Merging Profiles

In the event duplicate profiles are created, you can merge the multiple profiles into a single profile. Start by searching for the profile you want to keep and select one or more profiles to merge with the main profile. You can then review the resulting profile and choose the attributes to retain on the resulting profile. 

Reservation history, statistics and other profile details are updated accordingly. If AR accounts exist on multiple profiles these will be updated / combined on the resulting profile.

Profile merge activity is tracked in the Changes Log.

You cannot merge profiles under the following conditions:

  • Outstanding commissions payable

  • Property-specific (private) guest profile

  • Anonymized. For more information, see Profile Anonymization

  • Multiple different profile types

Merging Profiles

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Profile, select Manage Profile.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the profile in the search result, click I Want To. . . then Merge Profiles.

  4. On the Merge Profiles page.

    1. The Main Profile is displayed in the left panel.

    2. The Profiles to Merge panel displays all selected profiles to merge with the Main Profile.

      1. Click Add Profiles to add one or more profiles to merge with the original.

        1. Enter search criteria then click Search.

        2. In the search result, select one or more profiles then click Select.

      2. Use < and > to scroll between each profile added (Shows Profiles X of Y).

      3. Click Remove Profile to remove the currently displayed profile.

      4. Click Make Main to make the profile displayed in the center panel the main profile.

    3. In the Review Merge Details panel.

      1. Select the attributes to retain on main profile by selecting the check boxes

      2. Click Merge or click Merge and Goto Profile to edit the profile.