2 Resolved Issues

This section contains a list of the customer-reported bugs that were resolved in this release.

Accounts Receivables

Bug ID Description


On the Manage Account Invoices screen, you can use the Un Billed search filter to display only those invoices that do not have a statement number associated with them.


You can create a new AR address or update an existing available AR address from the Account Setup screen.


In a scenario where account invoices/balances are accessed from a hub location, no error occurs, and the page displays the details as expected.


Within the Night Audit, Creating Guest Ledger step, additional changes ensure invoices are created with the proper amounts in Accounts Receivables.


You are not allowed to generate an Accounts Receivable invoice with no transactions posted. After you click Post Charges, an error message states: "At least one charge should be posted against the invoice."


  1. Opera controls > Folio No Reprint: Off.

  2. Opera controls > No Modify Invoice: Off.

  3. Invoices created for the business date in the account receivables account.

On the Manage Invoice Details screen, no action is available to perform until you select a transaction.


In the AR Account overview when you create, delete, or resolve any trace, the Hide Resolved button appears on the Traces panel.


You can only apply the regular payments against the invoices using either Apply Payment or Apply Payment Selectively actions on the Manage Account Invoices screen.


When creating the Accounts Receivables Invoice, if the amount posted exceeds the credit limit issued, a warning message states: "Account Balance exceeds the Account credit limit. Do you want to continue?" if you are assigned the Override Credit Limit task.

You can select either of the following to actions:
  1. Continue overrides the credit limit and posts the charges.

  2. Cancel takes you back to the posting screen.

If the task (Override Credit Limit) is not assigned, an error message states: "Account Balance exceeds the Account credit limit" with OK as the only action to select.

Block Management

Bug ID Description


When adding additional rows within a Block Rooming List that has a rate code is attached on the Block Header, any additional rows successfully add the Rate Code as expected.


The Sell Limit validation message appears only when there are any inventory related changes.


When you select to add rows in a Rooming List for a block, the new rows are added at the bottom of the list and you can start adding reservation details.


Block notes appear in the chronological order of their creation.


When accessing OPERA Cloud from a table, Edit, Actions, and View link options are visible in the Room and Rate Grid.


You can generate the Rooms Availability/Forecast report with the selected filters.


On Block Catering Details under Post As, you can enter up to 50 characters.


You can add block notes using up to 2,000 characters.


You can now save all of the parameters for rep_bh_short report.


You can filter the Group Pick Up Report (grppickup) by owner.


When changing the status of a block to lost or cancel, you can add a cancellation reason description and a PM reason description up to 2,000 characters long including special characters.


When you update the status of a catering package event to deduct from inventory, an overbooking message appears if that same space is already booked at the same time by another event on the same block.


The following changes are made to sample_grmres_sales_std (Group Resume):
  • You can edit the report parameters and select either PMS Room Type or Room Pools.

  • When configured, the currency symbol appears in the event listing.

  • Function space name wraps to the second line if it exceeds 18 characters.


In the Group Rooms Control View Options under Block Summary Information, you can select and deselect all options available.


When the Single Block Status OPERA Control is active, and you enter a zero in the attendee field for catering, you have the option to create events and add catering packages and/or event templates.

When the Single Block Status OPERA Control is active, and you do not enter a numeric value in the attendee field for catering, you no longer have the option to create events and add catering packages and/or event templates.


You can generate a Block Rooming List from the Manage Blocks screen using the I Want To . . . menu with the desired values, parameters, and file type.


Rooms nights for any pseudo room with a negative sequence number are not counted into the Block Room and Grid or the block totals.


When a Block Rate Override Reason Code is deleted in Administration, you can open a Block that has that Rate Override Reason Code selected and the reason is visible in the Room Rate Grid.


Performance is improved generating the rep_month_end_details_bi report.

Cashiering and Financials

Bug ID Description


When the Simple_Reminders OPERA Control is enabled, you can see the Last Reminder, Cycle, and Age fields are populated on the Reminder screen.


