Managing Comp Routing Instructions

Searching for and Viewing Comp Routing Instructions

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Comp Accounting, and then select Comp Routing Instructions. The Comp Routing Instructions screen appears.

  2. Search Criteria: Enter the following search criteria to search for and view comp routing instructions for a reservation:
    1. Property. Confirm the property or select a new property.

    2. Start Date/ End Date: Select the data range for which you want to view the comp routing instructions.

    3. VIP: Select the required VIP status from the list of available VIP status codes. You can select more than one VIP status.

    4. Name: Enter the guest's complete last name or the first part of the guest’s last name.

    5. Player ID: Enter the Player ID number assigned to the guest by the Patron Tracking System (PTS).

    6. Authorizer: Enter the authorizer name or search for and select the required authorizer.

    7. Room: Enter the guest's room number or search for and select from the list of room numbers. Multiple rooms can be selected.

    8. Comp: Select to display existing comp routings.

    9. Request: Select to display pending comp requests. If you have authorizer privileges, you can edit those requests and update them to comp routings.

    10. Declined: Select to display comp requests that have been declined by the authorizer.

  3. Select a record from the search results and click the row-level vertical ellipsis and select View Routing Instructions. The Routing Instructions screen appears with sections for Window (folio window routings), Room (room routings), Comp (comp window routings), and Request (comp requests).

Adding a Comp Routing Instruction

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk and then select In House. You can also set up routings for future reservations by selecting the Bookings menu, selecting Reservations, and then selecting Manage Reservation.

  2. Click Search and open a reservation from the search results. You can enter optional search criteria to refine the results.

  3. From the Routing Instructions panel on the reservation, click New and complete the following fields:

    1. Comp. Select this option to create a comp routing instruction.

    2. Authorizer. Select to require an authorizer to approve the comp routing instruction. Enter or select an authorizer for this routing instruction.

    3. Folio. Select the comp folio window to route the postings to.

    4. Membership Number. (Appears when Comp is selected and the Generic Comp Membership Number parameter is active in OPERA Controls.) Click the Profile Search link to open the Profile Search screen to search for a profile and populate its Membership Number and Membership Name on the Routing Instructions screen. The membership number and membership name is saved along with the routing instructions. Any communication with the external PTS (Patron Tracking System) will have the selected profile’s membership number attached.


      You cannot change the membership type populated on the Profile Search screen. The membership type that appears is the one configured for the Default PTS Membership Type setting in OPERA Controls. The search results only include profiles with the PTS membership type attached.

    5. Comp / Coupon. Enter a comp coupon.

    6. Comments. Enter any comments for the routing instruction if needed.

    7. Date Range. Select either Entire Stay to apply the comp routing to the guest's entire stay or select Specific Dates to only apply the comp routing to a specific date range. Once the date has passed, there is no limitation on transferring or routing charges to comp windows.

    8. Routing / Transaction Codes. Use this section to select the Comp Routing Codes or Transaction Codes that will be routed to the comp folios. In the Available pane, select one or more transaction codes and click the arrow button to move the codes to the Selected pane. To unassign a code, select it in the Selected pane and click the arrow button to move it back to the Available pane.


      You can select either Comp Routing Code or Transaction Code to filter the types of codes that appear in either pane. You can also enter a search filter above the Available or Selected pane and click Go to further filter the transaction codes that appear.

    9. Apply Instructions to Postings on Folios. Select to apply these routing instructions to existing folio postings.

    10. Routing Limits. In this section, you can set the limits for the amount that can be routed to the comp folio. Select Amount to enter a dollar amount, select Percentage to enter a percentage for the amount, or select Covers.

  4. Click Save.


    When the Authorizer PIN Required parameter is On, you are prompted to enter both an Authorizer ID and PIN. This is the PIN belonging to the authorizer for the target window to which you are transferring the posting.

Editing a Comp Routing Instruction

  1. From the Routing Instructions panel on the reservation, navigate to the Comp section and locate a routing instruction.

  2. Click the row-level vertical ellipsis and select Edit.

  3. Make your desired edits and click Save.

Deleting a Comp Routing Instruction

  1. From the Routing Instructions panel on the reservation, navigate to the Comp section and locate a routing instruction.

  2. Click the row-level vertical ellipsis and select Delete.

  3. Confirm the deletion.