2 Resolved Issues

This section contains a list of the customer-reported bugs that were resolved in this release.

Accounts Receivables

Bug ID Description


After selecting Account Receivables from the Profile screen and then selecting Cancel, no longer receive an unexpected error.


The AR statement for an account with an open balance is generated regardless whether a zero-balance account was included in the selection.


You can edit the postings on a selected invoice from the Manage Invoice Details screen as many times as required without getting any errors.


While editing transactions on the AR invoice, the data appears properly without unexpected errors.


Editing transactions on the accounts receivable invoice no longer causes an unexpected error, and data appears properly.


While in edit mode, the panels/views on the Account Setup screen are disabled.


The Folio column on the Credit Card Transfer screen displays the folio number without any commas and is properly aligned.


When the credit limit is exceeded while creating an invoice, an error message displays "Account Balance exceeds the Account Credit Limit" upon enabling the Disable Override Credit Limit task.


When the CREDIT_CARD_REBATE_VALIDATION OPERA Control is active, the message associated with this validation is "Debit Activity for Credit Card Rebate is Insufficient. Select Override to Process Rebate."


Under the AR Ledger report, the "ar_cc_inv_formula" is modified to accept up to 2,000 characters. Also, the report layout is now grouped by transaction codes.


For Fixed Charges, the Day to Execute field is marked as mandatory for Monthly/Quarterly frequency.


When you access AR Account invoices/balances from a hub location, no errors occur, and the Manage Invoice pages appear without errors.


In the area of Account Receivables > Manage Account Invoices:
  • The Apply Payment button is suppressed when multiple (regular and non-regular) payments are selected along with an invoice.

  • You cannot use Apply Payment when a non-regular payment is selected along with invoice.

  • You cannot use Apply Payment against the invoices with a negative balance.

Block Management

Bug ID Description


You can add block notes for up to 2,000 characters.


When a Block Rate Override Reason Code is deleted in Administration, you can open a block that has that Rate Override Reason Code selected and see the reason in the Room Rate Grid.


The currency symbol prints in sample_cont_merge when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies (MULTI_CURRENCY) OPERA Control is Active or Inactive.


When there are no active elastic blocks, you can deactivate the Elastic Block OPERA Control. When there are active elastic blocks, you cannot deactivate the Elastic Block OPERA Control.


You can update a package end date for block reservations. Updating the end date and selecting the checkmark option enables the Save button, and saving changes updates the package on the reservation.


Applying changes to all guests in the group does not include Posting Master (PM) rooms.


When shifting a master block that has sub blocks with PM reservations that overlap the block start and end dates, the sub blocks and their PM reservations move accurately to the master block.


When you open the Deposit panel on a block reservation, the deposit information shows the confirmation number of the selected reservation.


Rooms return to the Master allocation when the sub-allocation with Room Grid is cancelled.


When shifting a master block that has sub blocks with PM reservations that overlap the block's start and end dates, the sub blocks and their PM reservations move correctly to the master block.


The On the Books field and column in the Block Revenue Summary are hidden for events in a cancel or any other return to inventory status.


When you click Generate Report in the Rooming List screen of a block with Definite status, a proper validation message appears if the Group Rooming List report is not configured in the property.


You can create a Master/Sub block in a hub, add another Sub block in a different property, change the Master status, and then add Posting Masters (PMs) to each Sub. You can now shift the block date, and the Master/Subs/PMs move correctly to the new date.


You can navigate to the Room and Rate Grid of a block and allocate rooms.


You can navigate to Blocks, search for a block that has Traces (and Department) attached, and copy it. The newly copied/created block retains the Traces and Department from the original block.


Internal/External deposit information shows the correct information for the block.


You can add a share reservation with a 0 person (adult/child) count while creating reservations on a Block Rooming List.


You can enter special characters, such as a hyphen, in the Name and First Name fields while creating reservations on a Block Rooming List.


You can create a Master Block with Sub Blocks with the OPERA Control Auto Assign Block Code parameter inactive and no value in the Block Code Generation Pattern setting.


You can shift the dates of a master/sub block when the Catering Events OPERA Control is either On or Off. You can shift the dates of a master/sub block if either has or does not have a catering event attached to the block.


From Manage Blocks, you can open Manage Reports and generate the Blocks by Cutoff Date (RESBLOCKBYCUTOFFDATE) report using the block Cutoff Date filters.
  • If the block has a cutoff date, that date passes to the filter Cutoff Date From and Cutoff Date To. If not, the business date passes to the filters.

  • If you access this report through Manage Reports, the business date passes to the Cutoff Date filters.


You can change room status and/or catering status using the Change Block Status option available from Manage Block-> search for Block-> Block I Want To . . . menu.


Block owners are saved in the corresponding column in the table.


You cannot change the block name when creating a sub-block for a synchronized master sub-block.


When generating the RESBLOCKBYCUTOFFDATE report, you can select a value from the Accounts list without error.


You can navigate to a Sub Block and load room nights. You can navigate to the Room and Rate Grid and wash the rooms for Cancelled Reservations.


Rate Codes are available for selection on a block as long as the current business date falls into the sell date range of the rate code. Negotiated Rate Codes are available for selection on a block as long as the current business date falls into the sell date range of the rate code, and the negotiated rate period falls within the block dates.


You can navigate to Manage Blocks and search for a block. You can use a Start Date From or enter a Start Date to filter the blocks. If you enter a Start Date From that is greater than the Start Date To, OPERA Cloud prompts you to correct the dates.


In a PMS Property with the Simple Events OPERA Control active, you can open the Events form and change the column order or change the column width size. The Simple Events panel has a scrollbar and allows modification of columns. The column widths are constant.


The Cancel and PM description of a lost or cancelled block can be entered using up to 2,000 characters.


Contact profiles for Company and Travel Agent profiles that are received with a Block headerwithdetail message from an external system to OPERA by way of OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) are processed and viewable on the Block screen.


Block Notes print at the end of the Banquet Event Order (BEO) report when you select Print Events Continuously as the Event Printing Method.


When the Simple Events OPERA Control is active, the Status list of values in the Events Panel lists the Status Code and the Status Description.


Values added or modified in flex fields (User Defined Fields) for Block, Room, or Catering details are saved successfully.


After editing a block from the Block search results and then closing the Block presentation screen, you are returned to the same record on the search results.

Cashiering and Financials

Bug ID Description


An error message appears when credit card authorization fails.


You can filter the Commission Payment activities based on status and then update the status using the Action button.


You can enter up to 50 characters on Block Catering Details Post As.


When you post a charge for a payee profile with a name greater than 50 characters, the charge posts successfully.


You can have a federated user name with a maximum length of 256 characters to complete a payment processing successfully.


You can print the Credit Bill generated against the Deposit Folios displaying the folio text.


A change is made to ensure that OPERA Cloud calculates the User Defined Field (UDF) Function, ROOM_TYPE_BASED_CHARGE, correctly whether the UDF Function is configured to calculate based on the Room Type or based on the RTC (Room Type to Charge) of a reservation.
  • When you configure a Transaction Code Generate with UDF Function, ROOM_TYPE_BASED_CHARGE, and the UDF field for Room Type to Charge is configured as "N," then the calculation is based on the Room Type field of the reservation.

