Mass Cancellation

Mass cancellation enables you to cancel multiple reservations in a single process. For example, this feature could be used to cancel non-guaranteed reservations with 6PM-hold reservation-type that have not arrived by the agreed time.

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To cancel multiple reservations:
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations Workspace, select Mass Cancellation.
  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.
  3. Select one or more reservations in search result.


    Change to table view for multiple selection.
  4. Click Mass Cancellation and complete the following.
    1. Cancel Reason: Select a Cancellation reason .
    2. Description: Field defaults based on the reason selected; you can enter more details
    3. Delete All Traces: Select the delete reservation traces on the cancelled reservation.
    4. Ignore Cancel Penalty: Select to ignore the cancellation penalty based on cancellation rule.
    5. Cancel Sharers: Select to also cancel sharing reservations.
  5. Click Cancel Now.