters.


Posting an event transaction when you are logged in at a hub location is working as expected. The posting appears in the Event Posting Master.


You can create a Sub Event when the Function Space requires an alternate.


The time required to process event messages that are sent to the forecast processor for sharing reservations is reduced.

Front Desk

Bug ID Description


You can perform a Room Assignment based on a floor criteria, and if the browser is open for more than an hour, you can change it to a different criteria, such as Room Type, without an access token issue.


Room Status, Search Summary shows Out of Service (OOS) when you search rooms for any future reservations.


The detailed_checkout report is updated and now shows the data without any empty spaces.


The eSign Registration Card opens in the guest profile's language when accessed from the reservation search screen.


By default, the Available Room Search screen opens with a blank Floor, Features, and Smoking fields.


You can generate a registration card for an arrival reservation with a police registration card when in country mode Spain. You can generate a police registration card for an in-house reservation when in country mode Spain.


Country Specific - Spain:
The registration card of an accompanying guest is printed along with the registration card of the main profile attached to the reservation.


When sending a guest message that was previously delivered as a text, you can see the previously used phone number in the phone number drop-down list.


Saved filters for the Departure All reports are taken into consideration when scheduling the report.


You can see Guest Name in the Billing section of the In House and Departure screens in Console View.


The Generate Registration Cards task is renamed Registration Cards and moved under the Reservation Management header. The Room Search task is moved under the Reservation Management header.


You can place rooms on Hold for those Hold codes that you have the task granted. If you have the Room Hold Override task, you can assign/check in to rooms that another user had previously placed on hold.


When creating or editing a Key Packet Label customizable report, you can define the Rows Per Page and the Columns Per Page fields to match the label sheets you are using.


When searching the Available Room Search screen for a future date, an information message is available for the Room Status options, advising the following: "Rooms that are Out of Order/Service for the date selected will be included in the results when the respective check box is selected."


Reservations that were checked in with Advanced Checked In show a correct reservation status in List View and Card View once check-in is completed.


When using the "Least Used Ascending" and "Least Used Descending" Room Display Order controls, the application orders the rooms by the number of times they were rented in the past. Should that number be the same for multiple rooms, the rooms will then be ordered ascending or descending depending on the control that is selected.


Bug ID Description


The OXIHUB queue setup for delivery method EMAIL sends an email for a confirmation letter.


While registering an external system, you will see a valid error message if the external system code already exists.
You can delete the external system code under the Administration module and re-register the external system code successfully.


The Register External System gives an error message if the external system code trying to register already exists in the system.


You can clear cache without issues.


The Award Code received from an external system through the OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) is saved in OPERA Cloud without validation.


You can switch the presentation panel tabs after performing any action in the Channel Setup configuration.


The Interfaces UDF mapping screen displays data in its proper sequence.


When the Fiscal Business Event is generated, the data elements related to the request is stored in a new column called BE_PAYLOAD in the fiscal_be_details table.
The FISCAL_BE_DETAILS table has one row for REQUEST and another row for RESPONSE. The fiscal_be_details_vw has all the data elements corresponding to that Business Event.
The above changes, at the database level, improves performance for processing Fiscal Business Events.


OPERA Cloud Exchange - Interface Mapping for Reservation Status allows you to define mapping for OPERA Cloud Codes list of values Checked in, Prospect, and Reserved with External codes.


Fiscal business events are being processed in OPERA Cloud.


An ALLOTMENT XML message received from an external system with inventoryBlockNotificationType as FULLOVERLAYMODIFICATION or the Interface setup is Delta, removes the profiles that are not provided in the Full Overlay message.


The OPERA Cloud Exchange Communication Method Interface list of values shows the Unique Interfaces list.


API documentation is updated for getProfiles to reflect that the response, TotalResults=1000, means it returns the maximum 1000 matching records even if matching records can be equal to or greater than 1000. To get more accurate results, provide more search criteria.


When you update the title and language on a profile in OPERA Cloud, the changes are saved as expected and the OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) does not change your selection.


When you generate a fiscal folio from Post It and a timeout occurs, the correct message appears based on the configuration of the Cashiering parameter Offline Folio and the Cashiering Setting Fiscal Retries.
  • When the Cashiering parameter Offline Folio is Off and the Cashiering Setting Fiscal Retries is blank, the message "No response from Fiscal service" appears.