  • When you configure a Transaction Code Generate with UDF Function, ROOM_TYPE_BASED_CHARGE, and the UDF field for Room Type to Charge is configured as "Y," then the calculation is based on the RTC (Room Type to Charge) field of the reservation.


You can save a new generate under Transaction Groups/Transaction Subgroups.


Multiple changes are made to the fiscal printing workflow:
  • In a scenario where you generate a fiscal folio and a timeout occurs, the timeout message displays correctly and the folio is voided internally.

  • In a scenario where you generate a fiscal folio and a timeout occurs and you choose to generate an Offline Folio, the success message displays and the fiscal folio status correctly populates as OFFLINE.

  • In a scenario where you generate a fiscal folio and a timeout occurs and you select Retry for every prompt, the fiscal folio status correctly populates as ERROR (if you select OK) or OFFLINE (if you choose to generate an Offline Folio).


You can delete an existing pricing schedule from a rate code by selecting the desired row.


In a scenario where Print Queue functionality is active and you make a change to a printer marked as Folio Printer, after you select Save, the Last Folio Number remains populated and visible on the Print Queues screen.


In a scenario where you attempt to settle a fiscal folio and a timeout occurs, the timeout message displays correctly.


The Trial Balance Report generates for the dates set in the Parameter screen in Manage Reports.


While working on the Billing screen the selection of reservations added to the drawers are being reflected in the billing window without a screen refresh.


While logged into a hub location, a notification appears when the End of Day is running in any property within the hub.
The "Arrival date cannot be earlier than the business date" error message appears when you try to create a reservation for the previous business date after the "Update the Business Date" End of Day step is completed.


The amount displayed on the Post It screen is formatted according to the currency format of the property.


In a scenario where you attempt to generate a fiscal folio (Interim Folio) and select No to the retry message prompt after communications times out, the message for "Missing Folio ID" no longer appears in the OFIS (OPERA Fiscal Integration Solution) log.


You can print the credit bill generated against the deposit folios displaying the folio text.


You can view an advanced daily rate when the base rate is either attached or not attached to correctly see pricing ranges for adults as expected.


Rate Code translations display correctly when switching properties.


You can reprint the Cashier Closure report from the Cashier Reports or Cashier Closure screens.


When modifying a daily rate with Pricing Schedules configured, an error message informs you that you cannot modify rate code types when Pricing Schedules exist.


The "character string buffer too small" error during End of Day is resolved.


For a POS Interface, you can enter PM Account for Posting Type - PM Account (No Auto Balance).


In a scenario where a reservation has a Deposit Folio for window 2, is checked in, and you perform a check-out on the next business date, the reservation checks out successfully.


Tokenization works with no errors by selecting Apply Payment without clicking anywhere or selecting a tab.


You can delete packages from the Pricing Schedule of a Room Type in any Rate code.


Once you exchange currency and return to the main Currency Exchange screen, the From Amount and To Amount fields display as null.


You can check out multiple reservations using Mass Checkout while performing End of Day.


In a scenario where you perform Resend for a fiscal folio from a previous business date and the fiscal communication was not successful, when you select Retry, the universal payload populates with all required information.


The following issues during the End of Day are resolved:
  1. Post Rolling business date: If a reservation is moved to an open folio and the balance is zero, the message "Please select Continue to Process ID" appears and reconciles the balance.

  2. When the job_processor_queue is zero, a valid error appears: "Please contact database administrator to increase job queue limit." You can proceed with the audit once that is resolved.

  3. After the Rolling Business Date and before the posting Room and Tax procedure execution, if you post the charges, the postings are visible on the previous business date.


In a scenario where a reservation with the same day package exists and that reservation is checked out early, OPERA Cloud correctly calculates Package Profit, and no Imbalance is created.


While posting charges using the Post It option and selecting a transaction code, the charges post successfully without errors.


In a scenario where a reservation with a same day package exists and that reservation is checked out early, the package profit is calculated correctly and no imbalance is created.


After creating future Reservations with a deposit, you can filter the reservation with a deposit correctly on the basis of the due date.


During the End of Day process:
  1. For Post Rolling Business Date, if a reservation is moved to an open folio and a balance of zero, a "Please select Continue to process ID" message instructs you to reconcile the balance.

  2. When job_processor_queue is zero, a valid error appears: "Please contact database administrator to increase job queue limit." You can proceed with audit once that is resolved.

  3. After the Rolling Business Date and before the Posting Room and Tax procedure execution, if you post the charges, the postings appear on the previous business date.


You can reprint the Cashier Closure report from the Cashier Reports or Cashier Closure screens.


You can use the search filter options available on the Batch Charges screen to refine your search results.


In a scenario where you generate a Deposit Folio for a reservation, check-in the reservation, post charges, and settle on a window without the deposit transaction(s), the universal payload generates correctly. The Deposit Folio details are not included in the universal payload, including the <TotalInfo> section.


The guest check details are viewable in the billing workflow for charge transactions that have a detail associated with the check number.


Negative settlements in Passerby are settled successfully after you enter supplements (remarks).


While configuring Arrangement codes, the Wrapper Transaction code is now visible and selectable.


After making an unallocated deposit payment, the Amount field gets updated with zero.
After making a payment on a deposit rule, the Amount field gets updated with the remaining amount required by the deposit rule.


In a scenario where a reservation has a Deposit Folio for window 2 and is checked in, if you perform a check-out on the next business date, the reservation checks out successfully.


The exchange rate shows the value rate correctly on the sample folio irrespective of whether the PACKAGE ARRANGEMENT CODES application setting is active or not.


In a scenario where Proforma Folio (Style 14) is generated for a multiple night's reservation, the correct business date appears for each of the future night's postings.


In a scenario where an adjustment is posted to a checked out reservation with Post Stay Charging, the adjustment is posted in the same checked out reservation and not to Lost Interface Room.


In a scenario where a folio is previewed from Folio History, Column F in the QR Code string matches the bill generation date.
In a scenario where a folio is generated from the Billing screen, Column F in the QR Code string is the current business date.


When you generate a fiscal folio and the fiscal communication times out, an error message with details is displayed.


The format of the report Journal by Cashier and Transaction Code (finjrnlbytrans) is corrected when it is grouped by Transaction Code.


Tokenization works with no errors by selecting Apply Payment without clicking anywhere else or selecting a tab.


While modifying an existing transaction code, the changes log displays only the entries for Edit Transaction Codes as expected.


You cannot delete an AR Account when routing instructions exists for the Travel Agent profile.
The following error message appears if you try to delete the AR Account: "Routing Instructions exist for this account cannot be deleted."


The start and end time on the Cashier Summary report and Cash Closure report are the same.


The "Cashier Closure is in progress" message appears when you perform the deposit transfer during the cashier closure.


Reservations do not get locked while performing Auto Folio Settlement.