When you update the reservation type on the Deposit Payment screen:
  • If the reservation type is valid or partially entered, the application auto-populates the reservation type.

  • If the reservation type is invalid, the application launches a pop-up screen with reservation types you can select.


You can create package codes with up to 20 characters during the Copy Package process.


When the Restrict Folios With Deposit For Full Credit Bill OPERA Control is on, the All Transactions radio button is disabled while generating the credit bill.


While generating a debit bill (the second or third time on the same folio), you can now remove the posted transaction without prompting an error.


When you generate a folio using Folio Style 25, the package details and generate percentage for the packages attached appear on the folio.


In a scenario where an Exchange Rate exists for a Currency Code with four characters, and you perform a currency exchange with that currency, the currency change is successful.


When a fiscal folio exists in a foreign currency, and you generate a credit bill against that fiscal folio, the universal payload generates with the same foreign currency populated in the InvoiceCurrencyCode element.


When you add a pricing schedule for a room type that is not defined in the rate header, a proper validation message appears.


You can search transaction codes using the subgroup filter where the subgroup name is in the mixed/lowercase.


While posting charges from the Post It screen in a small form factor such as a tablet, the article name is only featured once as expected.


In a scenario where a report in the Folios group contains a file name exceeding 40 characters, and you generate a folio using that file, the folio generates successfully and the report displays successfully.


If you update/modify a Fiscal Terminal that is configured as primary, the changes are saved successfully.


When a Folio routing is created/updated/deleted, the existing postings must be transferred manually if there are more than 500. The following warning message appears: "Too many postings exist, please move them manually using the Transfer Postings option."


When you make a credit card payment using Batch Deposits, the payment appears in the credit card cashier closure report.


You can search for the OPERA Control Automatically Assign Account Number under the Cashiering Group.


You can inactivate a transaction code if it is not in use by rate codes, packages, or OPERA Controls. If you try to inactivate transaction codes in use, an error message warns: "Transaction code is in use and cannot be inactivated."


You can see a valid error message if credit card authorization is filed.


The finjrnlbytrans report displays the correct guest name when payments are made on the invoices from the Transaction Research screen.


An error message warns "transaction code is invalid" when you adjust a transaction using an inactive transaction code.


You can filter payment activities based on status and update the status using the Action button.


When you configure a Promotion code with Routing Instructions and select an authorizer with a limit, then the limit value auto-populates the Routing Instruction.


When the Cashiering parameter Fiscal Service Terminals is on, you can delete a Fiscal Terminal.

Country Specific - Italy:
When the Cashiering parameter Multiple Credit Bill Folio Types is on, and you update a Credit Folio Type that is not linked to another Folio Type, the change saves successfully.


In a scenario where the fiscal service timeout occurs during fiscal folio generation, and the fiscal service is restored before you select Yes to the retry message prompt, the fiscal communication is successful and the folio generates successfully.


Payment processing is no longer affected by usernames with a maximum length of 256 characters.


When you post a charge for a payee profile with a long name, the charge posts successfully.


The Reservation Type list display values configured for the selected property when creating the Now Show Posting Rules on the Manage No Show Posting Rules at the hub level.


In a scenario where the Currency Format of the property contains a comma as a separator (instead of decimal), and you split a reservation deposit using Transfer Deposit, the deposit is distributed equally/correctly between the reservations.


You can do negative Passerby settlements successfully and post an updating remark (supplement) by clicking the given transaction code.


For a transaction code, you can deselect or select the Paid Out check box based on usability and save the changes on the Transaction Code configuration screen.


End-of-Day notifications display date and time based on the time zone configured for the property.


Customization fields are changed to read-only on the Billing Panel. You can still add the flex fields, but the flex fields remain read-only on the Billing panel.


You can configure the currency rate for Membership from the Currency Calculator screen after meeting the following prerequisite:

Either of the following subscriptions is enabled or active:
  • OPERA Control Loyalty Membership Configuration is enabled, or

  • OPERA Loyalty Cloud Services (O90_LCS) subscription is active


When you post an adjustment through Manage Income Audit functionality, the adjustment is posted on the Income Audit date, not the current business date.