  • When the Cashiering parameter Offline Folio is Off and the Cashiering Setting Fiscal Retries is populated, the message "No response from Fiscal service. Do you want to Retry?" appears with buttons for Yes and No.

  • When the Cashiering parameter Offline Folio is On and the Cashiering Setting Fiscal Retries is blank, the message "Would you like to continue with offline folio generation?" appears with buttons for Yes and No.

  • When the Cashiering Parameter Offline Folio is On and the Cashiering Setting Fiscal Retries is populated, the message "No response from Fiscal service. Do you want to Retry?" appears with buttons for Offline Folio Yes, and No.


Bug ID Description


The Manage Restrictions End Date changes upon changing the start date.


You can create a new task sheet report as expected.


Bug ID Description


You can view translations saved previously without the need to clear browser cache when switching between properties.


When you add days in the Weekend Days OPERA Control, it affects the Room Diary and shows those days with a grey background denoting weekend days.


Non Global Telephone Categories with a name containing only numeric values are visible after their creation in a property.


Large image uploads in Image Management are automatically compressed to ensure successful upload.
Images in GIF format are converted automatically to PNG format for compatibility.


The End of Day procedure can proceed only after entering a correct cashier PIN.


When you launch the Performance Meter, the browser gauge is correctly labeled with the name of the browser being used.


Bug ID Description


The Mobile option is deprecated and replaced by the other presentation panel tab options.


You can add a new trace to a reservation from the mobile Task Companion.


Bug ID Description


You can send reports by email.


You can edit the date option on the scheduled Profile Production report.


Reports scheduled to be delivered to an SFTP endpoint are successfully generated and delivered when logged in to OPERA Room Reservations (ORS).


You can preview RTF-based reports by selecting Manage Reports, searching and selecting the report, and then clicking Preview. The preview generates a PDF file in a separate browser window.


You can search for and edit a Banquet Event Order (BEO) report from the Manage Reports screen. In the Report Parameters panel, you can set the Print Address value to Account and save it. If you edit the Report Parameter panel again, the value for Print Address remains set to Account.


The Currency list of values in the Parameter screen of the Matrix report displays currencies that have exchange rates configured.


You can preview Rate Change and the Changes Log report without any errors for reservations with special characters.


You can schedule the House Status report when logged in at the hub level.


When Scheduling a report, you can select between PDF, XML, HTML, RTF, EXCEL (available for select reports only), Delimited, or Delimited Data. By default, the report file format is PDF.


You can view the list of scheduled reports when you click the Back to Manage Scheduled Reports link.


Bug ID Description


You can edit and delete Comp Routing instructions.


The ADDRESS_EMAIL and RESERVATION_USER_NAME merge codes are available in the Sample Guest Confirmation report rtf file.


The Room Status check boxes in the Room search within the Look To Book Sales screen and the Create House Posting Account screen show selected status(es) based on the Default Room Status for Room Assignment screens OPERA Control.


You can filter RES_RATE_CHECK and GIRATECHECK Reports using the Reservation Note Types filter.


When you change a package price in the Packages screen Daily View tab, the changed amount reflects the selected date after saving the Pricing Details.


Trace text does not duplicate when you add a Quick Text and modify or save it.


You can create, edit, or delete a trace in any reservation at both the hub and property levels.


When you double click on a reservation in the Room Diary, the reservation bar stays as is and the Reservation Information screen opens.


You can view the routing lamp when a profile with routing instructions is added to a reservation.


You can see the profile and reservation notes based on the selected Note Type in GIRATECHECK and RESRATECHECK Reports.


In the Reservation Overview section, the Origin code updates upon clicking Save.


You can select language-specific confirmation letters for individual guest profiles.


You can now print Reservation Notes in a confirmation letter.


The Global alerts list of values for the Track it Group attribute appear after Operator selection, and you can view and select Attribute, Operator, and First Value fields.


When you attach a package group to a reservation and there is no availability for included items, an Inventory Item override message appears.


The Ages of Children field appears based on the Child Bucket On/Off control at the hub and property locations.


An option for changing the Payment Method attached to a reservation is only available when Cashier Payments is enabled for the payment transaction code.


You can view the notes for reservations that are created through a Block PM reservation with notes.