Upon performing a transfer transaction with an amount of 0.00, the following message appears: "Unable to Split transaction when one transaction results in a Zero Amount." No sql exception is thrown.


Credit card token details are updated when you click Get Token.


You can set a minimum of 60 minutes as the automatic authorization Interval time.


When generating the Journal by Cashier and Transaction Code (finjrnlbytrans) report and selecting to group-by transaction code, the Transaction Code column label is correctly spaced.


The code change is needed in order to include CC (credit cards) not attached to reservations or profiles (queried from FT), and the O2H Data Model needs to be changed to filter CR_CARD_SETTLE linked to FTs.


You can email cashier closure reports.


The Direct Bill transfer screen now shows all DB settlements and works as expected.


The GIH (guest in house) popup appears as expected for company and individual profiles when a Passerby invoice is generated.


The Credit Bill uses the same tax type to calculate generates as used on the original folio.


While generating the universal payload for a credit bill for void folios, the FolioHeaderInfo section is now getting updated with the cashier number and the TotalInfo section is displaying the correct value (non-taxable amount).


In a scenario where a bill exists with Fiscal_Bill_No populated, but Fiscal_Bill_Generation_Date or Fiscal_Bill_Generation_Time is null, the default values populate in the Universal Payload, for example, FiscalBillGenerationDate: '0001-01-01' and FiscalBillGenerationTime: '00:00:00'.


When you reprint a Cash Closure shift report, the report displays cash postings accurately.


While generating a Debit Bill for a Goods folio and a Services Folio, in both cases, the associated Bill information appears.


While generating a Debit Bill for a Goods folio and a Services Folio, in both cases, the associated Bill information appears.


In a scenario where Fiscal Terminal or Fiscal Folio parameter is being created using a Fiscal Partner value (not by clicking the list of values) that is not configured in the property, OPERA Cloud displays an error.


When Comp Posting is dragged from one billing window to another, the Comp Journal gives the correct status (Staged, Declined) based on Comp approval, Void/Declined status.


You cannot access billing for reservations that are not yet checked in when Pre Stay Charges are disabled.


Selecting Cashier or General as notification areas while creating a reservation note displays notifications on the Billing screen.


When a settlement is carried out on a reservation where the VAT Offset is applied, the VAT Offset amount is not sent to the Credit Card Interface.


When you generate a Credit Bill against a folio where the corresponding reservation has a different Tax Type than the Default Tax Type of the property, the Credit Bill generates successfully.


Updates to Package Codes through the OPERA Reservation System (ORS), whether the package was originally created in OPERA Cloud or ORS, are inserted to OPERA Cloud.


In Transaction Code Template creation, the check radio buttons removed from Payment Types and Payment Method are retained upon opening the Template Code in edit mode.


In a scenario when the COLLECTING AGENT TAXES application parameter is On, the <TotalInfo> section in the Universal Payload displays the <Value> attribute correctly.


Room and Taxes are posted automatically when billing is accessed.


In a scenario where the ADVANCED TAX HANDLING FOR DEPOSITS application parameter is active and a Deposit Folio is voided due to a fiscal time out, in the case of a credit card payment, only the payment is transferred to the lost interface room.


When the FISCAL FOLIO PRINTING Cashiering parameter and deposit folio functionality are both active, posting a deposit generates the Universal Payload.


While working on billing, you can split the wrapper only when you post the packages and the amount is equal to or more or less than the actual package price. Otherwise, you cannot split the package wrapper.


When the Authorizer PIN Required parameter is active, your PIN is validated during Comp transfer to Comp Windows and while setting up Comp Routing.


The previous printer selection is retained during a session when you generate folios.


By default, reservations on the Batch Folio screen are sorted in order of confirmation numbers.


  • When you access the Open Cashier screen, the Last Closed Time and Opened Time fields on the Open Cashiers screen display the time in the property time zone.

  • If no foreign currencies are present as part of the cashier closure, the foreign currencies section displays "No data to display" after the cashier closure is performed.


When opening a cashier's session, an error message appears if the cashier has reached the maximum daily uses.


In a scenario where a Zero Bill is generated, the column name_id and column payee_name_id correctly populate the values.


When you apply a formula to calculate the price in a package configuration that is based on room cost, for example, PER_CITY_TAX_BERLIN, the tax is calculated properly.


When the "Package Arrangement Codes" application setting is active, the Exchange Rate shows correctly on the sample folio.

Client Relations

Bug ID Description


On the Profile Merge screen, the Merge button or Merge and Go to Profile button are disabled until you select at least one Profile to merge.


Up to 25 suggested addresses are visible when the Quick Address Software (QAS) address validation solution is active.


Profiles created in another property are view-only when Profile Sharing is not active.


You can edit with parameters and change the property value at the hub level while generating the Profile Production Statistic report.


The Fiscal Guest Type field is added to OPERA Cloud customization for Profile Details. The field is renamed from "Guest Type" to be dynamic based on the type of profile:
  • For Guest/Contact profiles, the field is labeled Guest Type.

  • For Company/TA/Source/Group profiles, the field is labeled Company Type.


Account and Contact filters are not passed to Manage Activities when navigated to from a Block.


You can view discount details by expanding the rate code row under the Profile Negotiated Rate link.


Updates to the Profile Details "Tax1No" field save successfully and remain when other fields on the profile are updated.


Profile Discounts for Negotiated Rates display correctly when the row is expanded on the Negotiated Rates panel of the Profile and on the Negotiated Profiles panel of the Rate Code.


Profile download works without issues.


You can add an alternate name of up to 80 characters for Company, Source, Travel Agent, and Group Profile, and up to 40 characters for Guest and Contact profiles.


You can merge profiles successfully.


You can select the presentation style tabs in the Profile Presentation screen when the profile has a correspondence mailing list attached.


The Style Tab in the Profile presentation can be accessed, and subsequent actions on the profile are successful.


You can delete the preferences on a newly created profile when the shared profile is "N" at the hub level.


You can add associated profiles to a reservation.


You can perform basic search on profiles, reservation, and blocks by using the Go to Basic Search link.


You can add/modify/delete relationships on a Company Profile.


Presentation panel tabs appear as expected in the Profile screen when toggling between the main and related profiles.


The Profile Stay Statistics screen allows you to view a year-by-year overview of stay information for the current profile.


You can add preferences to a profile from the hub level when Shared profiles is not active for the chain.


You can successfully update the selections in the Preference Source Hierarchy control.


The Change Log captures new profiles and updates records for the Privacy option, Salutation, and Envelope greeting.


When Shared Profiles = N, you can create a profile when logged into a hub or a property.


When creating or editing Profile Identification, if the ID number is masked, you cannot modify it. In order to modify the ID number, you must first click on Show Unmasked Information.


You can add or update details to specific address fields in profile communications and the details remain in the field entered.


Bug ID Description


You can search the check number and batch number in the Payment Activity screen without errors.


When you select a travel agent in the Manage Commission screen, the reservations corresponding to the travel agent appear.


You can search for an existing reservations and attach it to the travel agent.


