Sell Limits

Sell Limits let you control room availability at your property. You can configure sell limits from the Property Availability screen in the Inventory section. Changes to sell limits are captured in the Changes Log in the Configuration group.

You can set sell limits using positive numbers, negative numbers, or zero.

A positive sell limit overbooks rooms. It sets the number of rooms to sell at more than the number of actual physical rooms. You might overbook rooms to compensate for expected cancellations and no-shows.

A negative sell limit underbooks rooms. It subtracts the number of rooms to sell from the number of actual physical rooms. You might underbook rooms to prevent the sale of certain room types or room classes.

A zero sell limit lets you insert a zero sell limit on individual dates within a range of days. For example, suppose you set sell limits of 15 for a three-week period. You could exclude the Saturdays and Sundays from the sell limits by entering zero on those days.

You can set sell limits:
  • For any day or range of dates.

  • By house or room class/room type, or both.

  • By a number of rooms (flat).