About Rate Code Posting Rhythms

Prerequisites for Rate Code Posting Rhythm

Rate Code Posting Rhythm is used to setup a free nights based on length of stay.


 Posting rhythm functionality can be used with daily rates. When configuring a Dynamic Base Rate or an Advanced Dynamic Base Rate, the Posting Rhythm field defaults to the Base Rate configuration and you can change the Posting Rhythm to a different value. When a rate is BAR based, the Posting Rhythm is not inherited because there may be multiple rates configured as BAR.

The Posting Rhythms are exchanged via OXI XML messages based on the Handle Rates Posting Rhythm OXI parameter

Do Not Post Every X Night

This functionality is used to offer a free night based on the length of stay and define which night will be offered as the free night. Optionally, you may specify whether packages (both packages attached to the rate code and packages attached to the reservation) should be posted.


Reservation Fixed Charges are not affected by this feature and will continue to post to the reservation account.


If the transaction code associated with the rate code has a tax generate configured using the Amount option (that is, the generate is a flat amount rather than a percentage of accommodation charge), then the tax generate will be posted to the reservation account every night even if the rate amount is not posted.

The following fields are available when Do Not Post Every X Nights is selected as the Posting Rhythm.

  • Nights: Enter a number for the specific posting rhythm which will define how many days a guest must stay before the rate amount will post as 0.00, giving the guest a promotional free night. For example, if you enter a 3 into this field, and the guest is staying for 3 nights, the room charge for the third night accommodation will post as 0.00 in the reservation account. (The maximum value that can be entered is 14).


    As the Rate Amount is posted as 0.00 for the reservation, this will not be displayed on the guest folio.

Post Packages

Available when you have defined a value for the Do Not Post Every X Nights field. Select this check box if, on the "free" night, you want to post charges for packages that are included in the rate code and packages attached to the reservation. (Selecting this check box affects only packages that have a posting rhythm, which would make them eligible for posting on the "free" night).


When the check box is unchecked, the system will not post any associated packages with this posting rhythm. When this check box is checked, the system will post any associated packages with this posting rhythm. Any associated packages will post as they currently do today albeit inclusively or exclusively.

If the Post Packages check box is unchecked (i.e., do not post packages) then on the free night where accommodation posts as 0.00, no packages and no allowances (loss or profit) will post. If the Post Packages check box is selected (i.e. post packages) then on the free night where accommodation posts as 0.00, the associated packages and allowances (loss of profit) will post and will result in negative room revenue for package items included in the rate. 

When a package attached to a rate code is configured as Add to Rate Combined Line or Add to Rate Separate Line and the Post Packages check box is selected, the rate amount on the reservation for the "free night" will still reflect the package amount, as will the Rate Information. (This behavior is the same as when you have a 0 amount rate code and an Add to Rate Combined Line package).

For example:

A rate code with a rate amount of $100 includes a $50 package that is setup as Add to Rate Combined Line. The Posting Rhythm for the rate code is "Do Not post every 2 nights" and Post Packages is selected. When you perform a search in Look to Book for a 2-night stay, the rate information will show the first night with Room Revenue = $100 and Package Revenue = 0. The second night will show Room Revenue = 0 and Package Revenue = $50.