You can put a reservation on hold when the "Stop processing reason codes" OPERA Control is Off.


On the Attach Existing Reservation screen, the default search finds reservations prior to 30 days from the current business date. You can also change the search criteria to retrieve older reservations.


The Manage Commission Code screen shows the property field as empty when you select more than one property in the Commission Codes screen search and attempt to create new commission codes.


The file system path is removed from the Payment Confirmation pop-up screen.

Country Specific

Bug ID Description


Country Specific - Germany:
Performance is improved during check out when communicating with Fiscal Partner EFSTA.


Country Specific - Portugal:
  1. Signature hash for the first document in the series is created by taking the last signature from the document type.

  2. Signature hash is generated for the first document in the series on the new day for each kind of document.


Country Specific - Brazil:
The Transaction Code list of values displays transaction codes based on the folio type of the Original folio.
For Services: Transaction codes that are marked as S or are blank.
For Goods: Transaction codes that are marked as G.


Country Specific - Portugal:
When you generate a folio, the visible margin of the QR Code measures 0.25cm by default on the Sample Folio Portugal (sample_folio_portugal.rtf) and Sample Credit Portugal (sample_credit_portugal.rtf) reports.


Country Specific - Saudi Arabia:
When an Availability Business Event is triggered, it is processed by the OPERA Fiscal Integration Solution (OFIS) and returns a successful response to OPERA.


Country Specific - France:
The FOLIO STYLE 1 - Merge code, TOTAL_NO_OF_CHARGES, reflects the total number of revenue charges including Packages on the folio. Payments are not included in it.


Bug ID Description


In the Manage Events screen you can identify different packages added to the block by their package code.


Events do not get copied to a block that is not eligible for events (that, it does not have a Catering Status Code).


When transaction generates are configured for a transaction code subgroup or a transaction code group instead of on the transaction code itself, the OPERA Sales & Events Contract (SAMPLE_CONT_MERGE) and the OPERA Sales & Events Proforma Invoice (REP_PROFORMA_INVOICE) generate without error and display the correct room rate amounts and revenues.


You can search for catering packages and templates without error.


When the OPERA Control, "Use single Block status for Rooms and Catering," is active and you add a catering package to a block, the default catering status value is taken from the OPERA Control "Catering Status when Copying an Event."


In a hub, the Property list of values in Item Class configuration displays a property if the OPERA Control Event Resources or Item Inventory is active.


On the Events tile, you can click on the left corner gear and filter the Events by Status, Block Name, or Event Type and/or display them by Block Name or Door Card.


If the Event Waitlist OPERA Control is active and you add a Catering Package with a function space to a block, the Event Processing screen indicates whether the function space will be waitlisted in case of overbooking,


If you enter a value for the function space minimum capacity that is higher than the value for the maximum capacity, you are prompted with a pop-up message indicating the discrepancy.


In Manage Events, you can select events and copy them using the "Copy to Other Date" option. You can copy Events using the I Want To . . . option as well.


You can add a catering package (having translations in configuration) to a block. You can view the translations in the Manage Catering Package.


You can navigate to an event and add a menu to it using the Menu Drawer. You can edit the menu and add menu items (having translations) using the Menu Item drawer. Once the menu items are added, you can save your changes


You can enter special characters such as ü, ä, ç and so on in an Event Resources Note title.


You can navigate to Resource Management and create an Item. You can enter 200 characters in the Item Name field, enter the other relevant details, and save the Item.


In the Banquet Event Order (BEO) and OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management Cloud Service Contract, the Job title and Package fields print the translated language configured for the report.


In the Function Diary, you can search by an Event label such as Event Type. You can view Events and Guest Reservations in the Gantt chart.


In the Function Diary, you can create a Quick Event from the I Want To . . . menu and 2-Event Click process. You can create Events in succession using the Save and Create option available within the Quick Event screen.


You can configure a catering package on a flat price basis and add the package to a block using the Book Catering process. Once the catering package is added, it gets listed in the Block-> I Want To menu-> Manage Catering Package. You can navigate back to the Administration menu and deselect the Flat check box for the catering package. The package gets reflected on the Block-> I Want To menu-> Manage Catering Package screen.


With an active Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management Premium Cloud Service, you can search for and create Alternate Events using a two-click process or the I Want To . . . menu in the Function Diary.


You can filter the Posted Event Revenue report (rep_posted_event_revenue) by Block ID.


When generating a Banquet Event Order (BEO) with the same beverage menu attached to multiple events, the menu appears correctly for each event.


You can navigate to Block-> I Want To . . . menu-> Manage Catering Package and copy a flat priced Catering Package. The copied package also gets created as a flat priced package. The revenue summary for the events created as part of the Book Catering Package process also will have the flat type.


You can view events in the Function Diary. You can hover your mouse pointer on Events/Guest Reservation/OOO/OOS bars and see the Function Space Code and Description.


You can perform searches in the Function Diary and create events in the Function Diary using the Event two-click process.


The Business Card does not display deleted profiles when the Event is called from the Function Diary.


The RDF Banquet Event Order (BEO) (sample_beo_1column) arrives as an attachment when generated by Report Scheduler and sent by email.


In Proforma Invoice (rep_proforma_invoice), the Estimated Totals are calculated correctly when the options for Page Break Per Day and Print Generates are selected.


You can navigate to the Function Diary and search for events. You can expand and view overlapping events by clicking the + icon. You can also see Sleeping Room availability within the Function Diary by performing a search with Show Rooms selected.


Currency Conversion is correct when rep_busblock_list is generated for a currency that is not the same as the Base or Catering Currency.


Bug ID Description


You can search for Data Source from the list for configuring exports from the OPERA Cloud menu by selecting Miscellaneous, Exports, and then General, Membership, or Back Office.


The SUN_REVENUE back office export matches the Trial Balance report.


TSA02 Export performance is improved.


You can create, edit, and generate the GEN_XMLBE_BILLS_DAY export.


You can select EXP_BOF_Revenue_Records as a data source for OPERA Back Office Exports.


You can view the Italy E-Invoice - Manual data export.


You can see all options under the Available Columns in Edit File Name Formula when creating a new export using Data Source Name EXP_MAPPING_CODES_VIEW.


While creating, editing, and generating the GEN_XMLBE_BILLS_DAY export, the error no longer appears.


Export Mapping displays only property market codes for mapping when you are logged in at the property level.


You can export and view the date.

Front Desk

Bug ID Description


You can prioritize reservations that are currently in the queue using OPERA Cloud Mobile.


When switching between the Task Sheets and Advanced Task Sheets OPERA Controls, any existing task sheets are deleted.


You can now edit or duplicate the departure_all report without error.


You can update the payment method on windows 2-8 without affecting the No Post flag for the reservation.


When the rooms that make up a Component Suite are returned from Out of Order/Service during the End of Day, the Component Suite itself will also reflect the new room status on the Room Diary and the Available Room Search screens.


Available Room search shows room availability based on the selection in the Number of Nights field.