Performance is improved for previewing the deposit payment receipt.


Net Amount is calculated correctly in the Guest Ledger section of the Trial Balance report causing no imbalance.


You can email folios from the Billing screen by selecting the I Want To . . . menu and then opening the Folio History screen.


When the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Comp Accounting Cloud Service or Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service Casino and Gaming Management is active, you can create an Authorizer for one property and see the same Authorizer in another property in the same chain.


You can add an email address to any of the eight payment windows during the check-in process. Once an email is added, the Opt In Email Folio check box becomes available.


On the Deposit Payment screen:
  1. If you update a different payment method and update payment method is selected, the payment details update in the Reservation Window 1.

  2. If you select the payment method from a different window (for example, Window 2), the Update Payment Method check box becomes disabled.


The payment method image appears properly on the side bar and folio window.

Client Relations

Bug ID Description


You can successfully select City and Postal codes from Administration > Client Relations > Geographic Management.


You can save communication details successfully for existing profiles without any changes in Client ID/Corp ID/IATA Number.


You can see the Alternate Name and Incognito Name links below the Name field while creating a new profile at the property level when the Incognito and Multi Language Controls are active.


You can now distribute negotiated rates to other properties for the profiles with negotiated rates on other properties.


An error no longer appears while performing a change operation in membership/profile.


You can download and access the profile successfully.


You can create a contact profile from Account relationships after searching for an existing profile.


You can convert between company, travel agent, or source profiles at the property and hub levels.


You can see available global preferences at the hub level when the Property field is blank.


Profile lookup is available from a hub location when you select the property.


The error message, "Unable to delete membership associated with future reservation" appears when you attempt to delete a membership attached to a profile with an active reservation.


You can add and update details in the Additional Information screen based on values selected under the application Information Collection Method parameter.

Country Specific

Bug ID Description


Country Specific - Philippines:
The BIR Document Sequences are visible when selecting the menu item in Administration > BIR Settings.


Country Specific - Taiwan:
The Taiwan E-Invoice Report (einv_details) displays correctly when multiple room numbers are selected.


Country Specific - Hungary:
When entering the folio numbers on the INVOICES_FOR_AUDIT export parameter form, the folio numbers displayed correctly without a numeric separator.


Country Specific - Portugal:
The rounding for column N (VAT Totals) of the QR (quick response) code is improved and matches the corresponding value in the PT_SAFT_104 Export. When you generate a folio, column N of the QR code contains the correct value.


Country Specific - Portugal:

When you generate a folio, column I1 of the QR code includes the correct value for Region.
  • When Region is set to PT, column I1 populates with PT.

  • When Region is set to AC, column I1 populates with PT-AC.

  • When Region is set to MA, column I1 populates with PT-MA.


Country Specific - Italy:
When you generate a credit bill from Folio History, OPERA Cloud automatically knows which folio type to generate (based on Folio Type configuration) and generates the credit bill successfully with the corresponding folio type.


Country Specific - Italy:
Performance is improved when you generate export files for the Italy E-Invoice Exports (IT_E-INVOICE and IT_E-INVOICE_DAY).


Country Specific - Philippines:
When selecting Cancel during an update of the BIR Guest Type field, the action is successfully cancelled. Removing the value from the BIR Guest Type field and selecting Save Changes displays the following error message: "A value is required. You must enter a value."  Selecting Cancel when updating the value in the BIR Guest Type field retains the previous value.


Bug ID Description


When the Simple_Reminders OPERA Control is enabled, you can see the Last Reminder, Cycle, and Age fields are populated on the Reminder screen.


When generating the Banquet Event Order (BEO) by Event Date range, Block Date range, or Block ID, the Block Notes print daily based on the printing method selected.


A Catering Event Business Event is triggered for Create Event.


You can add catering packages with a translated name to a block.


You can check Function Diary Event and Sleeping Room Gantt Taskbars (event bar) events successfully.


