2 Resolved Issues

This section contains a list of the customer-reported bugs that were resolved in this release.

Accounts Receivables

Bug ID Description


The imbalance that occurred during the fiscal folio settlement is resolved by the Imbalance Analysis.


While on the Credit Card Transfer screen, you can click the Load More Results option and view additional records without error.


An imbalance caused by an adjustment in the AR invoice is resolved by the Imbalance Analysis tool.


When previewing an AR (Accounts Receivable) Reminder, the last reminder sent date and the cycle number are updated.
Aged AR invoices appear in the correct reminder letter under the correct reminder cycles. The invoices that are already included in the previous reminder letters do not appear again in the reminder letter for cycle 1.


When previewing an AR (Accounts Receivable) Reminder, the last reminder sent date and the cycle number are not updated.


You can successfully post a payment for a Compressed Invoice.


A new "Refresh Account Balance" option In Manage Account Receivables is added under the Modify/Update section. Once you select the option, the account balance refreshes with the correct balance.


If any invalid City Ledger posting exist and are not registered as payment transactions, they are removed during End of Day.

Block Management

Bug ID Description


Leads coming into OPERA Cloud from OPERA V5 central through OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) are inserted as opportunities when the Opportunities OPERA Control is active.
If the Opportunities OPERA Control is not active, the leads are inserted as regular blocks.
The Room and Rate Grid is accessible and displays the allocated room types/rates accurately.


When parent and child business blocks are not synchronized, changing the rate code on the parent block does not change it on the child block.


You can view Save and Create Event, Save and Add Templates, and Save and Add Package in the Opportunity screen when the Use Single Block Status OPERA Control is Off.


Leads received from OPERA Property v5 Central Sales through OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) are inserted as Opportunities when the Opportunities OPERA Control is active. When the Opportunities OPERA Control is not active, the leads are inserted as regular blocks. The Room and Rate Grid is accessible and displays the allocated room types/rates accurately.


The master sub panel displays sub blocks in properties associated to the logged in hub.


You can go to the Block Code Generation Pattern OPERA Control and set a block code pattern that is automatically generated when creating a business block.


You can edit and save the changes for any owner code on a block (block, room, or catering).


You can change, remove, and/or add owners to a business block in Edit mode from the Block Overview panel.


You can copy a block with the room grid and/or events by using the Copy Block option. Events outside of the block dates are not copied.


In View options in the Room & Rate Grid, you can select to view the released rooms for the block.


You can search and select the Block, Room, and Catering Owner of a Business Block in Edit mode.


When you change the Block Status of a block, the Block Status window appears showing the correct flow of the previous status changes.


When block restrictions are set and updated, business events are triggered based on your business event configuration.


When share reservations are created from the Rooming List screen and the Default Payment Type is set to CA (Cash), the secondary share is created with the No Post Flag when On and cash payment type as expected.


In a property where the Enforce Same Rate Code for Sharing Guests OPERA Control is disabled, you can create shared reservations and assign different rate codes to each share guest.


The Master/Sub Block Business Card shows the block dates for the Master Block.


If you shift a block date for a Master block with a Sub Block where the Posting Master has been checked in, you get a message indicating the operation cannot be processed.


When logged in at the hub level, you can view all properties' wash schedules in Administration, Booking, Block Management, and Wash Schedule.


The Wash Schedule is available in Administration under Booking >Block Management.


You can preview the grprmlist report from Bookings > Manage Blocks level when the Unique Block Code OPERA Control is inactive.

Cashiering and Financials

Bug ID Description


You can configure Membership currency exchange rates in the OPERA Customer Information System (OCIS) setup.


You can configure End Of Day (EOD) final reports in PDF and in HTML, RTF, XML, Delimited, and Delimited data formats when the destination is email. A Spool name is mandatory for all non-PDF file formats.


OPERA Controls related to Prepaid Cards and the Credit Card wallet are no longer visible.


The correct decimals are visible in Foreign Currency Codes.


OPERA Cloud no longer allows commas in the Transaction Code description field.


The Room filter on the finjrnl_article report is updated to show pseudo rooms.