You can print the Status screen records when performing the following actions from the Arrivals and Room Assignment screens:
  • Auto Assign

  • Auto Assign and Advance Check In

  • Mass Advance Check In

  • Auto Assign and Check In

  • Mass Check In


When a floor preference exists on the reservation, it is considered during the Auto Assign process in combination with the Room Status filters and any other preferences.


The Balance field in the Check In Reservation screen always display currency in the property's currency, even is the rate code is configured in a different currency.


After initiating a Mass Check-in process of reservations, the reservation status screen shows all processed reservations.


When checking in a reservation with a deposit, but without the Deposit Transaction Code OPERA Control setting defined, OPERA Cloud generates an error message stating: "Unable to check in as the Deposit Ledger Transaction Code setting has not been set."


A message that states, "Reservation status is not valid for check in" appears when attempting to check in a reservation that has been checked in already by another user.


When updating the External Notifications from Advance Check In, changes are reflected in the Stay Details panel of the Reservation Presentation screen immediately.


You can submit the Guest INH Complimentary Report with all parameter combinations.


On the Registration Card screen, you can filter search results using the From Name and To Name filter fields.


The correct From and To times appear when previewing the Departures report.


The language in the eRegistration Card defaults to the property language when no registration card exists in the language set on the guest profile.


When performing the Reverse Check In action for a reservation that has a room type with the Housekeeping attribute deselected, the Update Room Status options is not visible.


Bullet list and number list styling configured in the Electronic Registration Card configuration is applied in the eSign Registration Card popup. The Background Color option is removed from the Electronic Registration Card configuration.


Bug ID Description


OPERA Cloud Exchange Communication Method search criteria Property and Interface get defaulted based on the values set on the Switch Interface.


The OEDS/HTNG2008B/ReservationLookup Response returns the correct XSD Name Space.


Duplicate profiles are not created while processing the OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) inbound reservation messages received from external systems when the OXI Profile parameter PROF MATCHING is set to Y and match rules are configured.


You can set up proxy details for OPERA Electronic Distribution Suite (OEDS)/OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) and start/stop services without a service account and process the outbound message without any failures.


OPERA Electronic Distribution Suite (OEDS) monitoring services should be installed and be in running status with the new installation.


In a scenario where multiple browser sessions are used and you settle on the same folio window of the same reservation in different sessions, only the first universal payload generates.


OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) sends the correct property and chain code while invoking the tokenization service.


For a Point of Sale (POS) Interface, the PM Account (No Auto Balance) Account Type is retained during editing.


You can fetch all types of rooms and their status when Include flags = true is in the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) request.


When creating a new, but duplicate, transaction code mapping using the same revenue center twice, you get a prompt: "A record already exists for this combination." You can close the prompt, and the page stays there with the details entered.


When editing any posting type interface in Property Interfaces, you can configure a newly created Sales Itemizer for existing outlets in the Transaction Code panel.


The OPERA Cloud Exchange, Automatic Transmission Schedule, allows you to edit and update when you are in a hub location.


Reservations created or updated with global alerts process in OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) without error.


In Property Interfaces, when you configure a new room from the Rooms panel, you can see all of the values in Wake up Call, Do Not Disturb, Class of Service, Direct Inward Dial, Message Waiting, and Mask Dial Number.


Certain credit cards that were getting nullified in Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) when creating reservations are now working as expected.


Certain credit cards that were nullified in Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) when creating reservations now work as expected.


The OPERA Cloud Exchange - Communication Method screen defaults the Property and Interface based on the Switch Context values.


You can fetch all type of rooms and their status when Include flags = true in the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) request.


The OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) deletes log files that are older than 10 days after the OXI processor is started.


All updates to packages trigger a message to OPERA Reservation System (ORS).


You can define Publisher external systems for the External Systems (applications) created from the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP) Developer Portal.


In a scenario where a routing instructions is created for a reservation and you select "Yes" to refresh the folio, the Business Events gets generated as required.


When changing a block's status through an external SOAP or REST message to an invalid status selection that violates OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management Cloud Service integrity, such as changing status to an invalid sequence (for example, from ACT to DEF), or when the From and To status are the same, the following appears: "Please enter correct block status code."


For the OPERA Electronic Distribution Suite (OEDS) behind a Shared Security Domain (SSD) pointing to the OPERA Reservation System (ORS), Regional Availability should return all resorts you have access to in the response based on criteria.


After a property is created, and the FISCAL FOLIO PRINTING Cashiering parameter is set to active, the Fiscal Export Mapping codes for room types are populated correctly.


When the FISCAL FOLIO PRINTING Cashiering parameter and deposit folio functionality are both active, posting a deposit generates the Universal Payload.


Country Specific - Saudi Arabia:
When a new reservation is created, NEW RESERVATION and SUMMARY_TOTALS Fiscal Business Events are triggered, and OPERA Fiscal Integration Solution (OFIS) returns a successful response to OPERA.


An extra space was removed for an element type in the Guest message request within the Reservation Advanced Web Service.


In OPERA Cloud Exchange, Interface Controls, the Rate Group parameters "Restriction Codes" and "Supported Channels" display the same list of values irrespective of the user context whether at the property or hub level.


The Exchange UI and Processor should insert the correct resort and chain code in creating communication details data.


The Exchange UI and Processor should insert the correct resort and chain code in creating communication details data.


You can check out a reservation from a kiosk when the "Fiscal Folio Printing" Cashiering parameter is active. The corresponding folio would have the fiscal response printed on it.


You can fetch all types of rooms and their status when Include flags = true is in the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) request.


The OPERA Cloud Exchange, Interface Control, Reservation setting "Ext Sys Market/Source Control" allows you to set the required value.


All room types of the property appear in the Rooms panel of the Interface for import.


OPERA Cloud Exchange Interface Controls allows you to define values for MAX_SIZE_BATCH_ZIP, CLIENT_CERT_ID parameters.


Newly created users who have chain level access can perform regional availability through Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS).


You can create reservation notes with a maximum length of 20 characters.


The correct No Profile Found error message appears when fetching a profile that does not exist.


The property Currency Code is added. When there is no Currency Code sent in the request, the Currency Code is reflected in the table.


For a POS Interface, you can enter PM Account for Posting Type - PM Account (No Auto Balance).


The PBX/MBS Interface - Minibar Article Posting is finding the corresponding OPERA Article and posting charges on it.


When the OPERA Electronic Distribution Suite (OEDS) is pointing to the OPERA Reservation System (ORS), it reads the Central Reservation Office (CRO) configuration (Date Format, Currency Format) while returning Cancellation Policy, Deposit Policy, even when ORS is behind the Shared Security Domain (SSD).


Certain credit cards that were nullified in Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) when creating reservations now work as expected.


Import Data enables the "Fixed Rate" flag for imported reservations when the column "RES_Fixed_RateYN" value is marked as "Y" in the reservation file.


You can capture interactive Gaming requests and responses in the logs.


The OXIHUB queue setup for the EMAIL delivery method sends an email for the confirmation letter.


Bug ID Description


You can view the Property Availability screen with the correct display when all rooms are placed Out of Order.