Follow the instructions below to update a customized Rich Text Format (RTF) file and add a space between courses on a Banquet Event Order (BEO):

BEO 1 Column and 2 Column
  1. Insert a table with four rows and one column after "end FOOD_ROW."

  2. Right click on the table to remove the boarders.

  3. Highlight the "for-each-FOOD_ROW" field. Cut and paste the field into the second row.

  4. Highlight the remaining fields. Cut the rest of the fields from "IFMenu_ITEM_NAME1" to "end FOOD_ROW" and paste into the forth row.

  5. Download the latest sample RTF and copy "IF menu course changed" and "END IF" fields and paste into in third row of the customized RTF document.

BEO 2 Column FB
  1. Highlight and cut the table containing the menu item details starting with "for-each FOOD_ROW."

  2. Add a table with five rows.

  3. Right click on the table to remove the borders.

  4. Paste the cut cells into the fifth row.

  5. Highlight the "for-each-FOOD_ROW" field. Cut and paste the field into the second row.

  6. Download the latest sample RTF and copy "IF menu course changed" and "END IF" fields and paste into in third row of the customized RTF document.

  7. Right click into the fourth row and select the option for split cells. Select to split the row into the number of columns as the table pasted into the fifth.

  8. Copy the text cell by cell from the fifth row to the fourth row. Adjust cell width as required.

  9. In the field with "IFIFMENU_ITEM_EXP_NUMEND IF," remove the first "IF" so there is only one.

  10. In the field with "IFMENU_ITEM_PORTIONEND IFEND IFend FOOD_ROW," remove one of the "END IF" so there is only one.

  11. Once the text is copied from the fifth row to the fourth row, highlight and delete the table in the fifth row.


Menu Serve Times are updated as expected when you update the Event Times.


When copying a Catering Package to a different date or block, the option for Include Non-Package Resources is enabled and selected by default. When selected, non-included menu items, menu items marked as consumption and resources not included in the package are copied to the selected dates.


When you generate a Banquet Event Order (BEO) for multiple events on the same date in the same room and select the "Continuously" print method, the item resources appear and are grouped by the event start time. In order to update existing customized BEO templates, follow the instructions below.
  1. Download the latest sample RTF file.

  2. In the Item Class section, highlight and copy the fields for "group by Room," "sub-group by EVENT_PROGRAM," and "sub-group by EVENT_START_TIME_ISO."

  3. Paste these fields into the customized RTF, replacing the "for-each EVENT" field.

  4. In the Item Class section of the sample RTF, highlight and copy the fields for "end group by Room," "end sub-group by EVENT_PROGRAM," and "end by EVENT_START_TIME_ISO."

  5. Paste these fields into the customized RTF replacing the field "end RESOURCE."

Note: For the 2-Column and 2-Column FB BEO, these changes must be made to the Item Class section on the left and right side of the RTF.


The name, address, postal code, city, and country appear as intended in the Banquet Event Order based on the address format selected.


You can delete an event regardless of the Rate Code.


You can navigate back to Manage Event from the Event Resource screen and select Revenue Summary.


You can create and update event start and end times with 00:00 hrs. and 12:00 hrs.


Hub level Item Class fields are available based on having an OPERA Cloud Sales and Event Management subscription.


The Pro Forma Invoice Generates report details guest rooms, all catering packages, events, and resources booked on a block in a billing format.


The catering packages link is available at the block search level and from the I Want To . . . menu.


When you assign and/or update a function space to a parent event, the child event inherits the space. When you assign and/or update setup for a parent event, the child event inherits the setup.


Bug ID Description


Generated data is unmasked and displayed in readable format upon view details and download operation for Exports with File System delivery configuration.


When you view the Export Mapping Type for PURPOSE_OF_VISIT and expand the FISCAL_PURPOSE_VISIT record to see the Mapping Codes, you can view all Mapping Codes successfully.


You can look up the OWNER LOV by selecting the ExportData action for Booking Status Snapshot Export from Miscellaneous> Exports> General.