In a scenario where you generate a folio the contains a deposit transfer transaction from a Deposit Receipt, the merge code for Total_Gross displays the correct amount.


When you change the payment method from Direct Bill to any other, the asterisk symbol against the Name field disappears.


The following is implemented generically but is of specific interest to properties in Portugal: The prerequisite, Enforce Full Credit per Line Item, is active. When you generate a credit bill from the Folio History screen, internal transactions (if any) are not visible on the Credit Bill screen.


Proper validation is generated when you create a rate code with a currency code that does not exist.


After an update, if you apply a partial payment or perform a settlement against the posted amount, then changing the payment method does not impact the payment amount.


In a scenario where Custom Charges functionality is active, and you add more than one Reservation Exemption with Choose Nights selected, the date values for previously added Reservation Exemptions remain unchanged when you add a new Reservation Exemption with Choose Nights selected.


You can activate or inactivate the Cashiering Offline Folio parameter independently of whether a Fiscal Partner is configured with the Fiscal Payloads value, Check Out.


In a scenario where you generate a deposit folio and select a folio window other than window 1 with the box for payment method selected, the payment method for the selected window updates correctly.


The fiscal partner GENERIC is renamed to GENERIC1, and the same partner is seen with the updated name while configuring the Fiscal Folio parameters.


In a scenario where financial transactions have many generates, and you run the End of Day, the procedure that populates the folio tax summary completes successfully.


Case 1:
The CC Vault function is not enabled. You can select or deselect the CC Vault function on the Edit screen until it is saved.
Case 2:
The CC Vault function is enabled for the interface. You can no longer disable it, and the check box is deselected on the screen.


You can activate or inactivate the Cashiering Offline Folio parameter independently of whether a Fiscal Partner is configured with the Fiscal Payloads value, Check Out.


Notes and purge routine schedules are included on the NAWEATHER report.


Packages created with an allowance and alternate transaction codes no longer default as tax inclusive.


In a scenario where the property is configured with a Fiscal Partner using the Check Out Fiscal Payload, and a fiscal response is received by OPERA Cloud during check-out of the reservation, the fiscal response saves successfully.


The following fields are removed from the customization list for the Billing screen:
  • LastStayDate

  • LastStayRate

  • LastStayRoom


The Cashiering group Prompt for Expense Folio upon Check Out OPERA Control is hidden.
The Cashiering menu for Expense arrangement code in administration (Cashiering Management> Expense Arrangement Codes) is hidden.
The Report group for expense folio (Reports> Manage Reports> Report Groups) is hidden.


The Check Out Zero Balance Departures button is not visible if there are no due out reservations with zero balances.


The card number label changes to Token Number on the Credit Card Information screen when CC Vault is On.


Folio Styles 15, 16, and 18 are getting generated with the correct data.


In the Routing Instructions screen, the payee address appears as expected when you change the primary address.


A spelling error in the description of the FLIP_ASSOCIATED_FISCAL_TERMINAL_ID Fiscal Folio OPERA Control parameter is corrected. The description now reads: "In a scenario where a Credit Bill is performed against a Ricevuta without a Fiscal Bill Number, this value populates the payload as the Terminal ID of the Associated Folio."


OPERA Cloud selects the most recent updated exchange rate after midnight local time.


When you perform Void Folio on a fiscal folio, the fiscal communication includes correct details for Postings, RevenueBucketInfo, and Total fields.


The Delete option is hidden for Past Exchange Rates when the Multi Currency OPERA Control is On.


1) The Property field is changed to Mandatory on the Search criteria of Currency Exchange Rates screen.
2) You can review history and future configurations from the search results.


The alert appears as expected without an error message during check out.


The Billing reference field changes to 70 characters in single window view.


In a scenario where a Property Exemption is active during the stay nights of a reservation, but not the departure date, and you perform Adjust Custom Charges on the departure date, the Property Exemption is included in the recalculation of Custom Charges. The posted adjustment is correct.


Overage charges are routed successfully when you route the charges to another/targeted room.


In a scenario where you created multiple transaction codes at the Template and/or Property level, and then you begin the process of creating a transaction code and selecting Save, the transaction code is created successfully.


