Commission Codes

Travel Agent commission is calculated after a reservation is checked out and is based on either of the following:
  • The eligible revenue posted during the stay, usually the accommodation or package (including package items) revenue.

  • A flat amount per night or per stay.

The calculation of commission is driven by commission codes and the business rules defined in them. Commission codes identify the eligible sale charge transaction codes for which to calculate commission, the commission calculation method, and any taxing method to be applied to the commission.

Properties must configure a NON or ZERO commission code for non-eligible travel agents or rate codes. This commission code, with a zero flat amount commission, calculates a zero amount payable to the agent. You can configure OPERA Cloud to transfer all zero commission payments directly to commission payment history or to list these commission payments as part of the commission payables processing.

The following hierarchy determines how OPERA Cloud calculates a commission payable for a reservation:
  • A global default commission code is selected within OPERA Controls – Commissions. For example, this could be set to 10%; paying 10% of eligible revenue to Agents.

  • The contracted commission payable is also selectable within each Travel Agent or Source profile and is used if the commission payable is different from the global default, for example, a travel agent company contracted to receive 7% of eligible revenue.

  • Rate code configuration also has an option to select the applicable commission code, which overrides the system default and the commission code selected on the Travel Agent or Source profile. For example, the rate code SPAPKG with a commission code of NON would pay zero commission to any agent booking the rate code.