When configuring component suites, you can select the component room to make up the component suite from the Room list of values in the Room Components panel.


The Room Pool function OPERA Control is relocated to the Inventory Management group.


When configuring component suites, you can select the component room to make up the component suite from the Room list of values in the Room Components panel.


You can now view the Changes Log against the correct user in Manage Restrictions.


Bug ID Description


You can search OPERA Controls using with the internal name or the display name.


You can successfully create a hub by providing the required fields and selecting the properties.


From a hub location, you can search for a list of values in Administration menus without selecting a property.


Image Management filename validation is updated to fail only if the full file name is a restricted word.


Validation is updated to fail only if the full file name is a restricted word.


The "character string buffer too small" issue is resolved by increasing the size of the receiving variable to 2,000.


The order of OPERA Control parameters is changed and working as expected.


The Changes Log captures the private IP address from where the user activity is performed in OPERA Cloud. You can view the Changes Log from the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, and then select Changes Log.


You can edit and save the date parameters for the Matrix Report.


You can search for a property that has special characters in the property name from the Property List Search screens.


You can navigate to Miscellaneous-> Log It. The New option is available when the user task for new/edit log it is granted.


When you are logged in at the hub level, the Property Interfaces configuration screen keeps the property selected for editing an interface.


Adding a tile to a primary page of your dashboard and changing the tile’s position no longer creates duplicate extension pages.


When a property's time format is set to 12hr, the time displays accordingly when configuring and running reports with time parameters.


A validation error message appears when uploading attachments with an unsupported file type.

Property APIs

Bug ID Description


RevenueInventoryStatisticsProcess returns correct data for cancelled rooms of past, current, and future business dates.


The getHotelDetails operation is supported with the hotelDetailCategoriesCodes query parameter.


FetchRoomStatus is now supported with the following flags:
  • IncludeDueOut

  • IncludeCheckout

  • Connecting Rooms

RoomConditions are not supported for this operation.


The Async revenueInventoryStatistics Get response returns date data with the fix REST standard date format yyyy-mm-dd.


The Async revenueInventoryStatistics get response returns date data with fix REST standard date format yyyy-mm-dd.


The REST API pseudoRoom attribute matches the room type. If the room type is physical, then the pseudoRoom attribute shows False.


The ChangeReservationRQ API returns a successful response for a valid request.


The getfinancialPostings response returns the hasMore flag with valid value true or false.


The operation postStates API is published under the Enterprise configuration module.


The operation postStates, getHotels API is published under the Enterprise configuration module.


The putReservation Rest API updates reservations with comments included in the message request.


The operations for getStates in the CRMCFG Module, getFileAttachment, and uploadFileAttachment in the MEDCFG module are published.


The following paths for Room Features LOV API are able to successfully get a response. Note that hotelCode/hotelId is a mandatory parameter for this LOV.


You can fetch all types of rooms and their statuses when Include flags = true is in the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) request.


The getRatePlan API returns requested data successfully for both paths where a ratePlanCode is in the query parameter or a ratePlanCode is in the path parameter.


On the Changes Log screen, you can move through records using the Load More option at the bottom. You can also filter the results correctly by Date and Users. From the API, the date is now available for searching and the response is correct for totalAmount and pagination.


The GetReservations REST API's query parameters createdonstartdate and cancelledon support only the property business date as a value:
  • Createdonstartdate: "Fetches reservations which are created on the given property business date."

  • Cancelledon: "Fetches reservations which are cancelled on the given property business date."


The getReservationstatistics API now provides a list of report codes enumerators.


The following REST API operations are published now for OHIP as part of MEDCFG.JSON (Media Configuration Service):
  • FetchCustomizedLetter

  • SetCustomizedLetter

  • FetchRegistrationCard

  • FetchFolioReport

  • EmailFolioReport


The blockStatusChanges REST API "HasMore" returns a value as true if there are results returned by the API as part of response, otherwise, it returns the value as false.


You can execute Confirm Booking Request calls successfully.


When creating a block reservation from the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform, the external reference value appears on the External References panel.


Bug ID Description


You can add a new Shift report and view it at the hub level.


You can schedule the Matrix report with updated horizontal value and vertical value report parameters in OPERA Cloud Reports by selecting Manage Reports and then selecting Search Matrix report.


When a property's time format is set to 12hr, the time displays accordingly when configuring and running reports with time parameters.


An appropriate error message appears in Manage Schedule Reports when there is no email delivery method configured for Reports.


You can schedule the Block Actual Report (rep_actbb_p) with Sort Order parameters in Manage Scheduled Reports.


You can successfully schedule a user Activity Log report using Date Range From and Date Range To with the Activity Group REP_CONFIGURATION.


You can define the scheduled Start date and End Date for scheduled reports, select Manage Reports, and then click Manage Schedule Reports.


The User Activity Report displays date and time per the property time zone.


You can schedule the Balance Check report for a pre-selected date.


Editing the scheduled reports no longer changes the filename to a standard filename. You can edit and save the filename for scheduled reports from OPERA Cloud, Select Manage Reports, click Manage Schedule Reports, search and select the scheduled report, and then click Edit.


You can schedule the Commissions Prepayment report when generated with a set of negative days.


You can duplicate customized reports like registration cards and folios.


In the Report Text configuration, SC_REP_BEO_BC is exposed allowing for the translation of the BC label when generating the 2 Column and the 2 Column FB Banquet Event Orders (BEOs) for menu items that are sold based on consumption.


When scheduling a report, you can choose between PDF, XML, HTML, RTF, EXCEL (available for select reports only), Delimited, or Delimited Data. By default, the report file format is PDF.


The Shift Reports group is available in the Report Groups drop-down menu in the Scheduled Reports screen.


The following fields are exposed in the Report Text configuration for the contract and Banquet Event Orders (BEO):
  • SC_INCLUDED ("Included" in the package)

  • SC_STD_AT at (price "at" Xxx.xx)

  • SC_REP_BASED_CONSUMPTION ("Based on consumption")

  • SC_STD_ROOM (Room)

  • SC_STD_TOTAL (Total)

  • SC_ROOM_TYPE (Room Type)

  • SC_OCC1 (Occupancy1)

  • SC_OCC2 (Occupancy2)

  • SC_OCC3 (Occupancy3)

  • SC_OCC4 (Occupancy4)


You can edit and save reports in the Group Stationery report group available by selecting the OPERA Cloud menu > Reports > Manage Reports.


When the Report Date Language is updated in Profile Language configuration, the correct date translation is output on reports and stationery.


The House Status Report only displays active room types.


You can receive reports scheduled to be delivered by email.


You can no longer specify a Report Destination file name with the following reserved characters included: [<, >, :, /, \, " , |, ?, %, *].


Reports configuration appears correctly in the Unit Interface as well as in the Reports table.


Bug ID Description


Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) CreateBooking, ModifyBooking, UpdateMethodOfPayment, and CheckIn works correctly when canHandleVaultedCard is true.