In a scenario where the Credit Bill For Void Cashiering parameter is on and fiscal communication fails when you perform Void Folio, the internally created credit bill is voided correctly.


Selecting a Start Date in the receipt history is mandatory to improve the performance.


You can edit the stay details with the Look To Book (LTB) option from the Billing screen indicators.


The Posting Room and Tax process during the end of day completes even after the Audit process is deactivated.

Client Relations

Bug ID Description


Any newly added codes are visible immediately in the list of available codes.


You can view the same profile quantity results in both basic search and advanced search.


You can generate the profileproductivitystat report using booking type = IND / BLK and Name Type = Individual / Company / TA /Source/ Group for Individuals and blocks based on the booking type filter selection.


The correct error message appears when trying to add a duplicate membership to a profile.


The Outbound Monitoring log masks <eAddress> email address value.


An existing membership type cannot be deleted if it is or not attached to the profile. An attached membership type remains inactive when deleted.


The correct error message is generated while editing/creating a new profile address with only the country code when Address Validation is active, and the validated check box is deselected.


You can create and save negotiated rate discounts with decimals based on the property currency in the Profile Negotiated Rates panel.


Bug ID Description


You can preview the Payment Activity ( CHKREGISTER) Report.


Commission usability challenges are addressed by the following:

1. If the HCC Transmittal Letter is not configured, the application adds a report template during the upgrade.
2. A re-download option is added for the exports.
3. The comma separated format from the payment activity batch number is removed.
4. From the hub login, you can access the reports screen from payment activity > go to reports.
5. The commission amount to the "To be Paid" amount is refreshed on the screen when you apply the changes to the commission records.
6. When generating exports, if the export file template information was not seeded for during migration, the generate export recreates them internally.
7. Commission record selection remains the same after editing and updating the details.


1. Batch number and check number appear without commas on the Void and Reprint Payment Activity screens.
2. The Payment Activity search results follow the property date format.
3. The default value of the OPERA Control parameter Delivery Method (EFT_EXPORT_SFTP_SETUP) is upper case FILE_SYSTEM when no export is configured.
4. Selecting Hold on a travel agent updates the hold status on the listed reservations. Removing the hold on one reservation also removes the hold flag on the travel agent.

Country Specific

Bug ID Description


Country Specific - Hungary:

In a scenario where the property is configured with a zero decimal currency and a rate code & package is configured in a two-decimal foreign currency where the package is configured with the PERC_CITY_TAX_HUNGARY formula, the rate code & package is posted for the correct amount.


Country Specific - Hungary:

In the event that multiple nationalities to exclude are configured on the perc_city_tax UDF function, the values are saved and visible as well when the package is attached to the rate code.


Country Specific - Portugal:

The message for term_code PROCESSED_SIGN_BY_MSG is updated to reflect the new certification number and the correct text:

Term_text: Processado por programa certificado n.º 2986/AT.

Note: You must manually update the certificate number in the property mapping codes for the F_SD_SAF_T used in the PT_SAFT_104 Export:
- Certification Number: 2986
- Product_ID: Opera Property Management Version V22.5/ORACLE PORTUGAL SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO LDA.


Country Specific - Poland:

In a scenario where Sample Folio Poland (sample_folio_poland.rtf) is customized with merge codes GUEST_TAX1_NO and TAX1_NO, and you generate a Credit Bill against a folio that was settled by Direct Bill, the merge code for GUEST_TAX1_NO populates with the Tax ID from the guest profile, and the merge code for TAX1_NO populates with the Tax ID from the payee profile.


Country Specific - Poland:

The Sample Folio Poland report (sample_folio_poland.rtf) is updated. In a scenario where the report is customized with the Tax ID 1 merge code (TAX1_NO) and Tax ID 2 merge code (TAX2_NO), the folio displays the corresponding values from the Payee Profile.
Note: The existing merge codes GUEST_TAX1_NO and GUEST_TAX2_NO continue to display the Tax ID 1 and Tax ID 2 values from the main/guest profile on the reservation.


