32 Interface Resync

The Interface Resync option can be run individually and in no particular sequence at any time to resync specific data to the external system. One reason for this could be to send all reservations that have not received an external system number during the original transmission. It is recommended that reservations only be resynced once it is certain that the respective rate codes, blocks, and profiles have been built in the external system.

The following are some recommendations:
  • Resynchronization for large periods of time during peak work hours is not recommended.

  • Resynchronization should be done in the late to early morning hours where Night Management or Night Audit can run them without compromising system performance.

  • Resynchronization can be done during the day, however keep in mind that:

    • Smaller time frames are preferable to larger ones.

    • Choose the necessary records to resync over hundreds of records at a time.