The link to access additional records appears inside the calendar fields.


The Room Types list of values search filter in the Look To Book Sales Screen lists all configured room types with the exception of pseudo room types.


You can add a new trace to a reservation from the mobile Task Companion.


When you click Load More Results for deposit rules, additional new deposit rules are added to the existing display of deposit rule.


Traces appear in the Reservation presentation and search screens.


You can view all promotion codes when searching in the Rate Management screen.


When you extend a Share reservation where the other reservation(s) are cancelled, the extended night(s) are applicable only to the active reservation.


You can edit the Stay Details screen without any errors after a sharer checkout.


When you configure the rate code as a parameter of report Res_statistics1, the report returns the data filtered by the chosen rate code.


When creating a reservation for the profile that has multiple memberships, each with levels, the closing script appears.


A cancellation penalty cannot be deleted when attached to a cancellation schedule. You can add multiple cancellation penalties in a reservation.
You can view all cancellation penalties by clicking Load More Results.


When you do a room move to a component suite in Room Diary, the Assign Room screen shows you the selected component suite in the Room field and Room Type field.


The statistics on the Reservation and Cancellation Dashboard tile appear according to the creation/cancellation date on the reservation. Pseudo rooms are no longer considered in the tile reservation amount.


You cannot delete a package group, if the package linked to the package group is attached to an in-house or future reservation.


In Quick Book at the hub level, the date displays in the correct format when there is maximum occupancy restriction in the rate and you click Analyze Rate and are redirected to the Look To Book screen.


The Payment Method column is removed from the Routing Instructions screen for the Room routing type.


Packages configured as "Do Not Post On First And Last Night" are not available for reservations less than three nights.


In Reservation Stay Details when you remove the value from a User Defined Field (UDF) that has one of the conditions "read only = no" or "custom = false," and the field does not have a default value, you will see the UDF empty after saving the change.


A Credit Card Authorization request is not triggered when updating the Credit Card details from the Payment Instructions screen.


You can now create call history at the hub and property levels.


When the OPERA Controls for [FORCE_SAME_RATE_CODE_AMONG_SHARES] is off and you change the rate code and apply the changes to the shared reservations, the rate code updates on all shared reservations.
When the OPERA Controls for  [FORCE_SAME_RATE_CODE_AMONG_SHARES] is off, if you change any information other that the rate code and apply the changes to the shared reservations, the original rate code on each share reservation is retained.


When working in Room Diary with less than 100 percent zoom, you can see the last room of the property, which is not hidden behind the horizontal scroll bar.


You can filter the rooms using the Bed Type filter in the Room Diary.


A previously selected value in the shuttle component is cleared after a new search.


When a reservation is locked, you can view the locking user's name even if the name is more than 100 characters in length.


The Reservation Rate Check report (giratecheck.rep) displays the correct data.

Role Manager

Bug ID Description


Report Groups task selections are saved to the role when edited by an Enterprise-level user with access to multiple chains.

Rooms Management

Bug ID Description


The Housekeeping Trace setting does not appear when the Reservation Traces OPERA Control is inactive.


The Housekeeping Status report (hk_allstatus) can be saved and generated with Group By set to Floor or Group By left blank.


The Housekeeping Details report can be generated with multiple filters, including Reservation Status.


When attempting to update the Room Status for a room that is currently Out of Order/Out of Service through a future date, a message appears advising you that the room cannot be updated and to manage those room on the respective Out of Order/Out of Service screens.


When selecting a task sheet on the drawer component of the Task Sheets screen, the selected task sheet appears with the task sheet number showing.


On the Room Discrepancy report, you can view the correct number of rooms from the Room Discrepancy screen when only departures are selected.


In Task Sheet Companion, you can see the Load More Items link only when there are more than five share reservations for one room.


Bug ID Description


You can navigate to Manage Activity and create an Activity using the I Want To . . . menu. You can then search for that Activity using the Manage Activities search (without Date filters) screen.


You can navigate to Manage Activities, create a new Activity, and add notes to it. You can then add Blocks and Profiles to the Activity using the Linked Blocks and Linked Profiles indicators


Bug ID Description


OPERA Cloud Outbound Integration, with Outbound Type Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enable External System, works with the configured Lookup URL.


You can use the Manual Profile Purge Routine to purge unused individual profiles that are no longer active.