Country Specific - Philippines:

At the hub level on the Adjustment Code screen, fields such as BIR Guest Type LOV, Amount Text, and Code Type appear only for the properties with country mode PHL.


Country Specific - Philippines:

If a settlement is performed and the folio contains the concessionaire and other charges, then the Official Receipt is generated along with the Acknowledgement Receipt and BIR Folio irrespective of the amount posted against the concessionaire charges.


Country Specific - Philippines:

The BIR Document Sequences (Administration->Financial-> BIR Settings->BIR Document Sequences), once updated, is saved correctly in the database, resulting in the BIR document generation with the updated sequence value.


Bug ID Description


You can update the start date from the Events Details/Event presentation screen.


When the New/Edit Event Notes is not granted, the New and Edit options are hidden in event notes and you cannot add or edit an event note.
When the Delete Event Notes task is not granted, the Delete option is hidden in event notes and you cannot delete an event note.


In the BI Publisher Banquet Event Order (BEO), the merge code DATE_LAST_PRINTED displays the time based on the Time Zone configured for the property.


When you book a catering package for the same date on the same business block, you get a warning that the space is already booked.


The Menu Items Search screen loads properly and is viewable in Hub mode.


You can see the Multi Choice Menu created with multi choices in search results.


You can enter a 100 percent resource discount in the Event Details Panel.


When all Menu Items associated to a Revenue Type are deleted, the revenue type is removed from the menu pricing details.


When all the Menu Items associated with a Revenue Type are deleted, the revenue type is removed from the menu pricing details.


You can edit the External URL field either from the Manage Events screen or the Event Overview panel.


When the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currency OPERA Control is active, you can generate the proforma invoice in different currencies other than the one in the original business block.


Bug ID Description


You can successfully create and edit country specific exports from the Exports>Country screen under the Miscellaneous menu.


From HCC export configuration, Validation message, "The Brand/Destination ID field allows only 2 characters" is added to the Brand/Destination ID field.


Export Files that are delivered via SFTP communication are not encrypted.


The XML root tag and XML Schema configuration are now updated when Delivery configuration is changed in Exports.


When eFolio Export is generated from Miscellaneous > Exports > New From Template, the generated report includes the date as part of the file name.


When you generate exports, if the export file template information was not seeded for some reason during migration, the generate export recreates the template internally.

Front Desk

Bug ID Description


You can add and remove the Room Status filter on the Room Assignment search screen using personalization and customization.


When processing a Mass Advance Check In, you can define the ETR (Expected Time of Return) and ETR Comments for the selected reservations.


The Per Adult field in the Create Keys screen shows the number of adults in the reservation.


When Custom Charges functionality is on, and you add a Reservation Exemption to a reservation where the End Date is the current business date, and you select Choose Nights, only the current business date is populated for the Reservation Exemption. Other stay dates are not populated, because they are ineligible.


Bug ID Description


OPERA Cloud Exchange - Resync Blocks generates messages for all blocks when no block is selected.


The correct error message is returned while creating a transaction code and providing the wrong Group, Subgroup, or Transaction code in Webservices.


The room number remains on a reservation when OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) ModifyBooking is adding or updating a reservation package.


The OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI) Dashboard tile shows the values accurately when language is set to JP (Japanese).


When a business event configuration is updated on the Business Event Configuration screen in OPERA Cloud, new business events are generated per the new configurations.


Copy Conversion allows you to copy the OPERA codes for the selected groups to the respective Group in the Interface Mapping screen.


The need to scroll the Interface Mapping screen up/down to configure the same group is avoided to improve the user experience. A group list is loaded based on the Active or Inactive check box.


The IFC Controller live data and controller start time column formats are changed to DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.


The fiscal partner, Generic, is renamed to Generic1. The same partner is visible with the updated name while configuring the Fiscal Folio Parameters.


New element, pointsRequired, is added to the OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) Membership WSDL for FetchRateAwards request.


A new feature for deleting a decommissioned OPERA Electronic Distribution Suite (OEDS) machine is added to the Manage OEDS screen under the Interface Monitoring menu.


The Async getSellLimits response returns "Invalid Room Type" when the requested room type is incorrect.


