Forecast Reports

Day/Month-to-Date/Year-to-Date (blk_forecast) - displays a breakdown of reservations by the selected grouping and sub grouping.

Business on the Books (business_on_the_books) - displays the mix of business currently comprising a property's occupancy.

Detailed Availability Forecast (detail_avail) — provides a detailed breakdown of room availability for a selected date range.

Facility Forecast (facility_forecast) — provides a forecast of occupancy and housekeeping tasks for the next five days including and following the selected business date.

Four Week Forecast (fourweek_forecast) - displays the forecasted occupancy for each room type for four weeks at a time.

Future Occupancy Report (resfutureoccupancy) — displays the forecasted occupancy for the property for the selected date range, broken down by individual reservations, block reservations, block rooms not picked up, and all rooms.

Guest Preference Report (preference_forecast) — displays a forecast of guest preferences based on their reservation dates, using the preference code for each day for reservations that are arriving, in house, due out, or for sometime in the future.

History and Forecast (history_forecast) - gives you a clear picture of past reservation activity as well as what reservations are anticipated in the future.

History and Forecast Block (history_forecast_blk) - gives you a clear picture of past reservation activity as well as what reservations are anticipated in the future, broken down into individual and block business.

Inventory Forecast (inventory_forecast) - displays each item with the number available and reserved for each date in the date range.

Length of Stay (los_forecast) - displays a length of stay forecast based on room class or type.

Length of Stay by Market Code (los_market_forecast) - displays a length of stay forecast based on market group, market code, room class, or room type. The lengths of stay are predetermined at 1 - 4 nights, 5 – 11 nights, 12 – 29 nights and 30+ nights, unless rate tiers are active. When this is active, the lengths of stay groupings will be based on those configured for the property.

Package Forecast (pkgforecast) - displays a daily breakdown of the number of reservations, or anticipate reservations, with an attached package.

Preference Forecast (sp_forecast) — displays a forecast of preferences broken down by room number for the specified date range. You have several options to filter this data in the report parameters, for example, including only certain room classes or blocks.

Reservation Booking Pace (reservation_pace) — captures the number of individual and block reservations on the books on any specific day and tracks booking trends. Block reservations does not include block rooms when the block status is INQUIRY, REGRET and LOST. You must enter a compare date range and a stay date range. OPERA Cloud stores the number of reservations for each day, 14 months in the past and in the future. Room Revenue is displayed in local currency and includes any revenue posted that is marked as Lodging.

Reservation Forecast Reports (res_forecast1 and res_forecast2) - generates a reservation forecast by date, for a specified date range.

Rooms on the Books Report (room_type_forecast) - forecasts for a year out from the selected date for all the reservations currently on the books.

Room Type Forecast (rooms_books) - for each room type, report details include total physical rooms (total number of rooms configured for the room type), out of order rooms, inventory rooms (total rooms available minus out of order rooms), total rooms sold (total reserved rooms), and available rooms (available to sell plus sell limits set at room type level minus total sold).

Three Month Forecast Report (three_month_forecast) - a three-month outlook report based on the number of room nights, room revenue, and average rate per market main group per month.

Yearly Forecast Report (stat_forecastyearly) - The yearly forecast report displays all reserved rooms in a summary breakdown of either deduct or non-deduct.  The reservation type determines whether the room reserved has a status of deduct or non-deduct.  The figure represents both reservations and rooms held against a block.