Pre Stay and Post Stay Charging

The Pre Stay Charging and Post Stay Charging features control whether the property allows charges to be made to a reservation before check in or after check out. These features operate according to rules established in the Cashiering group under OPERA Controls.

After activating pre stay charging in OPERA Controls, you can:

  • Allow pre stay charging for a set number of days prior to guest arrival.

  • Specify eligible payment methods for pre stay charging.

  • Restrict pre stay charging privileges to certain reservation types.

  • Allow charging only if the reservation is on queue waiting to be checked in.

  • Make pre stay charging a default option on guest Payment Instructions.

After activating post stay charging in OPERA Controls, you can:
  • Make post stay charging a default option on guest Payment Instructions. This enables posting charges after checkout regardless of the payment type associated with the reservation.

  • Restrict post stay charging privileges to certain reservation types.

  • Activate the open folio functionality.

  • Specify when an open folio needs to be closed (options are Sameday, Unrestricted, or a defined number of days).

  • Define payment types that you can associate with a reservation to enable post stay charging.

  • Set the number of days before automatically closing an open folio with a zero balance.

Pre Stay Charging Example

ABC makes a reservation for next Monday with pre stay charging allowed and a payment method and reservation type covered by the pre stay rules. He later calls to request tickets to a concert he wants to attend Monday evening. The property can reserve the tickets and post the cost of the tickets to his reservation.

Post Stay Charging Example

XYZ has post stay charging enabled on her reservation and AMEX credit card information associated with her profile. The property allows folios to remain open only on the day of checkout. When she checks out on May 6, she uses the AMEX credit card for settlement. Later the same day, she goes to the lobby bar for lunch. The meal can be automatically posted to her folio by the POS interface. Anderson is still in town the next day, May 7, so she stops at the hotel for lunch again. This time, the meal cannot be automatically posted by the POS interface because your property’s post-stay charges rules limit an open folio to SAMEDAY.