The External Systems screen validates the external system code to restrict duplication while creating new external systems.


Bug ID Description


A proper validation appears when you delete a room type that has a dependent record in the room type hierarchy.


The Property Availability Rate Restrictions Change log displays time based on the property time zone.


Bug ID Description


End of Day generates successfully when the user who starts the process has a role granted with a name longer than 25 characters.


The End of Day does not continue if the Default Currency code is not configured for the property. When this occurs, an error message is generated, stating: "This property does not have default currency defined. Please contact administrator." Once the default currency code is updated, you can run the End of Day.


Internal improvements enable you to view all merge codes on the Electronic Registration Card screen.


In Quick Links > My Quick Links the Administration menus are available for selection.


Filter conditions are edited and saved successfully for exports from Miscellaneous >Exports >General.

Property APIs

Bug ID Description


FetchFinancialPostings API is updated to query up to 31 days of date range to match with the user interface.


Updating the Room Type on a reservation using the putReservation API when a room is already assigned removes the room from the reservation.


The list of Reservation REST operations are deprecated as OPERA Cloud does not support the following features.
  • putSynchronizeReservation

  • getRecentlyAccessedReservations

  • acknowledgeRoomReadyDelivery


The Asynchronous getRestriction OPERA Cloud Property API does not return a Bad Request warning message when a restriction is set successfully with any combination of valid rate category, rate code, date range, and room type without pricing schedule.


The Asynchronous reservation block, inventory, restriction, and rate GET response expiration time is now reduced to six hours from 24 hours, and the messages is not available after the expiration time.


The list of Customer Relationship Management REST operations is deprecated as OPERA Cloud does not support the following features:
  • getAddressSuggestions

  • autoProcessMatchProfiles

  • getEnrollment

  • getFlexibleBenefitAwards

  • changeFulfillmentExportLogs

  • processProfileDistribution

  • processStagedProfile

  • processStagedProfiles

  • postProfileDistributionFilters

  • getProfileDistributionFilters

  • changeProfileDistributionFilters

  • deleteProfileDistributionFilters

  • issueAward

  • postCertificate

  • transferMembershipPoints

  • changeMembershipTransactionExceptions

  • markProfileAsPrivate

  • deleteProfileOwners

  • deleteStagedProfile

  • getStagedProfileErrors

  • getSuspendedProfileMatchStats

  • getAwardPaymentInfo


The OPERA Web Self-service (OWS) MeetingCreateRequest does not return a user permission error with a valid integration user.


Bug ID Description


In the Reservation Statistics report when the parameter for the Options filter is selected for a specific value, that value, when downloaded as a non-pdf file type, has the MASTER_VALUE column as the selected value.


Internal improvements are made in reports error handling.


In the BI Publisher Banquet Event Order (BEO), the merge code DATE_LAST_PRINTED displays the time based on the Time Zone configured for the property.


Bug ID Description


In Stay Details when attempting to make row level edits in the Daily Details tab, the following applies:
  • Without the Override tasks, you cannot override changes without entering valid credentials.

  • With the Override tasks, you can save changes without entering credentials again.


Improvements ensure all Merge Codes are available for configuring Electronic Registration Cards.


You can create a new profile and link it to another profile from the Associate Profile tab on the Linked Profiles panel. The Linked Profile panel shows the correct number and profile type attached.


When searching for reservations using Basic Search or Advanced Search, you can enter a Contact Name and get filtered search results as expected.


A valid error message is generated once a profile is purged and accessed from a reservation search.


On the Reservation Revenue Summary tile, you can define a different date from the current date when searching for data.
- If the business date of the property and the tile are the same, the date advances after the End of Day.
- If you define a different date than the current business date, it remains on that date even after the End of Day.


You can configure a guest's known membership number in the flex link so that it can be sent to an outbound connection.


You can view recently accessed reservations in Manage Reservations.


When using the Created On and Created By search criteria from the Manage Reservations screen for a specific date, the results appear as expected.


Copy Reservation refreshes the Tax Type for South Africa.


Now you can select the future reservation details while transferring the deposit.


You can see the correct stay statistics.