The Reservations and Cancellations Today tile displays the number of reservations created on the current business date and those that are cancelled on the current business date. The numbers exclude reservations for PM rooms.


You can edit and update the length of stay on reservations from the Look To Book Sales screen.


You can create reservations for multiple properties using Add to Trip Composer at the hub level.


Alerts appear based on the reservation's status.


You can save share rates correctly when using Apply Custom Split Rate.


An error message generates when the Payment Method is not passed in a request.


You can update the Cleaning Time, Room Instructions, Turndown flag, Prioritize flag, and Guest Service Request from the Housekeeping panel of the Reservation screen.


You can access the Housekeeping panel of a reservation from the Reservation search screens by selecting the Housekeeping details link.


You can see the place in queue for a reservation by the number appearing on the Reservation Overview link for Queue. The same value can also be seen in the Reservation search results grid.


You can view correct data in the Reservations and Cancellations tile.


It is recommended that you tab out after entering credit card details to encrypt the data. If you attempt clicking the Book Now button without tabbing out from the Expiration Date field, the application encrypts the data and proceeds to the next step for reservation creation.


You can generate the three_month_forecast report for any required range of months when the OPERA Control Room Class function is inactive.


When you send confirmation letters by email from reservations, the confirmation letter is included only once as an attachment to the email.


In a scenario where Fixed Charges functionality is active and multiple Fixed Charges exist with the same Transaction Code on the same reservation, you can successfully edit/update a Fixed Charge record.


You can book a block reservation against a block that is in a non-deduct status when there is zero (or negative) availability at either the room type or house level.


Once editable fields are added to the Reservation Overview panel of the Check In Reservation screen by using customization, you can select values for those fields and save them before and after the check-in of the reservation.


You can create reservations in a hub location through Trip Composer with Total Cost of Stay reflecting properly.


Reservation details are visible when you click the confirmation number link in Stay records.


When you copy a reservation, the No Post flag is inherited from the Payment Method configuration.


You can complete the booking of a 24-night reservation for a Room Type closed for Entire Stay Duration.


OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) sends the correct property and chain code while invoking the tokenization service.


In the Stay Details screen, updating the room type without changing the Room Type to Charge (RTC) and updating the rate amount manually does not hide rate amount.


You can edit and update the length of stay of reservations from the Look To Book Sales screen.


When booking a reservation at the hub level, Trip Composer shows the corresponding Total Cost of Stay for the selected room rate combination.


You can generate the Cancelled Block Summary (Rep_Cancel_Summary) report successfully.


You can search for reservations with room numbers consisting of alphanumeric characters when the Turndown functionality is on and the Turndown parameter is set to Reservation Attribute.


You can search for reservations with room numbers containing alphanumeric characters, and search results appear based on the entered criteria.


Alerts are generated based on the reservation status.


When you click "Link To a Reservation" on the I Want To . . . Menu, Reservation Search displays the First Name filter.


You can save the changes made in the report parameters for the Reservation Forecast Report (res_forecast1).


When performing a profile search on the Quick Book screen, the profile name appears as it should when there is only one search result.


You can see the correct rate in the Book Now screen when the Discount check box is not selected for a negotiated rate code and a Company profile attached has the discount amount configured.


When you create a Trace and select "Insert Quick Text," the text is added to the trace and one record is saved to the reservation.


In Look To Book, the following occurs:
  • Preferences get attached and highlighted.

  • Preferences reflect those attached to the profile.

  • Room Assignment search auto populates with the preferences attached to the guest profile.


When you move a reservation from one property to another property, the reservation rate amount and total cost of stay recalculate based on the rate code configuration in the target property. This change is regardless of the Always Use Fixed Rate OPERA Control.


You can search for Property Roles by organization in Manage Property Roles from OPERA Cloud Role Manager.


You can successfully select and save the resrepeatguest report form.


Alerts appear based on the reservation's status.


When you edit the Stay Details panel and manually update the rate amount or change the room type without updating the Room Type Charge (RTC), the Rate Amount box stays visible.


Both Name and First Name are available as filter options on the Link Reservation search screen.


When creating a reservation in a component suite, the reservation count in the RTAV OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) message correctly reflects the count of physical rooms.


You can successfully search and preview/download the Reservation Statistics - Country (res_statistics2) report.


Reservation changes applied to a block reservation from a block are updated immediately and the page gets refreshed.


When you move a reservation from one property to another property, the reservation rate amount and total cost of stay are recalculated based on the rate code configuration in the target property. This change is regardless of the Always User Fixed Rate OPERA Control.


RedeemAwards works with the OPERA Customer Information System (OCIS) for all three types of awards:
  • Rate

  • Upgrade

  • Packages


You can create and edit Global Alerts successfully.


The Daily Projection tile refreshes and displays the current percentage of rooms occupied and the minimum available rooms information.


You can view Reservation Notes on reports when you edit the report parameters and filter the Note Type by the following Reports:
  • sp_forecast

  • gibyroom

  • departure_all

  • arrchkinbyroom

  • gi_authlimit

  • giratevariance

  • res_with_notes

  • res_detail


When you create reservations without rate codes, they are processed by the Forecast Processor.


The Forecast processor can successfully process reservations without a rate code.


If a package associated with the rate code is marked as excluded, and the reservation stay is extended, the package exclusion will also extend.


You can update the Reservation/Billing contact on an associated profile of a reservation without making it default on both the reservation and billing fields. A popup message enables you to copy to both.
  • Selecting Yes copies the profile to both the reservation and billing fields.

  • Selecting No or closing the popup updates only the selected field.


You can view the rate amount after updating child ages in Daily Details.


You can access the reservation presentation for reservations where the No Post check box is not selected in the Payment Instructions panel.


When creating reservation notes, the creation data shows correctly on the reservation notes.


You can see the Source profile name in the column "Source, Company, Travel Agent name" on the Reservation Details (res_detail) report.


You can create notes for a profile using the Notes link and view them in the Reservation presentation.


You can anonymize a profile that does not have any active reservations. If there are active reservations, the following message appears: "Unable to Anonymize Profile because it is a Main or Accompanying Profile on an active/recent Reservation."


You can access a reservation created with an invalid discount reason code.


You can see only one parameter form in the Reservations Cancel (rescancel) report when logged in at the hub level.


You can access the reservation presentation on reservations where the Payment Instructions panel is included in the default selected view.


When you copy a reservation from the Room Diary, the Copy Reservation pop-up shows the credit cards and Other Payment Method check boxes.


When searching for reservations on several screens (for example Arrivals, Departures, Manage Reservation), the Alerts link will represent the number of Reservation Alerts. Once you select the link, you can see any Global Alerts that match the reservation.


Reservations that are placed into the Trip Composer and not updated or booked within 30 minutes are purged.


You can search and assign a block to a reservation from the Stay Details panel.


When you add a package element that is flagged as "Forecast Next Day" to a reservation on the Book Now screen, you see the updated total cost of stay and the updated rate information reflected in the added package.


You cannot set an amount more than the authorizer's limit on a Comp Routing instruction.