You can update and save filter conditions for export files from Miscellaneous> Exports> General.


Export mapping for Fiscal Partner is updated to the correct name and is displayed as MC_BASWARE.

Front Desk

Bug ID Description


You can access the Swap/Shift Rooms screen for future reservations from the Room Assignment screen and search for reservations available for swapping and shifting.


The Check In button is available from a hub location for reservations where the arrival date is the same as the property business date.


You can check in reservations that have long profile names (80 characters, first and last name combined).


You can view all Department codes in the Trace Menu list of values after editing a trace at the hub level.


You can generate the Arrival Detail (Res_details) report and data is filtered based on the entered criteria.


The In House section label in the Reservation Activity Tile is changed to "In House (Stay Overs)" as this section shows stay over reservation statistics.


The process that automatically checks in Advance Checked-in reservations, once a specific cleaning status is reached, does not process a check-in when the room is still occupied.


You can generate a Wake Up Call report with any time range. When you access the report from the Wake Up Call Companion screen, you find the status field is blank in the parameters, which means that when you preview the report without selecting a status, you get all wake up calls in the report for the selected dates.


The Default_Check_In_Step OPERA Control appears in all properties.


Bug ID Description


OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) processes the Restriction inbound XML message received from the external system and updates into OPERA accordingly.


You can check in reservations with multiple modes of payments in different windows through Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS).


The Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) checkout and check-in operations return a successful response for valid requests.


You can access the Property interface monitor screen without error.


Error messages are improved and providing specific instead of generic information.


In a scenario where you perform Void Folio on a fiscal folio, but the fiscal communication times out for the original action and all retry attempts, the Fiscal Folio Status remains unchanged and the folio is not voided.


The Card Type heading is now visible on the Channel Property Mapping screen.


When you run the End of Day in a property configured with Fiscal Commands that are designed to complete during the night audit, the universal payload generates successfully for those Fiscal Commands.


The Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) addPayment gives a valid response when Electronic File Transfer (EFT) is configured with Auth rules.


Business Event actionType "New Property UDF" includes dataElement "UDF CATEGORY" and its value in the Business Event (BE) message.


Profile Lookup from outbound request headers content-type and accept are sent as text/xml.


The Available Data Elements list in the Business Events Configuration screen follows the ascending order of alphabetical display for easy lookup.


The sequence in the Device Area populates at the property level from the Template.


You can store up to 256 characters in the Property URL field.


Oracle Hospitality OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) CreateBooking, ModifyBooking, UpdateMethodOfPayment, and CheckIn works correctly when canHandleVaultedCard is true.


When you select the Search icon for the Partner field on the Manage Fiscal Partner screen, the corresponding list of values displays correctly.


You can import the IFC Internal WS URL with sample rq.


The Post Number field in Sales Itemizer does not accept negative values.


When you perform Resend for a fiscal folio from Folio History, and a time-out occurs, the fiscal folio remains unchanged if you select No to the Fiscal Retries message.


In the Sales Itemizer, you can add a ''.'' (dot) or a '','' (comma) in the factor field when the currency format of the property in Property Details has decimals .00.


A new INITIAL_UPLOAD check box is added in the Channel Properties screen.


The Async restriction message in the following scenarios receives a warning message in the POST response:
  • Valid ratePlanCode and invalid roomType.

  • Invalid ratePlanCode and invalid roomType.

  • Invalid ratePlanCode and valid roomType.

The Async restriction message in the following scenario receives a warning message in the GET response:
  • Valid ratePlanCode and valid roomType.


The Merchant ID and Key Options in the Translation panel of the Door Lock System (DLS) interface does not retain values when you select Cancel.


Bug ID Description


An issue with unexpected errors occurring when you select a value from drop-down lists is resolved.


You can see all of the tiles that are added on the OPERA Cloud page. Tiles do not reset after saving.


When you click the Reset button in the Property Interface Control search area, it clears search criteria and results for the interfaces. It also resets the Property field when logged in at the hub level.