The OTA_REF value provided by SYNXIS2 in inbound Reservation XML message gets populated as Reservation External Reference.


Reservations with an O9ONHOLD status are not considered when populating statistics on Dashboard tiles or on Arrival Reports.


You can edit Global Alert Definition conditions on the Alerts screen under Administration -> Booking.


Error handling is improved with a user-friendly message when the threshold value is not reached for booking based on membership points.


When you search for reservations using a combination of Stay Dates and Reservation Status results are filtered and returned based on the entereed criteria.


The Total Cost of Stay and Total Estimated fields within the Rate Info screen take into consideration any added fixed charges and routing instructions when the Guest Pay Only OPERA Control is enabled.


You can perform KIOSK check-in and check-out with the OPERA Reservation system when the relevant property management system has an active license.


The Traces time stamp is the same in both the Manage Reservation screen and the Reservation Workspace.


The future and past Stay panel displays the correct count on the Manage Profile, Profile Presentation, Manage Reservation, and Reservation Presentation screens.


When selecting the Shares Details link on the Check In Reservation screen for a share reservation and then selecting a confirmation number link, you can view the following behavior:
When the reservation meets the criteria for check-in (arriving today, not cancelled, not wait listed, and so on), then when selecting the confirmation number link, the Check In screen is refreshed with that selected reservation.
When the reservation does not meet the criteria for check-in (checking in a different day, already checked in, being cancelled, or wait listed), then when selecting the confirmation number link, the Reservation Presentation screen for that reservation opens in a new session window popup


You can add/edit/update email from payment instructions in the Reservation screen. You can select the new email added to the reservation for payment instructions when the Address Validation OPERA Control is on with the required configurations.


You can select the options in Routing Instructions after selecting the Payee profile.


Properties that have multiple currencies configured display packages with the correct currency calculations in Rate Information and Package Details.


For properties where the OPERA Control Auto Check In Arrival Pseudo Rooms is active, Pseudo Room type reservations without a payment method are excluded from the two auto check-in processes during the end of day (Pseudo Rooms Not Checked In and Pseudo Room Arrivals Next Day).


When you select the link to a reservation option, results show reservations based on the entered search criteria.


Throughout the application, the Room status icon for Clean appears in a blue color when the Inspected Status OPERA Control is active. When the Inspected Status OPERA Control is inactive, the Room status icon for Clean appears in a green color.


The Reservation Activity Tile shows Walk In Reservation details for the business date at the property and hub level.

Role Manager

Bug ID Description


The tasks under the Report Groups appear on the Configured Roles and Tasks Report from OPERA Cloud Role Manager.


The Validate Interface Users menu is relocated to Role Manager, then Manage Users, then Interface Users, then select Validate Interface Users.


The Financial Admin task Fiscal Folio Parameters Template is deprecated and no longer available/visible.

Rooms Management

Bug ID Description


You can see the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active, and the OPERA Control parameter for Forecast Rotation Points is off.


A proper validation appears when you create a room type or a room number with a space in it.


The Update Room Status popup panels are expanded by default, so you do not have to expand a section to change the selection.


Arrivals and Departures display the expected list when you click their links in the Housekeeping Forecast screen.


You can view the Turndown Status for component rooms on the Task Sheet Presentation screen. You can also update the Turndown Status from the Update Room Status popup on the Task Sheet Presentation screen.


After creating manual or automatic task sheets, you can generate the report for the newly created task sheet set.


Bug ID Description


The <eAddress> field is masked during the profile download through CRM_LEGACY.


The Outbound Config link on the Service Locator screen navigates you to the Outbound Configuration screen.


The Event Template for data import is updated to correctly handle sub events.


The guest ledger imbalance, which is caused by a package overage posting, is repairable by the Imbalance Analysis tool.


The Imbalance Analysis tool fixes the package ledger imbalances caused by inclusive generates of packages.


When OPERA Control Component Verification is active, you can activate the OPP_IDEA license without error.


Outbound Configuration user actions can be restricted based on the New/Edit and Delete tasks provided under Roles.


You are able to use the "Change Room Type to Another Room Type" Toolbox utility to convert room types.


External Database search fetches results with pagination.