You must have the New/Edit Reservation Traces task assigned to your role in order to create a new trace.


When linking a membership to a reservation from the Link Membership link, the Profile search screen requires further search criteria input from you before processing the search.


When you create multiple reservations using Trip Composer in the same process, you can view all of the reservation details after booking the reservations.


When changing reservation details after configuring a custom text on a trace attached to item inventory, the trace changes correctly according to the reservation changes.


When you change the currency displayed on the Look To Book Sales screen to a foreign currency rate, the min/max rate range appears in the selected currency. The Rate Code policy details always appears in the local currency.


You can select language specific Confirmation Letters for Guest profiles.


You can edit and delete the Comp Routing instructions.


Room Fields in the Look To Book Sales Screen and the House Posting Account screen show room statuses based on the selections made in OPERA Controls for Default Room Status for Room Assignment Screens.


When the Post Stay Charges and Cashiering Open Folio OPERA Controls are both active, you can set up and edit room routings and routing instructions for Open Folio reservations. The end date on the routing instructions for the entire stay on Open Folio reservations will be the same as the departure date, or if the Open Folio reservation was checked out before the current business date, then it will keep changing to the current business date until the folio is closed. The end date for routing instructions for other dates will not change.


You can assign a room from the Reservation Presentation Stay Details panel when your user role has the Room Assignment task assigned. You can remove a room from the Reservation Presentation Stay Details panel when your user role has the Unassign Room task assigned.


In Manage Reservation Advance search, you can search using a name that contains special characters.


Authorizations added to a reservation are reversed after checkout if the authorization is not used during the stay.


When fixed charges are applied on a reservation, the Fixed Charges End Date in the Fixed Charges window appears as the departure date-1.


While creating routing instruction and entering a value in the Balance From and Balance To filler, OPERA Cloud displays the results as expected.


You can do a partial search for the First and Last Name fields in the Confirmation Letter screen.


When using child rates by defined buckets, you can see the correct average price of the package element in the Package details for the children on the reservation.
When using Package Pricing and Availability Attributes, you will see the price corresponding to the number of persons and the length of stay in the Packages details under available packages.


You can view corresponding amounts of tiered rate codes in the Look To Book Sales screen per the selected length of stay.


When you update an external reference on a reservation with multiple external references, the selected external reference updates.


When you create a reservation through a profile that has reservation preferences, the preferences automatically attach to the reservation.


You can view the E-Certificate field in Stay Details when the Consume E-Certificate user role is granted and the E-Certificate OPERA Control is active.


When you create a reservation with child buckets active, you are notified if you fail to enter the children's ages.


The Housekeeping Instructions indicator is visible on the Reservation Presentation screen regardless of whether the Task Schedules function is Active or Inactive.


The Book Now screen displays the corresponding deposit amount based on the deposit rule schedule.


When REFRESH_ROOM_ROUTING is enabled, queries to fetch data are optimized to improve the performance of the Room Routing Transactions screen.


The ADDRESS_EMAIL and RESERVATION_USER_NAME merge codes are available in the Sample Guest Confirmation report rtf file.


The Room Diary shows all sharer reservations for a room with reservations that have different start dates.


You can see a validation error after adding the invalid values and tabbing out from the Alternative Name while creating a new profile in Quick Book. Invalid values include the following:
  • If the Alternate First name and Last name are more than 40 characters.

  • Alternate Salutation of more than 60 characters.

  • An Alternate Envelope Greeting of more than 60 characters.


The Reservation Trace report From Date filter matches the date shown in the Trace screen, and data appears per the date shown.


When cancelling the Create Profile workflow from Quick Book, the profile name is cleared.


The I Want To . . . Create Keys option is not available for cancelled reservations.


When you share two reservations that have different rate codes (or the same rate code with different fixed rate values), only the Apply Full Share is applicable. Therefore, the Apply Entire Rate, Apply Split Rate, and Apply Custom Split Rate options are not visible.


You can add an item to a reservation from Item Inventory, and a refresh occurs to show the correct inventory.


Deposit/Cancellation amounts calculate correctly after entering the fixed charges regardless of the rate code currency on the reservation.


When you try to create a Reservation Type Schedule with the same combination of values as an existing one, a proper error message is presented.


When you are in the process of generating a Deposit Folio where the Reservation Type would be updated to reflect a deposit was received, but the fiscal communication breaks down so that the Deposit Folio is not generated, then the Reservation Type retains the original value before the deposit was attempted.


When making a reservation through blocks that have multiple pricing schedules, the corresponding rate amounts are applied to the reservation.


When creating or editing the routing instructions for Room Routing type, the address column is no longer available.

Role Manager

Bug ID Description


The Manage User screen in Role Manager launches successfully.


The Organization list is sorted by the Org Code in Role Manager-> Manage users.


You can update and save the following user details in Role Manager by selecting Manage Users, searching for users, and clicking Edit:
  • Act as

  • Cashier ID

  • Owner

  • Assign Hub


You can search for Property Roles by organization in Manage Property Roles from OPERA Role Manager.


You can switch to a different chain by clicking your user name that appears above the OPERA Cloud menu bar. When you switch between chains, navigating to other application areas (for example between OPERA Cloud, Administration, Role Manager, Toolbox, Exchange) from the current application area does not change the location to the previous chain.

Rooms Management

Bug ID Description


The Room Status Changes report generates showing the system date and time of the room status changes made by users.


When the rooms that make up a component suite are returned from Out of Order/Service during the End of Day, the component suite itself also reflects the new room status on the Room Diary and the Available Room Search screens.


When logging in at the hub level and accessing the Room Maintenance screen, records are appear in the correct folders (Today, Older, and so on) according to the business date in the selected property.


You can see one or multiple tasks within the Task columns on the Task Sheet presentation screen in Single and Spit views.


You can download the Task Sheet report with Report Style such as Style 8 or Style 8+Large Font in XML and Delimited Data format.


When Inspected and Clean status rooms are assigned to reservations that become No Show, the room status updates to the value selected in the "Update Room Status for No Show and Cancelled Reservations" OPERA Control.


The Housekeeping Forecast filters results based on your selected search criteria including filtering based on Tasks.


The Floor filter displays rooms that are attached to requested floors in Housekeeping Board search results.


The Priority attribute is removed when Room Status is updated to the highest status (Inspected or Clean, depending on whether Inspected is active).


You can filter the Room Status Changes (room_status_change) report by multiple options, including From Time and To Time.


The labels for Room Class, Room Type, Floor, From Room, and To Room display correctly in the Task Assignment Summary Report.


Bug ID Description


Account and Contact filters are not passed to Manage Activities when navigated to or from a block.


You can navigate to Manage Activities, select an Activity, and mark it as completed. You can now make updates to the Completed Activity. The updates are reflected in the Activity and also in linked Activities.


You can successfully load the Account Sales forecast from a hub location.


The Manage Owner Teams menu is removed from Administration -> Enterprise -> Chain and Property Management.


On the Schedule Activities panel, the Activity Status description appears instead of the activity code, and the duration label is changed to Duration (HH:MM).