You can successfully search and view the Report Text Configuration list of values when navigating from Administration> Interfaces > Report Text Configuration.

Property APIs

Bug ID Description


Validated that the transactionNo is mandatory in the request and improved the operation to ensure a null transactionNo is also handled as an invalid input.


getReservation(FetchReservation), getReservations (FetchReservations), putAddReservationToQueue (AddReservationToQueue), getReservationQueueStatistics (FetchReservationQueueStatistics), and getTaskSheetStatistics (FetchTaskSheetStatistics) APIs return correct value in seconds for averageQueueTimeCurrentReservations and averageQueueTimeToCheckIn. Current average wait time shows correct value in HH:MM format on the Queue Tile screen and Queue Rooms screen.


You can register a profile at the property level when the request body has the following statement: "registeredProperty": "Property Name"


The PayRouting operation displays the Authorization Rule number and Rule Description.


Move Reservation RQ does not allow property change for a checked-in reservation.


REST API postHotelsMapping returns 400 BAD REQUEST for invalid channel code in the request.


Fetch block now gives a valid error message if an incorrect block code is given in the request.


When the changeProfile operation is performed, no exception is thrown when profileIDList is empty in the request.


The postReservationByBlock operation returns the HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) links in the response.


You cannot create an Accounts Receivables (AR) account for a profile in OPERA Cloud until a default Account Type is configured for a property. If you try to create an AR account in the absence of a default Account Type, an error message displays" "Default AR Account Type is not configured for the property."


You can use CreateReservationRQ with ReservationPackage through Web Service.


When redeeming awards, getting membership information, or generating card number through a REST API when Outbound Configuration does not exist, you get a validation message.


The RevenueInventoryStatisticsProcess returns the correct data for cancelled rooms of past, current, and future business dates.


You can search for a profile using TAX ID filter criteria.


The RevenueInventoryStatisticsProcess AsyncAPI returns past, present, and future inventory for physical rooms, out of order rooms, out of service rooms, sold rooms, arrival rooms, departure rooms, cancelled reservations rooms, and no-show rooms per requested search filters.

RevenueInventoryStatisticsProcess, BlockAllocationSummaryProcess, and ReservationsDailySummaryProcess return date formats in the ISO-8601 REST API standards.


When a new profile without passport data is created, the business event does not include the profile ID value as PASSPORT NUMBER element.


You can view stay details for a guest using the stay statistics for a selected date range.


Bug ID Description


Oracle reports are marked correctly and allow for default values to be set in configuration for report parameters.


Arabic characters output correctly on the registration card.


Reports in PDF format are generated using the correct XREF formats in the document source.


If you generate the Day/MTD/YTD Statistics (stat_dmy_seg) report using the Fiscal filter, the report displays the correct format in the footer of the report as expected.


Bug ID Description


When Fixed Rate is off and you edit Stay Details, only rate affecting changes result in an automatic refresh of the reservation's rate amount.


You can add, edit, and delete packages in a reservation by clicking the packages link or panel available in the reservation presentation screen.


You can successfully attach and remove an Accompanying Profile, and the link displays correctly.


You can see the Arrival Tiles count on the dashboard matching with the reservation count on the arrival screen.


You can add Primary, Non Primary, Centrally Managed, Non Loyalty, and Loyalty membership without expiration dates to the profile from the Reservation screen and save successfully.


Reservation confirmation letters appear without error.


While setting up a routing, the correct results now appear on the Room list of values search screen.


You can perform the Move Reservation action successfully from the hub level.


When you post a charge for a payee profile with a long name, the charge posts successfully.


The Pre-Registration check box is selected when you click the Preregister Reservation action link in the I Want To . . . menu from a reservation.


Pagination is implemented and refreshes when search results are further filtered on the Room Assignment screens.


At the hub level, you can send a confirmation letter by email when an email address is on the reservation.


Profile Stay Statistics exclude Share Reservation room night count for all Profile types as expected.


When you do a room move from Room Diary, the "Update the Room Type To Charge (RTC) on the Reservation to XXXX" check box is not selected by default.


Attachments uploaded to a reservation are only visible on the reservation where it is added.


When configuring Global Alerts, the list display values from the property that was previously selected.


The Break Share Move Room screen opens when you do a room move for a specific share reservation using the Move Room link on the I Want To . . . menu.


The Reservations and Cancellations Today tile displays the number of reservations that are created and cancelled on the current business date. The numbers exclude reservations for pseudo rooms.


You can view correct rate information and the total cost of stay displayed for a daily rate in the Stay Details screen.


You can edit and update the reservation's length of stay from the Look To Book Sales screen.


You can search from the Manage Reservation, Arrivals, In-House and Departure screens by a confirmation number, and the results display as expected.


Block reservation messages received from an external system are processed with the respective package codes if the block contains a package group.


  1. In a scenario where Refresh Room Routing is active, you can create room routing successfully for a transaction code that is already posted as a pre-stay charge prior to reservation check-in. You get the following transfer detail messages:
    1. Transferring transaction from Room XXX (Conf number XXX) to Room XXX: This message appears if you create a room routing on a checked-in reservation for a transaction code posted prior to check-in.

    2. Transferring transaction to Room XXX (Conf number XXX) from Room XXX: This message appears if you edit/delete an above (point a.) room routing.

    3. Transferring transaction from Reservation (Conf number XXX) to Room XXX: This message appears if you create a room routing for a transaction code posted on an arrival reservation without any room assigned.

    4. Transferring transaction to Reservation (Conf number XXX) from Room XXX: This message appears if you edit/delete an above (point c.) room routing.

  2. In a scenario where Room Routing is created prior to reservation check-in, you can post charges successfully from the Fast Post screen to the given room post check-in.


When a profile discount is applied to a reservation and the discount percentage is changed on the Book Now screen, the updated discount percentage is removed from the original rate.


You can view alternate names after you create and/or copy a PM room reservation.


You can view alternate names after you create and/or copy a PM room reservation.


You can view the correct data in the Res_forecast1 report when filtered by rate code and room type.


You can search for availability on the Look To Book Sales Screen while End of Day updates the business date and a valid error message displays: "Arrival cannot be earlier than business date."


The tool tip of the Component Suites & Rooms displays all the rooms and suites that belong to them when you access a specific suite or room without using the Component Suites / Room Only filter in Room Diary.

When you apply the Component Suites / Room Only filter in Room Diary, the Component Suite and its corresponding rooms appear in search results:
  • The tool tip of the Component Room shows only the corresponding suite but no other component suites to which it is attached.


Package values appear accurately with decimal values in the Quick Book availability grid.


You can use the Back to Arrivals link after finishing the check-in process and using the Go to Reservation button.


Alerts in reservations follow the numeric sequence defined in the Administration.


The Traces time stamp is the same when updating a trace from a reservation, task companion, and the reservations workspace.


You can override a minimum stay restriction when you modify the reservation stay dates.


Adding packages from a block updates all reservation information to Business Event (BE) in messages to external systems.


You can set or change a date by using a combination of +/- and a number to calculate a date in the Arrival From field in Manage Reservations.


When the Refresh Room Routing parameter is active, if you create or delete a room routing, a message to refresh routing appears. Upon selecting yes, the package wrapper transactions - if included - are moved to or from the target room along with the package transactions.


You can add share reservations on the Book Now screen, and the booking process creates the two reservations.


If you cancel Refresh Room Routing after deleting or creating the room routing, OPERA Cloud takes you back to the Routing Instruction screen.

Rooms Management

Bug ID Description


You can change the status of a room from the Floor Plan screen when you have the appropriate user tasks assigned to your role.


You can generate the Housekeeping Details report from the Housekeeping Board with the selected filter criteria auto populating on the report parameter form.


When you have the "Change Status of an Out Of Service room" and "Change Status of an Out Of Order room" user tasks revoked from your role, you cannot change the status of an Out of Order or Out of Service room from the Housekeeping Board.